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18 hours ago, HUSKER2142 said:

Not Durkee. And you do not look their propaganda TV "1 +1", etc. Whether the real proof of the existence of Russian troops, our song has been sung for a short time.What prevents the west help lethal weapon ? Putin's fear, do not tell.

If you wish to continue posting here, accept that Russia is directly involved in Ukraine, the world is round, the Earth revolves around the sun, and the planet is not 9000 years old.  If you wish to challenge any of these things, do so elsewhere.  If you do not understand the difference between the two it is not our responsibility to set you straight. 

Do you understand my warning to you?

18 hours ago, HUSKER2142 said:

P.S. My good friend before the start of 2017, was neutral as to his family. Since January, he and his family did not want to return to the Ukraine and there are many. How are you going to persuade these if your president does not want to spend the federalization.

Be careful about your logic because it might go places you don't want it to go:




17 hours ago, Holien said:

So Husker2142 are you saying no Russian military forces in Ukraine? Yet another attempt to derail this thread..

Not going to be allowed.  He's done it too many times and I've just got done warning people about this.  If he wants to ignore my warnings, the thread will survive and his ability to post will not.


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@Battlefront.com, Re: Russian emigration... I really love when people use numbers... And I just happen to know these specific figures by heart at the moment :D Steve, could you please elaborate what's the meaning of the numbers you've given here? Saying just "emigration" is not an answer - details are interesting :)

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4 minutes ago, IMHO said:

@Battlefront.com, Re: Russian emigration... I really love when people use numbers... And I just happen to know these specific figures by heart at the moment :D Steve, could you please elaborate what's the meaning of the numbers you've given here? Saying just "emigration" is not an answer - details are interesting :)

It's off topic, so no.  My point of showing this is if someone wants to draw broad conclusions about a country from the account of one specific person, then he should apply the same logic to much larger numbers.  If you read HUSKER's comment you should be able to figure out why I posted the numbers of Russians leaving Russia.


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DFS was working less than a day. Enemy artillery again damaged elictricity network. Avdiivka also without electricity. 1 KIA for 4th March, 12 WIA. One have died in hospital - here on photo. Rostislav Trukhanskyi. Contractor of 72nd brigade. Not full 20 years. Week ago near Avdiivka close explosion caused him multiple fragment wounds and broke both legs, which medics were forced to amputate. But this young soldier is just one from thousands fallen. Persuade ? Fedaralization ? First politic, which will try to do this will hanged on Maidan. Only one way to end this war - our troops on the border, Russian "vacationers" and "volunteers" must go away, all DNR/LNR forces must lay down a weapon, and they even can go to Russia. Less scum, better for us. 


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27 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

It's off topic, so no.  My point of showing this is if someone wants to draw broad conclusions about a country from the account of one specific person, then he should apply the same logic to much larger numbers.  If you read HUSKER's comment you should be able to figure out why I posted the numbers of Russians leaving Russia.

"... if someone wants to draw broad conclusions about a country" I'd say never acknowledge being wrong :D Might be enlightening but you have not "posted the numbers of Russians leaving Russia..." :D

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2 hours ago, Haiduk said:

DFS was working less than a day. Enemy artillery again damaged elictricity network.

Yepp. Ukrainian artillery shelled Yasinovataya again.

2 hours ago, Haiduk said:

Persuade? Fedaralization? First politic, which will try to do this will hanged on Maidan. Only one way to end this war - our troops on the border, Russian "vacationers" and "volunteers" must go away, all DNR/LNR forces must lay down a weapon, and they even can go to Russia. Less scum, better for us.

Is it really about the war? :D

  1. UKR "patriotic" battalions move onto the no-man's land - that looked like military action.
  2. Coal shipments are blocked from DNR/LNR - a serious overstretch of imagination as Ukraine looses more than DNR/DNR but still may look like military-economic goals. Proofs for "overstretch" are: EU officially says Ukraine is shooting their own feet, emergency situation is officially declared in the Ukrainian energy system, prime-minister of Ukraine estimates Ukraine losses at 4.5bn EUR plus 75 thousand people loosing their jobs against the backdrop of Ukraine continuing to ask for more financial assistance from the West, Ukrainian President calls people doing the blockage Russian agents.
  3. "Patriots" move to close coal deliveries from Russia and that really leaves Ukraine with no heating and electricity quite soon so Ukrainian police finally opens a criminal case.

