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Russian army under equipped?

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Okay, you got me. The pics are great, and one blindsided me. Never heard anything about Msta-C, which clearly is operational in at least the 5th CAA. Is it intended to replace the current towed Msta-B in formations so equipped? As for the huge SP mortar, I remember when I first crossed paths with the 2S4 Tyulpan. Didn't take it well, a condition which worsened when I earned it was also nuclear capable. Already knew it to be CW capable. The gigantic laser guided munition was quite a shock, too. All in all, very impressive, but what I really like is how the barrels ring after each shot!


John Kettler

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Found a very nice Verba MANPADS video. Pretty comprehensive for every major piece (GRAU desginated) of the system. This is a cross post from another thread, but the video is so information rich, topical and superb in image quality I thought it should be here, too.

Also found this great survey video of mostly new/newish Russian weaponry. Some fabulous footage of everything from robot tanks to ICBMs.


John Kettler

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7 minutes ago, Erwin said:

Now that is featureless boring terrain...  and freezing...  Please can we go back to the sunny desert?

The Arctic is the future battlefield. The Airborne Troops are already conducting exercises there with landing troops.

Арктика это будущее поле битвы . Войска ВДВ уже проводит там учения с высадкой десанта .

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Great video full of grog goodness! I have no idea what the song was about, but I was swept up by it and simply couldn't sit still. I think the MTLB-M is a cool AFV, but the awkward dismount sequence shot from within said an awful lot about passenger compartment ergonomics. Have sat in an MTLB, and at my height of 5' 11" it was pretty uncomfortable, but one look in a BMP convinced me that wouldn't be doable at all. Here are some videos I found,

VDV video. Rocks--on several levels of meaning! Lots of goodies on display: weapons, uniforms, close combat tactics, obstacle courses, field exercises and more. 

Spetsnaz (video from mid 2015). Don't believe it's as good as the other video, and the FX are counterproductive in places, but there is still much to see here, with Spetsnaz operating in a range of environments, including one I'd never seen before: maritime, specifically VBSS (Vessel Boarding Search and Seizure) aka the kind of things most would associate with US Navy SEALS. New and old weapons are on display, with lots of different uniforms and combat tasks, convoy ambush, sentry neutralization, capturing a "tongue" and more.


John Kettler

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Russian SSO in Syria (Video posted March 2, 2017). This is today's Spetsnaz(?), which is why it's here, sporting equipment I'd not seen before, including a special tripod for what is clearly a 12.7 mm sniper rifle and what I believe to be the Russian version of a SOFLAM. There is a great look (presuming the images haven't been tweaked) at what their thermals can see, a drone, parachuting while carrying an ATGM, a possible new standard pistol (Kalashnikov PL-14?), a heavily armed TIgr with both a scoped MG and a scoped AGS, real sniping clips (no gore that I saw), SEAL type helmet with good look at commo gear, etc. 


John Kettler

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Jeez, so now the Russkies are beating us with better recruiting propaganda videos AND music AND acrobatics.  The only skill they don't seem to have is ballroom dancing.  Made me wanna enlist!   :ph34r:

Oh wait, no women or minorities...    Never mind.  The Russkies are screwed after all...  :wacko:

BTW:  Liked the music in the 2nd video better.  Would use that in CMBS is we could get a .wav of it.

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The Russians are terrors on the dance floor. If you don't believe me, just start watching "Dancing With The Stars" and various ballroom dance competitions. Would post some, but they don't dance in cammies!  As for females in the Russian military, I've posted videos in the past. There is, for example, a multi-episode documentary on a female Motor Rifle Battalion.

If you wanted to enlist before, this should make you INSIST on doing so! One thing I like is that Russian female soldiers seem to get to generally have their hair down, which, in my view, is much less severe and more flattering than the hair up US approach. 


John Kettler

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This is a cross post from another thread, but the video is so informative on the BM-30 and BM-30M it's, in my view, a must watch. The rocket and warhead end could be better, but it's available elsewhere, and there's such a wealth of material I'm inclined to be forgiving.


John Kettler


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10 hours ago, John Kettler said:


The Russians are terrors on the dance floor. If you don't believe me, just start watching "Dancing With The Stars" and various ballroom dance competitions. Would post some, but they don't dance in cammies!  As for females in the Russian military, I've posted videos in the past. There is, for example, a multi-episode documentary on a female Motor Rifle Battalion.

