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Black Sea v1.04 released!

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Okay, you guys tell me. Which system broke CM and shut down Mac production?

I could have sworn it was 7.0, but I suppose it could have been 8.0

You are correct that I don't remember the specifics, I remember the emotions. I remember disappointment first, at the disappearance of the game for the Mac, and then anger at the attitude by the developers, and at the attempt to blame Apple.

At the time, you guys stood in stark contrast to Major Holdridge's attitude and online presence. I was running my own company, and I was a customer of both you and the Major. I watched Major Holdridge, I watched you, and then I established my own policy for the web for my company.

I retired when I was 49.

Nothing has changed.

(Well, except the obvious. I'm retired, and you're still dealing with the public, in spite of having a vastly superior product to what I had.)

Edited by Jammersix
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1 hour ago, Jammersix said:

Okay, you guys tell me. Which system broke CM and shut down Mac production?

I could have sworn it was 7.0, but I suppose it could have been 8.0

No, I think 9.2 was the last system that would run it. It was OS X that broke it.

1 hour ago, Jammersix said:

You are correct that I don't remember the specifics, I remember the emotions. I remember disappointment first, at the disappearance of the game for the Mac, and then anger at the attitude by the developers, and at the attempt to blame Apple.

Apple was to blame. They switched rendering systems (if that is the right word) without much warning, leaving BFC high and dry.

BTW, you mentioned Major Holdridge, a fine gentleman in my estimation. He abandoned the Mac quite a few years ago, disgusted with Apple's antics.

I still love the Mac and wouldn't think of switching, but I have on occasion been infuriated by Apple's callous treatment of gamers. Why they won't build a world class gaming rig—or even allow one to be built utilizing their OS—has for years escaped me.


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9 hours ago, Michael Emrys said:

I still love the Mac and wouldn't think of switching, but I have on occasion been infuriated by Apple's callous treatment of gamers. Why they won't build a world class gaming rig—or even allow one to be built utilizing their OS—has for years escaped me.


Because latte sipping, turtle neck sweater wearing hipster just dont game.... ;)

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Apple is like the weather. It is what it is.

If it changes, it is what it is.

Apple sets the OS. Developers (All developers, not just gamers) deal with it, or they vanish. Like wearing a raincoat when it's raining, because turning the rain off isn't an option. Complaining about the snow is less than useless.

Refusal to accept what is is a recipe for failure.

The rest of the Apple developers dealt with every system change to date, or they left for Florida, sold their computers and became librarians.

Edited by Jammersix
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You're wrong about where we can place CM in a windows install.

The only restriction there could be is to Not put it into the 64bit Program Files folder, and preferably into the 32bit one,  Program Files (x86). There's nothing to prevent me making a Games folder within that x86 folder and plonking all two of my 32bit games inside, which is exactly what I've done. 

But even then I've run it from a separate internal HDD, no problems.  

Edited by kinophile
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Yes. OS9.2 was the last Mac to run CMx1. Apple abandoned QuickDraw in favor of OpenGL as I recall

and yes Apple did something funky in the last version of Mavericks that was fixed in Yosemite for CMSF. In the meantime BFC did offer a hot fix for Mac users as I recall. 

I have seen several PC games that were poorly ported to Mac. 

Not from BFC. We are a small but loud community. :P

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On 10/22/2016 at 4:56 AM, Battlefront.com said:

Whiners like you have been saying that since 1998 when we started this Forum.  We did listen to you and stopped letting Charles post.  He was even less patient with people like you than I am.



Whoa!!  Can I vote to have Charles moved over to being your primary PR guy?

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15 hours ago, Jammersix said:

Okay, you guys tell me. Which system broke CM and shut down Mac production?

You also apparently have serious reading comprehension problems.  I already explained that in detail, though I suppose you could have missed it among the other corrections to your factually flawed statements.

15 hours ago, Jammersix said:

I could have sworn it was 7.0, but I suppose it could have been 8.0

And it was actually OS X, as I already stated.  You're just piling it on yourself, aren't you?

15 hours ago, Jammersix said:

You are correct that I don't remember the specifics, I remember the emotions. I remember disappointment first, at the disappearance of the game for the Mac, and then anger at the attitude by the developers, and at the attempt to blame Apple.

Apple was to blame, still is to blame, and will always be to blame for ceasing to support a major technology that they assured us would remain supported under OS X.  Considering that Apple pulled the rug out from under us, that was an acceptable position for us to take and to hold forever.  However, unlike you we moved on about 12 years ago.  You are apparently stuck in a timeloop.

15 hours ago, Jammersix said:

At the time, you guys stood in stark contrast to Major Holdridge's attitude and online presence. I was running my own company, and I was a customer of both you and the Major. I watched Major Holdridge, I watched you, and then I established my own policy for the web for my company.