Point 3 has no military significance whatsoever - Russia has an internal coal market that's way larger that Ukraine's plus add foreign customers to this. So it finally becomes clear to everyone that it has nothing to do with the war - the "vocal minority" of Ukrainian politics just wants to redistribute seats in the Ukrainian Parliament and topple Poroshenko. But we cannot miss the irony of the process :D:

  1. The blockade is done by "patriotic" battalions and since the President of Ukraine said those who do the blockade are Russian agents we can logically conclude that Ukrainian "patriots" are Russian agents :D
  2. Now we quite officially have a Ukrainian police case against Ukrainian "patriots" who claimed to be war veterans :D

So I'm sorry but you guys just want to drag everyone deeper and deeper into your own internal political mess. Even by military means...

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Some more Ukrainian irony. Ukraine officially does not buy Russian gas - it buys it in Europe. Generally speaking the price for the gas is an oil-linked base price plus per-kilometer transportation overhead. So Russian gas goes to Europe through Ukraine, then Ukraine buys it there paying the transportation price twice: on the way there and then - back. Ukrainian Oil and Gas monopoly estimates Ukraine is loosing 30 USD on every thousand cubic meters - about 520 mln USD per year. Again all of it while asking EU to provide financial assistance.

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4 hours ago, Haiduk said:

all DNR/LNR forces must lay down a weapon, and they even can go to Russia. Less scum, better for us. 

... and all DPR/LPR supporters. Large part of local population. You forgot to say it.

If DFS is destroyed, many of that bad people would have to go in Russia. It is hard to live without water. "Suitcase, railway station, Russia" (c)

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2 hours ago, IMHO said:

Some more Ukrainian irony. Ukraine officially does not buy Russian gas - it buys it in Europe. Generally speaking the price for the gas is an oil-linked base price plus per-kilometer transportation overhead. So Russian gas goes to Europe through Ukraine, then Ukraine buys it there paying the transportation price twice: on the way there and then - back. Ukrainian Oil and Gas monopoly estimates Ukraine is loosing 30 USD on every thousand cubic meters - about 520 mln USD per year. Again all of it while asking EU to provide financial assistance.

Sorry, but they JUST TAKE gas from EU... nowhere is mentioned that they actually pay for it... Here in Slovakia we build reverse station to bring gas back to Ukraine. This story was all the time in the TV how this will help Ukraine. Nobody ever answered the question how they are going to pay for it...

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15 hours ago, IMHO said:

@Battlefront.com, Re: Russian emigration... I really love when people use numbers... And I just happen to know these specific figures by heart at the moment :D Steve, could you please elaborate what's the meaning of the numbers you've given here? Saying just "emigration" is not an answer - details are interesting :)

Yeah, before you know it someone says these emigrants are all spies for Putin! (Worrisome personal thought: maybe they all are!:D)

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As if answering @kinophile's question why fighting has not touched LNR - now it has. Here's the video covering the shelling of LNR on March, 5-6. The text is in Russian but mapings are quite understandable.


Disclaimer: it's an LNR version of events - nothing about their own actions if any.

First hand account of how it looks with a close-up - reporters got under fire in an LNR village. It does not look like they were targeted specifically - just an unlucky day. What might be interesting, the village looks very much abandoned - no people, no servicemen and the shelling is neither intensive nor concentrated. So it seems for the moment those are shots for the sake of shooting.


And the last one - SPAAG tries to shoot down an UAV during nighttime. No mention of whether it's Ukrainian or DNL/LNR SPAAG.



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Three interest episodes of past days on background of position war.

