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Mosul (Iraq) The small red-headed child of an epic MOUT map!

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Give the IED covering fire, or perhaps a vanguard of suicidal technicals?

There's a fairly well known insurgent film of a (huge but failed) truck bomb attack on COP Hotel in Ramadi, where they tried to suppress the rooftop M240 position with spraying fire from the Saddam mosque rooftop. It didn't work, but you can see all the short RPK rounds thoroughly peppering an intervening structure.

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I wasn't sure how cold sunset in Mosul in November actually is (I had set the parameters to cold & damp, I think cool & dry might be better).  :unsure:

EDIT: It appears the average temperature for Mosul in November is 110C.

This seems to be as close as I'll get:


TBH I've been a bit distracted catching up with the boxing tonight.....Needed a break from the editor and prevaricating over writing briefings is my particular speciality.;)

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The apparent head-chopper density level seems within reasonable bounds, it's no skirmish admittedly, but once you've spotted 'em you can swat 'em like bugs.....Depending on the tool chosen for that job, the question of how many there were originally would probably be a matter for speculation (and/or DNA analysis). 

That being said if you go sending your pixeltruppen charging around like the Red Army things won't end at all well for them.....Briefing says as much, pretty clearly.  ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Things have taken a couple of steps backward at present as I've decided to slightly remodel and extend the 'Master-Map' on which all of these scenarios will be set.....I'm hoping to make the map just a little closer to what we actually see on the ground and to slightly extend the rather claustrophobic play-area.

Consequently I will have to transfer the scenario onto an amended 'Sub-Map' before it's ready for public testing.....Combatintman has been kind enough to run through it for me both in playtest and in the editor, the changes described above and some fairly major changes to the player's force are the product of our discussions.

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For the sake of actually turning out something that others can play in the short term, I've decided to perform a simpler modification to the existing scenario and post it as a 'stand alone taster'. 

The modifications I'm making to the 'Master-Map' for the campaign version are quite significant (it's now 800m x 400m for a start) so they will take some time to do to the standard required.....They will also significantly change the battlefield in some areas, so any future campaign version will probably play very differently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly the question of 'What comes after?' appears to have been conspicuously absent in recent strategic planning.  :unsure:

I'm fiddling with the last few bits on the map as I type, just adding colour & flavour (was hoping to find images of the 'Mosque of Believers', but no luck).....The extra space will allow me to deploy the entire CTS Core per our discussions elsewhere, I could probably deploy them all mounted, but keeping half on foot seems the best bet (even if it is slightly contrary to apparent practice on the ground).  Almost everyone will be on the map at the start in the revised version, with only the tanks, HQ units and Erwin's Easter-Egg arriving as reinforcements.  AI scripting will be much as you tested, revised as discussed elsewhere.  Some fiddling with set-ups and AI order painting will be necessary, but nothing massive.

Here's the new bigger map as it currently stands (the Mosque is still 'de-tuned' right now):


Everything in the foreground from the main-road to map edge is new (it will largely be the Blue setup area).....I just spotted another half a block that I haven't tuned yet!  :rolleyes:

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13 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Sadly the question of 'What comes after?' appears to have been conspicuously absent in recent strategic planning.  :unsure:

I'm fiddling with the last few bits on the map as I type, just adding colour & flavour (was hoping to find images of the 'Mosque of Believers', but no luck).....The extra space will allow me to deploy the entire CTS Core per our discussions elsewhere, I could probably deploy them all mounted, but keeping half on foot seems the best bet (even if it is slightly contrary to apparent practice on the ground).  Almost everyone will be on the map at the start in the revised version, with only the tanks, HQ units and Erwin's Easter-Egg arriving as reinforcements.  AI scripting will be much as you tested, revised as discussed elsewhere.  Some fiddling with set-ups and AI order painting will be necessary, but nothing massive.

Here's the new bigger map as it currently stands (the Mosque is still 'de-tuned' right now):


Everything in the foreground from the main-road to map edge is new (it will largely be the Blue setup area).....I just spotted another half a block that I haven't tuned yet!  :rolleyes:

Nice looking MOUT map. 

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16 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Nice looking MOUT map. 

Cheers.....It's based on the best!  B)

11 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

I see now why you are expanding the battlespace. I had to do the same thing with my JOKER 3 map in 2010; the axes of advance (and resistance) were too constrained.

Combatintman's idea of chopping the map is the way forward for the eventual campaign variant, but the chunks were just too small.....It's going to take me a while to finish the Master-Map for the campaign, but I'll have the stand-alone done pretty soon, all being well.

Here's where it's at after tonight's efforts:


Yes I know it looks the same.....But it isn't, honest!  :P

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I think the map is finally done, here's a couple of scenic views:


'Mosque Of Believers' - Securing this building (intact) and the attached madrassa compound is one of four 'Terrain Objectives' (the other three are 'Phase-Lines' requiring the player to sweep the insurgent held area), ISIS forward observers have used the minaret to direct heavy mortar fire against CTS advances on the Maqbara Road:


Consequently CTS is initially obliged to enter the area through the side-streets:


Avenue or alleyway?  ;)

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There are three CTS Engineer Sections with a total of (IIRC) eighteen satchel charges between them (the maximum they can have).....Use them wisely!  ;)

You do get three Abrams tanks in this version, so your blasting options are a little wider than the earlier iterations, indeed you have mighty firepower in several spicy flavours, but you also only have six platoons with their attendant HQs & support elements to sweep the whole map.

All the buildings (should) have been tuned by hand, so there are often routes that are not immediately apparent.....Take your time with this one, it is filled with spiteful things (all of which you can crush in an instant if you spot them before they spot you).

Currently on my third attempt at importing the Core Units, I keep deleting the wrong things and having to start over.  :rolleyes:

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