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On 7/7/2017 at 10:17 AM, Armorgunner said:

Me too. And I still think, that women in combat positions are not good. The army should be only of men, or only of women´s. Since women and men, tend to like eachother. When they are combined in a combat unit, there will be situations. When people will refuse orders, to save some loveheart. Sorry to say, but thats the truth. I have no problem with an army of womans though. Then i can be home cooking food, and taking a beer :D

1. There's plenty of homosexuals in literally every Army.  Especially the ones that freak out about homosexuals.

2. Having served in combat with women, there was a distinct lack of any of what you described.  The only relevant gender difference I noticed was the classic issue of lower female to bathroom ratios (or the women's bathroom type facilities might have had 10-20 folks "serviced" by that facility, while the male bathrooms would have 40-50 per bathroom), and what I'm about to discuss next.

3. Women are biologically a little smaller and a little weaker.  That said  I had no problem with the thought of female tankers/infantrymen (person?) etc, so long as the standards were the same.  There's not a lot of gals who have the upper body strength to sling 120 MM rounds.  But if one of the ones that could wanted to be a tanker, it'd be stupid to send her away because she's capable of carrying a fetus.*

*As sort of an additional element to that, I also support having the PT test scaled by job, so likely raising the standard gender irregardless for combat arms, while likely lowering the passing score for some non-combat jobs.  Basically I feel in the interest of equality if we're willing to accept weaker people for jobs that are less intensive because of their gender, we really should just accept that it's okay that all admin clerks only have to do 20 pushups or something, while the infantry folks better be able to crank out their at least 50, and be able to "hang" for the entire 12 mile road march, regardless of gender.

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7 hours ago, panzersaurkrautwerfer said:

1. There's plenty of homosexuals in literally every Army.  Especially the ones that freak out about homosexuals.

2. Having served in combat with women, there was a distinct lack of any of what you described.  The only relevant gender difference I noticed was the classic issue of lower female to bathroom ratios (or the women's bathroom type facilities might have had 10-20 folks "serviced" by that facility, while the male bathrooms would have 40-50 per bathroom), and what I'm about to discuss next.

3. Women are biologically a little smaller and a little weaker.  That said  I had no problem with the thought of female tankers/infantrymen (person?) etc, so long as the standards were the same.  There's not a lot of gals who have the upper body strength to sling 120 MM rounds.  But if one of the ones that could wanted to be a tanker, it'd be stupid to send her away because she's capable of carrying a fetus.*

*As sort of an additional element to that, I also support having the PT test scaled by job, so likely raising the standard gender irregardless for combat arms, while likely lowering the passing score for some non-combat jobs.  Basically I feel in the interest of equality if we're willing to accept weaker people for jobs that are less intensive because of their gender, we really should just accept that it's okay that all admin clerks only have to do 20 pushups or something, while the infantry folks better be able to crank out their at least 50, and be able to "hang" for the entire 12 mile road march, regardless of gender.

My service time was from the late first half of the 90´s to the first years of the 20th Century. And there might be big difference now. It´s just a few clicks away i belive. But i won´t look into it.

1. I have no idea

2. In Sweden, when i was in service. There was still conscription. All men was by the law, forced to conscription. Woman´s could do by free will, but only as nco´s (IIRC). But there was no such things as female bathrooms. Everybody took the shower together. And we had more than a few womens in service, during my service time. Although they made up for maybe 2% of all servicemen  (woman)

3. In Sweden thats not a problem. Since Everything has to be genus certified these days, and very politicaly correct. So womens have lesser physical requirements, than men in most physicaly demanding jobs. to do the same job. The policeforce is a good example. As a result, women with poorer physical outcomes, than that of failed men. May be approved. It might differ in different branches though.

*. I love womans, don´t hesitate in that. I´m happily married, and have a fantastic family. But i Think you put up the requirements for the job, and those who pass can start to train!

But you might be right, and i´l be wrong. It was just my thoughts, not a truth. Even though i wrote that.


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IIRC Only a % of roles are open to women - so there is no real equality.   I love women and help them become all that they can be - my wife is very successful and am very proud of her.  But, the concept that we are all equal and everyone can do everything just as well if only they were given the opportunity is a dangerous example of political correctness imo. 

My family is from east Europe and you wouldn't believe the crap they would eat and drink, smoke etc.  But. they live to their 90's (98 and counting for one lady), while their "fit and healthy living" friends all die off.  It's genetics.  But, the effect of genetics is rarely discussed as it's politically embarrassing that we are not all equal and that we may well have different abilities/talents depending on genetics. 

It worries me that we have different test standards just so that "equality" stats can be met.  Personal experience is of a company where they want to reduce the white dominance of executives.  But, they can't find minority folks who are qualified.  Simple solution suggested:  Reduce the qualifications required.  :wacko: 

And so we live in an age of mediocrity where everyone can finally be equal. 