4th of March. DNR source reported two "motor-boats" of Ukrainian Navy have shelled DNR forces some eastern of Shyrokyne from 1km. Looks like this were two Grif-class Maritime Border Guard boats, armed with 23 mm guns. If this not fiction, it very intrerestng - since a loss of one Grif /BG-119/ in Octtober of 2014 from enemy ATGM, this can be first combat using of these vessels against enemy infantry since 2,5 years:   https://www.novorosinform.org/news/67170

5th of March. Separs tried to use "crawl offensive" tactic somewhere on Svitlodarsk bulge - under cover of mortars their small unit advanced forward, dug in and about day shelled our positions. 1st battalion of 54th brigade uncovered enemy position, marked it on own PDA for mortar battery /crowdfunded FBCB analog/, mortars have destroyed position - enemy losses 1 KIA, 8 WIA. About this wrote in own FB Yury Mysiagin, volunteer, wich supply 54th brigade.

6th of March enemy tanks in "promka" area have changed a tactic and rolled on direct fire positions. One was hit with some AT-weapon and lost a track. Alas has been towed on reapir. 

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Re the PDA - considering the System seems to have been compromised by Russian intel from a very early point, it still seems to remain effective. 

However, was there Counter fire against the mortars? I doubt the Russians would let their prices at the monitoring systems needed to track and triangulate the battery's positions. If the supporting mortars to the Sep movement was Separatist crewed, then they woukd nit have access to t d targeting data. 

So, lack of accurate counter fire could indicate:

(1) No Russian crewed artillery, and/or

(2) No Russian Monitoring systems/units in the AO

(3) Russian monitoring units present, active yet staying schtumm (quiet) 

(4) Russian artillery crews in the AO but not doing the firing 

Any ways to bring clarity? 

How often do UKR mortar crews receive accurate CF? 

Has there been an overall of the software? A crackdown on its security? 



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16 hours ago, Haiduk said:

1st battalion of 54th brigade uncovered enemy position, marked it on own PDA for mortar battery /crowdfunded FBCB analog

In facebook he says just about PDA with maps and ballistic calculators, nothing about marking positions. Do you have a link to read about? (no offence, just intersting).

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6 hours ago, DMS said:

In facebook he says just about PDA with maps and ballistic calculators, nothing about marking positions. Do you have a link to read about? (no offence, just intersting).

This hidden in last part of his text - "for more precise computing of enemy positions... there are very useful PDAs with special military maps for precision work". Ballistic calculators and schematic maps were in first generation of these "FBCB" in early 2015. Now all systems,developed by volunteers can operate with special soft wich allow precisely determine coordinates of target by GPS and PDAs now can receive information from different recon equipment, mark these targets on interactive map and transmit informatin in different ways to clients - artillery, staff etc. Of course, each system specialize for own purposes, one more useful for artillery (GIS Arta ), other (Kombat) for recons and mech.units, other (Kropyva) more equal to US FBCB, other (Army SOS) - for interaction with UAV, recons and artillery. 


19 hours ago, kinophile said:

Re the PDA - considering the System seems to have been compromised by Russian intel from a very early point, it still seems to remain effective. 


That was disinformation. All of four mentioned above "FBCB" systems weren't hacked by Russians. All about its work principles nobody will not tell by quite understandable reasons... 

Also too few information about counter-mortar radars using. By the same reasons. Though was one article, where told about several successful conter-battery works during late 2015 - 2016. You need to note, that in conditions of Minsk commanders of platoons, companies and battalions can't call heavy mortar or artillery support. A permission gives only sector HQ and gives it very reluctantly if this is "usual" shelling. Only when obvious escalation began, sector command don't prohibit counter-fire (except if enemy firing form dense residual areas) and then our gunners have a fun...

You also some overestimates current role of Russian regular troops. In such local clashes they don't participate. In current position war most hardly working Russian UAV operators, EW/SIGINT crews and artillery in stand-by mode, possibly special forces teams make diversion and search operations as "militatnts". 