And yet as a customer you're the exact opposite.  Hmmm... interesting.

15 hours ago, Jammersix said:

I retired when I was 49.

Nothing has changed.

(Well, except the obvious. I'm retired, and you're still dealing with the public, in spite of having a vastly superior product to what I had.)

Heh... that's funny.  Especially when you say such things like this...

3 hours ago, Jammersix said:

Apple is like the weather. It is what it is.

If it changes, it is what it is.

Apple sets the OS. Developers (All developers, not just gamers) deal with it, or they vanish. Like wearing a raincoat when it's raining, because turning the rain off isn't an option. Complaining about the snow is less than useless.

And yet here you are, complaining about something that happened a dozen years ago as if it happened to you just today.  You're a real piece of work, that's for sure.

3 hours ago, Jammersix said:

Refusal to accept what is is a recipe for failure.

We didn't refuse to accept anything.  You, on the other hand, live in your own very fantasy world.  A pretty unpleasant one from what I can tell.

3 hours ago, Jammersix said:

The rest of the Apple developers dealt with every system change to date, or they left for Florida, sold their computers and became librarians.

We dealt with it just fine.  We realized that we would never recover the money necessary to rewrite an already outdated engine, so we moved on to make a new one.  Or as you put it, "we dealt with it".


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On 22/10/2016 at 8:51 AM, Jammersix said:

 I remember system 7, I remember system 8, I remember system 9, I remember Shock Force, and my stomach turns over.

Jesus. First World White Person Problems. 

$100+ for a game is insane, blinkered and short term thinking. And I for one have zero intent to pay $100/CA$140. But hey, call the decisions for the rest of us. 

It also contradicts your own statement that they could somehow turn an extremely niche simulation style product aimed at older men into an arcade style click-'em-up global phenomenon aimed at twittering tweens. Sure I'd buy that game. Oh wait,  never

Seriously, you can't just say Thanks for the Patch and leave it at that? 

They've hit the majority of bugs with going down the path of feature mission creep. 

Edited by kinophile
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Over 2 years ago you launched your personal crusade demanding BFC fix something Apple BROKE!  CMSF 36% hang.  At 1st glance your faulty assessment was possibly based on your lack of understanding of facts. Phil responded to you directly to clarify the facts …
Originally Posted by Jammersix
I don't have any problems with any other program, including other games.
Even online games, EVE, WoW, everyone except CM seem to have taken this OS in stride.

Phil Culliton - First Second Programmer

Your theory would have a lot more weight if it hadn't happened so many times before, to Combat Mission, and only Combat Mission.

We use a piece of OpenGL that a lot of folks probably don't, and we use it hard. It should work; it's part of the core OpenGL specification. Apple broke it. I'm not sure what the "theory" in question is supposed to be, but I know precisely what's broken, and I know precisely who broke it and when, and in neither case is it anything remotely like our fault.

So: Apple broke a core piece of OpenGL, apparently didn't test for it, and shipped it. They've known about it since January, when I first reported it, and have released at least a couple dozen OS seeds since then, so apparently they have no immediate plans to fix it. We created a workaround for the issue as soon as we discovered it, and will be shipping it in every game we release a patch for, until it's no longer needed.

Which party is the problem again?

J6, over many months, myself and others offered you friendly help, advice, guidance to further your ability understand. You refused to understand or accept facts! You offerd plenty of criticism and complaints.

Your current comments and demands here appear to confirm your behavior / communication pattern. (IMO) this reveals a idiosyncratic reoccurring loop that only you can patch... or not.

Good Luck with that.



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1 hour ago, JohnO said:

here, here, so now can we put it to rest.

Yup.  I'm done with it.  My patience has worn out, especially because all of this fuss is apparently some wildly out-of-proportion reaction to something that happened long ago and wasn't even appropriate at the time.  Petty nonsense like this is definitely a distraction and serves no purpose other than diminishing his own value in the eyes of fellow forum members.

Jammersix, you have repeatedly shown yourself (in this thread and others) to be in gross violation of the Forum rules, specifically those which pertain to Axe Grinding and Trolling.  This is a formal warning.



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2 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

Yup.  I'm done with it.  My patience has worn out, especially because all of this fuss is apparently some wildly out-of-proportion reaction to something that happened long ago and wasn't even appropriate at the time.  Petty nonsense like this is definitely a distraction and serves no purpose other than diminishing his own value in the eyes of fellow forum members.