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I have a serious question, that may not be taken seriously. What are the SOP's for peeing when you can't leave the tank for long periods. We just never crossed that bridge with women. For us we developed our own and it involved a gator aid bottle. yeah you can scan the area with thermals at night, but when you see a bunch of civilians scurrying about at 600m you can't assume its safe to jump out and take a leak. Some guy with a dragonov and night ops is just waiting for someone to do that. So we don't. Nobody does. Women must have worked around this minor detail by now I would think?

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1 hour ago, gundolf said:

I have a serious question, that may not be taken seriously. What are the SOP's for peeing when you can't leave the tank for long periods. We just never crossed that bridge with women. For us we developed our own and it involved a gator aid bottle. yeah you can scan the area with thermals at night, but when you see a bunch of civilians scurrying about at 600m you can't assume its safe to jump out and take a leak. Some guy with a dragonov and night ops is just waiting for someone to do that. So we don't. Nobody does. Women must have worked around this minor detail by now I would think?

id imagine adult diapers... also i noticed a weird device that woman from philly used to pee on a US flag. basically its like a oval cup shape with a tube coming out. women eh put it up to their parts and pee and it comes out the tube. i imagine that could be used to fill gatorade bottles..

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23 hours ago, Erwin said:

IIRC Only a % of roles are open to women - so there is no real equality.   I love women and help them become all that they can be - my wife is very successful and am very proud of her.  But, the concept that we are all equal and everyone can do everything just as well if only they were given the opportunity is a dangerous example of political correctness imo. 

My family is from east Europe and you wouldn't believe the crap they would eat and drink, smoke etc.  But. they live to their 90's (98 and counting for one lady), while their "fit and healthy living" friends all die off.  It's genetics.  But, the effect of genetics is rarely discussed as it's politically embarrassing that we are not all equal and that we may well have different abilities/talents depending on genetics. 

It worries me that we have different test standards just so that "equality" stats can be met.  Personal experience is of a company where they want to reduce the white dominance of executives.  But, they can't find minority folks who are qualified.  Simple solution suggested:  Reduce the qualifications required.  :wacko: 

And so we live in an age of mediocrity where everyone can finally be equal. 

good lord, really?  Look at what some of our executives do and tell me a freakin lobotomized hungover aardvark couldn't do just as well. "There aren't enough qualified"...that should mean that just about every qualified non white exec should already have one of these positions then right?  Should we bother googling that to discover the truth? 


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What dies she think about Swedish MREs? I found the food in this one to be most unexpected as far as entrees. The packaging is brilliant, though decidedly too visible. Would say there's much to be said for that whole US drab color approach, This thing could be seen from orbit with even older recon satellite color imaging.


John Kettler

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Had read over a year ago the French MRE's were considered the best in NATO, part of the reason being that they came with a small bottle of wine. Don't know what happened, but of the many MRE videos I watched, only the Italians had alcohol, and it was cordial--for breakfast--40% alcohol by volume. Wham! Now I'm awake! Some countries reviewed had MREs which seemed to be mostly snacks (heavy on candy), with little in the way of what I'd call real food in significant quantity. I get the need for energy, but what about staying power, not to mention the dread specter of sugar crash? France, Italy, Spain and Germany all have hearty fare, with the French operating in the stratosphere by virtue of their simply astounding dinner main course. CrazyRussianHacker is quite entertaining to watch, is like mainlining positivity, and he is grateful. Apparently, he was part of a large family and grew up in a war zone or something. His fan mail opening videos are like seeing a kid at Christmas. 


Believe that depends on how many of those tires you fall over.


John Kettler


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On ‎2017‎-‎07‎-‎16 at 2:55 AM, John Kettler said:


What dies she think about Swedish MREs? I found the food in this one to be most unexpected as far as entrees. The packaging is brilliant, though decidedly too visible. Would say there's much to be said for that whole US drab color approach, This thing could be seen from orbit with even older recon satellite color imaging.


John Kettler

I´m getting a little worried for you John.

This is the second time in this topic, I remeber you. She is not from Sweden, she is a Norwegian. So i dont think she eat Swedish MRE´s.

Norwegian military´s decisionmakers, dont seem to like Sweden at all in recent time. They left the joint SSN Submarine Project. They left the Joint Heavy artillery "Archer" Project, which they left though, only after Sweden bought the inferior Kongsberg RWS. Which was part of the joint deal. So they have smart decisionmakers for the shortrun.

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1 hour ago, Armorgunner said:

They left the joint "SSN" Submarine Project

I was to fast on the buttons there. Ofcorse i meant "SS". Since no nuclear subs was in any of our plans :D

The Project "Viking" though very ambitious. With no turret/Tower or what you call it in English. Was without enemies in the mid 90´s. And with smaller military budgets it was cut.

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Not in good shape presently and seem not to notice/recall certain details I should, but let me make amends. Best not let small kiddies watch this. Might prove traumatic!

Norwegian Arctic Ration MRE Dinner

The comments have some great feedback from, well, actual Norwegians!


John Kettler

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1 minute ago, John Kettler said:


Not in good shape presently and seem not to notice/recall certain details I should, but let me make amends.

Norwegian Arctic Ration MRE Dinner

The comments have some great feedback from, well, actual Norwegians!


John Kettler

It´s sad to hear that you are not so well John!!


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