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Looks like we will have new hot point soon in Luhansk sector. Kryms'ke settlement on so-called "Novobakhmutka road". Since strange and tragic battle for "checkpoint 32" in Jan 2015 this part of front long time was relatively calm. But since 93rd brigade was moved in this sector, warfare has been intensified. Some say this is because unlike units, which held these positions before, 93rd as most hard fought unit (18 months without rotations since 2014) have more agressive behavior, they just couldn't "keep cool and watch". Quantit yof clashes and shelling significantly grew, but Bakmutka road anyway couldn't equalize by intensivity of shellings with Svitlodarsk bulge and promka. But about two weeks ago Kryms'ke more and more strated to mean itself in ATO HQ daily reports. This was mostly mortar and ATGM shellings. We lost several soldiers there.

At 4th of March enemy diversion group tried to pass our minefield with assist of sappers in Zholobok village area (some SW from Kryms'ke on the map) in order to make something in our close rear, but group blew up on mines - 4 KIA, 3WIA. In the night from 9th to 10 th of March possibly was logic continue of this episode - enemy tried to attack and seize out forward observation position in Kryms'ke area, using our "crawling offensive" tactic, but looks like our intelligence or SIGINT well done and when enemy assault group have concentrating for advance some "bad thing" have fell on their heads - 5 KIA and unknown, but big number of WIA, as said civil volunter Roman Donik, which is supplying 93rd brigade. Enemy attack was foiled, and since 2:00 of night they fired as revenge from Sentianivka (old name Frunze) 70 Grad rockets, 60 120 mm mortar shells and some 152 mm shells on our positions near Kryms'ke. Also 15 152 mm artillery rounds hit Smolianynive village outskirts in 23 km NNE from Kryms'ke and in 28-30 km from enemy positions. Looks like enemy moved a battery of 2A36 "Giatsynt-B" with 30 km fire range directly on forward lines to reach the village. Probably enemy detected there our battery, which hit DNR troops, prepared for assault - I have no more ideas, why they shelled area of that village in operative rear of our forces. Also yesterday MoD reported about MLRS Uragan maneuvers in Luhansk region, may these things some tied between each other. There is no information about our losses exactly in that area, but for 10th of March we have total 2 KIA, 16 WIA. Today in this area was relatively "calm" if not count heavy infantry weapon and rearely mortars. Looking for possible continuing...



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Want no more fight - just the video is worth watching I believe. Here's Ukrainian controlled Avdiivka, Mar, 11 at 1500. A residential building is shot at point blank distance - less than 500 meters give or take judging by the time between shooting and explosion. Means both the building and the point of shooting are both on Ukrainian-controlled territory. Comments claim a Ukrainian TV crew of TSN channel was on site to film the action but it's not in the video so one can decide for oneself what's going on. The shot is at 00:30 and the operator says there were several shots before the video starts.

Satmap: https://www.google.ru/maps/place/Vorobiova+St,+15,+Avdiivka,+Donetsk+Oblast,+Ukraine,+86060/@48.1266357,37.7502077,314m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x40e0838daf9c0a3b:0x737918c3ba7ae1a7!8m2!3d48.1273493!4d37.7493724

Photo: https://www.google.ru/maps/place/Vorobiova+St,+15,+Avdiivka,+Donetsk+Oblast,+Ukraine,+86060/@48.124511,37.741159,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s91203508!2e1!3e10!6s%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fproxy%2FxuUDJafZy4jpt6f465TqwyATYfzmL65vX6dz33OQ4npGRZRWrm2we_-fBR9YqbVcK25MyLhJjJW7qzuPPU1I4REDBkmWmg%3Dw203-h134!7i4196!8i2786!4m5!3m4!1s0x40e0838daf9c0a3b:0x737918c3ba7ae1a7!8m2!3d48.1273493!4d37.7493724

PS Again I post just because it's the first time I've seen such a video so I honestly believe it might be interesting.


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20 minutes ago, IMHO said:

Want no more fight - just the video is worth watching I believe. Here's Ukrainian controlled Avdiivka, Mar, 11 at 1500. A residential building is shot at point blank distance - less than 500 meters give or take judging by the time between shooting and explosion. Means both the building and the point of shooting are both on Ukrainian-controlled territory. Comments claim a Ukrainian TV crew of TSN channel was on site to film the action but it's not in the video so one can decide for oneself what's going on. The shot is at 00:30 and the operator says there were several shots before the video starts.