Jammersix, you have repeatedly shown yourself (in this thread and others) to be in gross violation of the Forum rules, specifically those which pertain to Axe Grinding and Trolling.  This is a formal warning.



i agree with you,mister

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6 minutes ago, MOS:96B2P said:

Did we ever get the correct ReadMe file for this patch?  I like to try and keep track of patches/updates to the game. 

v1.04 Patch Notes:

Infantry Weapons:

* Effectiveness of the M-25 CDTE's HE grenade has been increased against enemy troops.
* More models of recoilless weapons can fire indoors, and with less suppression on the firing troops.
* Infantry mortar teams will now use their mortars when given a Target Light area fire command.
* FIXED: Disposable AT weapons not disappearing from the soldier's kit after use.
* FIXED: Igla S missile offset from tube when launching.
* FIXED: Rarely an AT-14 team would be unable to finish deploying the ATGM inside houses.
* FIXED: M25 CDTE has 5-round magazine.


* IFVs with cannons and ATGMs will more intelligently choose which weapon systems to engage enemy vehicles with.
* Abrams tank side turret armor (both base armor and ERA) is now less effective at defending against tandem HEAT warheads.
* Russian Kontakt-1 and Kontakt-5 ERA are now less effective at defending against tandem HEAT warheads.
* Abrams smoke deploys slightly more slowly.
* Ukrainian tank ammunition loads have been adjusted. Oplot-M now carries APFSDS 3BM42 Mango (instead of Zubr), and T-64BV now carries APFSDS 3BM22 Zokolka (instead of APFSDS 3BM42 Mango). T-6DBV now carries 3BK18 HEAT shells instead of 3BK18M.
* BTR-80A, BTR-82, and BTR-82A are now more willing to area fire in low visibility conditions.
* 2K22M Tunguska does not have thermal optics (the 2K22M1 still does).
* FIXED: The AT-10's tandem HEAT warhead from the BMP-3/3M was too weak against ERA. 
* FIXED: Sometimes Bradley and Abrams ERA blocks would fail to function, allowing HEAT warheads to travel through them and hit the base armor unimpeded.
* FIXED: At close LOD, BMP-2M would look like a BMP-2.


* FIXED: UAV thermal vision works better in poor weather.

Quick Battles:

* QB prices of fortifications have been increased.
* Tunguska SPAA QB price increased.


* Improved textures for M110.
* Improved textures for Skif.
* Improved textures for AK-74M.
* Added muddy textures for MT-12 Rapira.
* Corrected some mismapped textures in a few flavor objects.
* Small adjustments to a variety of vehicle models.

Misc Bug Fixes

* FIXED: M1167 Humvees would sometimes count as a tank kill on the AAR screen.
* FIXED: Unit crossing bridge would sometimes get stuck or needlessly zigzag.
* FIXED: Sometimes a wire fence would stay upright after a vehicle rolled through it.
* FIXED: A specific Independant House building model had opaque windows.
* FIXED: Other minor misc bug fixes.

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19 hours ago, antaress73 said:

The patch is great. it is me or the Russians are more deadly and in general spot better ? 

Not sure how that could be as we don't have across the board, nation specific rules.  Be it spotting, lethality, RoF, or whatever.  Everything is done weapon by weapon, vehicle by vehicle, system by system.  To see a widespread increase in Russian lethality would require tons of changes specific to Russian equipment.  As you can see from the fix list, there were some things tweaked in favor of Russian equipment, some things tweaked to their detriment.


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On 22/10/2016 at 8:34 PM, Battlefront.com said:

...  I was involved with Combat Mission since it was drawn on a cocktail napkin stained with Guinness.  ...

Very informative thread, but I couldn't let this pass ...

Ewwwwww, you like Guinness :blink:

C'mon man, there's outstanding dark ales out there, rich with flavour, and you choose "burnt" flavour ? You must be a Mac user or summat. :P

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10 minutes ago, Baneman said:

Very informative thread, but I couldn't let this pass ...

Ewwwwww, you like Guinness :blink:

C'mon man, there's outstanding dark ales out there, rich with flavour, and you choose "burnt" flavour ? You must be a Mac user or summat. :P

Blasphemy!  While I will admit Guinness in a bottle is something I just won't do, Guinness on tap is sweet nectar of the bar tender gods. 

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1 minute ago, kinophile said:

I used to drink it by the gallon back home. 

Alas, nowadays I cannot, unless I want to clear the room, the bar then spill out to the street and cause an Toxic Event Emergency Response. 

Murphy's is smoother and sweeter. 


In my best Trump imitation - Wrong! (TM)

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5 minutes ago, Baneman said:

Very informative thread, but I couldn't let this pass ...

Ewwwwww, you like Guinness :blink:

C'mon man, there's outstanding dark ales out there, rich with flavour, and you choose "burnt" flavour ? You must be a Mac user or summat. :P

In 1997 we were still getting used to good beers being available on tap.  My how things have changed since!


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