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Something weird is happing....

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The map I used was Hill-water-Village probe  912 X 816.  I did not alter any of the terrain objective or anything like that.  I simply chose some units and played the american side.  I thought that since the bridge was busted that the BMP's would cross at the fording point.  I had my drone up with my forward observer and this is what formed up.  I called down 120 MM fire on the gaggle.  I brought down the Bradley's from where I had them concealed and they chewed up the BMP's and the infantry.  Funny thing was that one of the T-90's blasted by sole Abrams tank and a couple of my Bradley's but not before they nailed a few of them.  I thought it was kinda fun, but as you can see very bizarre behavior by the Russian vehicles.  I tried to upload a photo from the Abrams view, but I cannot seem to get it to work...I gave up.

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Hi: I'm the person responsible for the QB Maps.  I've Checked Hill-Water-Village (912 X 816) 078r Probe for any odd AI Pathing or mistakes.  I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.  I can tell you the bridges on the map aren't destroyed (if that's what you mean by "busted" and there is also a shallow Ford Crossing so no reason the AI Attacker vehicles can't get to the other side of the river.  I'm also pretty sure those Russian Tankers weren't playing football... So I got no clue what's going on?  Happen to have a save file you could send me at     markDOTezra3591ATgmailDOTcom   ?

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Yup, that's what he checked out.  No obvious problems to him.  When Markus sends a savegame to Mark he'll either spot something that needs changing or send it to me so we can check it at the code level.  Either way we want to figure out why a nation with no significant interest in Rugby is suddenly thinking this is a good thing to do on the battlefield.


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Oh man that is a bit odd. Nice icons through.

@Markus544...  Icon Mods... any other mods you're using? 

I just played a setup as iron with the map in question... me as US defender.  The Attacking Russian AI played well and followed it's orders with out a hitch.  Drones and FO watched the action

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This is how I set these guys up.  As you can see I have one of my forward observers on the hill overlooking the approaching Russians.  I let things play out for a few turns as I stated before I thought the BMP's would approach the ford and when they did so I was going to blast them into the drink, but that did'nt happen.  So I blasted them as they commiserated.

Battle of Gaggle.btt

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Markus544:  Developments... The btt save file dl fine x3 but fails to show up in my save game file.  Please let me know what version of the game you have.  It should be on the lower right of intro page and will say v1.03 game engine 3.  Next re-send the file from your game save file one more time.  Also... what mods are you using?

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I have 1.30 version of CMBS.  I sent the file again.  I loaded up the same file and once again the Russian units bunched up like the first time,  Although in a different location on the map..  "Battle of Horesfld" is what I named the file when I first created it.  I renamed it "Battle of gaggle". It is the same file, I changed nothing.  I must admit that I've not uploaded many files and for some reason I can't get a photo of my mods folder to load into the forum.  I know there is a limit,but the file is only like 211 KB what gives?

Battle of Horesfeld.btt

Edited by markus544
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There is No Problem with your save file attachment nor am I having a problem in dling and installing the game save file.  Our versions are the same. My copy of the QB Map is designed and functions properly.  But when I try using your s

game save it does not appear.  So Let me try two Things

1.  I will have 2 Beta testers try your file and see what the get.

2.  I have attached Hill-Water-Village (912 X 816) 078r Probe game save map.  Please place it in your save game file and see how it play for you.  I will do the same so we can compare results

Quick Battle 001.bts

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Okay....Loaded the game and I see a larger quantity of Russian units than I used.   I don't think that should matter.  My deal was daytime yours nighttime.  Don't see the reason for any change.  but I did not create the game.  All I had was the forward Obs guys, nothing else.  I had more shooters.


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Here's What Is Wrong.  You have placed CMRT QB Maps into your CMBS Game.  I know this because the file ending you've attached is "BTT"  All CMRT Scen/OB Maps use that file Ext.  All CMBS Scen/QB Maps  use "bts" file extension. There is nothing wrong with your game EXCEPT any scen/QB Map you have placed in your game post sale. So case Closed.... But funny pics

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