This building has been abandoned since 2015, because situates in danger area on the city limit. It already was hit several times with tank guns. Enemy periodically shelled it, because there are Ukrainan positions nearby and sometimes snipers use top floors of this building for observation and night hunting.

But here fresh impact in building with inhabitants. Fortunately, no one was harmed 


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56 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Interesting piece from WIB, life at the front from a Ukrainian perspective, in English:  https://warisboring.com/defiant-in-the-quagmire-a-ukrainian-commander-vows-to-liberate-all-of-our-lands-8b1768805fb9#.8nt4il41z

Surprisingly balanced and objective article that foregoes most propaganda and just reports the facts on the ground. I only wish we could get more of those...

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There are heavy clashes started at the morning between Vodiane village and Pikuzy (old name Kominternove) town. As I wrote recently, tensions on that part of front have significantly raised in last time - both sides continuously keep fire contact and suffer losses. Two days ago enemy 120 mm mortar shell hit observation post on our positions and killed two soldiers. 

On this time REAL situation still unknown, so I'm posting here official information:

At 9:30 of morning two enemy groups in force about 40 men attacked our position near Vodiane village. Our troops engaged them and after fight counter-attacked and advanced forward. After enemy have used artillery anf MLRS our troops returned on own position. Enemy have launched 55 120 mm, 40 122 mm, 40 152 mm shells and 65 Grad rockets. 

In action have are participating units of 701st marines battalion of 36th marines brigade and probably small unit of Ukraniian Volunteer Army (ukr. UDA) of D.Yarosh. Reportedly our losses 2 KIA, 7 WIA. Enemy losses 6 KIA, 9 WIA (5 KIA because of direct hits on their position). Enemy position damaged, but unknown what exactly - main "height 73" (also known as "Derzkiy") or smaller on 1800 m on NNE from height 73

Simplified scheme of positions in that area. Height 73 in red circle in real some westward and UKR position in front of it indeed far to west too - on the limit of Vodiane.  


And this is video, filmed on observation camera, which fixed part of enemy artillery strike and Grad salvo, which hit mostly village. Almost all inhabitants as far as year ago abandoned Vodiane, though some still in western part beyond the gully




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Updated information about fight near Vodiane.

As bacame knowingly, our troops have attacked not the height 73, but smaller position on the road Vodiane - Pikuzy (on the map pointed by red rectangle and arrow). After repelling enemy group probe with ZU-23 and 82 mm mortars our forces counter-attacked this position with approx. platoon with covering of 1-2 BMPs and tank. Marines approached to the trenches and during close fight seized its, most of enemy garrison was destroyed - 7 KIA, other 5 WIA and unharmed fighters have retreated on outskirt of Pikuzy. Marines immidiately became to deepen trenches, but pause in battle was short - enemy began shelling of own lost position from trenches in Pikuzy. From the town was moved a tank, which also shelled our position. Looks like both tanks want to destroy in first order opposing infantry positions, then own vis a vis. Both continuously have changed positions, twice our artillery forced enemy tank to retreat. Enemy artillery also shelled our positins, preventing advance of reinforcements. Further enemy made salvo with "Grad", which has been filmed, but all salvo hit the Vodiane village instead our position. After three hours of skirmish and shellings our marines have a lack of ammunition, our tank exhoust all rounds and left battlefield. In this time, when intensity of battle was reduced, enemy tank rapidly approached on 200 m to our positions and became shot out trenches. Our BMP engaged tank with 30 mm gun to distract it from marines, but tank shelled BMP and damaged it with close explosions of HE ammunition. BMP also was forced to retreat. Further under covering of tank, MG and mortar fire, enemy reinforcement have attacked our position. Being under heavy fire and with limited ammo marines became retreat. In this time long MG burst shot dead two marines and three injured (by other version one marine was killed by sniper). Troopers have time to take only wounded comrades - bodies of two killed marines and some number of ammunition (mostly RPG-22) fell in the enemie's hands. Overall our losses 2 KIA 7 WIA, enemy by marines data lost 9 KIA 13 WIA. DNR forces reported 10 KIA from Ukrainian side, knocked out BMP and only three wounded from own side.


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