If you wanted to enlist before, this should make you INSIST on doing so! One thing I like is that Russian female soldiers seem to get to generally have their hair down, which, in my view, is much less severe and more flattering than the hair up US approach. 


John Kettler

Dear god...  we're screwed...  :blink:      Where do I enlist... again...

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Real, I'd say. Of course, they're obviously not all like that. There are lots of Russian women who don't look like that, but with 35,000 women in the Russian military as of two years ago, you're bound to get some great looking young women as a result. Naturally, everybody's less hefty at that age, too, and food is harder to come by, further holding down weight. 



You may also be interested to know that a list of the 10 most attractive armed forces with females, the US is 10th and

Russia 2nd.


Here, from what appears to be a Romanian source, is a unit of female soldiers. As you can see, they're not all breathtaking fashion model types.


Image Credit: CD.Ro

The below is probably closer to typical. As you can see, a number of these women clearly aren't runway ready in face or figure. If I had to guess, you're probably seeing women with a bunch of different ethnicities, too.

Image Credit: flickr

For comparison, a shot of a Russian female sniper unit in the GPW.


Image Credit: Pinterest


John Kettler

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Wanted to state, for the record, the Russians (and maybe the Ukrainians) are getting screwed in CMBS because they have been de facto stripped of the organic BM-21 battalion in the Tank Brigade and Motor Rifle Brigade. For details, please see my new post in the below thread. It's the one with lots of unit wiring diagrams.


The video admirably made my point, though I'd like to crucify the dolt who couldn't hold the camera still. Gave me a blinding headache and and an upset stomach (kind of like impending seasickness) in very short order.


John Kettler

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14 hours ago, John Kettler said:


Wanted to state, for the record, the Russians (and maybe the Ukrainians) are getting screwed in CMBS because they have been de facto stripped of the organic BM-21 battalion in the Tank Brigade and Motor Rifle Brigade. For details, please see my new post in the below thread. It's the one with lots of unit wiring diagrams.

I myself was surprised at the lack of the MLRS (Rocket Artillery Division) .

The rocket artillery division (readn) is the artillery unit of the brigade. It is designed to solve problems in the interests of the brigade and to support the battalions operating in the main direction.


Я сам удивился отсутствию дивизиона РСЗО ( Реактивный артиллерийский дивизион). 

Реактивный артиллерийский дивизион (РеАДН) – артиллерийское подразделение бригады. Предназначен для решения задач в интересах бригады и для поддержки батальонов действующих на главном направлении.





P.S.  In the US divisions , the MLRS units are present. Or they are outside the division.

А в дивизиях США , подразделения РСЗО присутствуют . Или они находятся вне составе дивизии .

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Chart looks interesting. Any possibility of a translation? MLRS is at Division and Corps for sure, maybe higher as well. Your point about the role of the Russian MRLs echoes what I said: They are  principally used in the prepared attack (obvious) and defense (at the critical sector under heaviest attack). Naturally, they may be used in other situations, but I believe this is where they are especially pertinent to CMBS. If you have any information at all regarding their use for on-call fires other than Final Protective Fires or via FO, would love to see it.


John Kettler


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John Kettler,

The reactive artillery division consists of a platoon of control, three rocket artillery batteries (reagents) (in each battery there are two rocket artillery platoons in three calculations) and a supply platoon. Only 18 BM-21. But self-propelled artillery battalion already 2, in the end it turns out 36 2С3 / 2С19. In the offensive and defense, motorized rifle battalions receive a sufficient number of fire support.

Brigade artillery is designed to solve problems in the interests of the brigade and to support the battalions operating in the main direction. As part of the motorized rifle brigade there are four artillery divisions, and in the tank brigade there are two:

- Two self-propelled artillery divisions (Sadna) 

- Reactive artillery division (readn);

- anti-tank artillery division (ptadn).

Artillery units of the brigade in combat perform the following tasks:

Destroy the means of nuclear and chemical attack of the enemy,

Hit the main grouping of enemy troops and its reserves, primarily tanks, artillery and anti-tank weapons of the enemy; Helicopters on landing areas; Hit electronic means and points of command of troops and weapons; Hit enemy air defense facilities and facilities; Objects of military rear and other important objects (targets) in tactical depth.

In addition to these tasks, artillery can perform tasks to smoke (dazzle) enemy objects, light support and create fires.


Реактивный артиллерийский дивизион состоит из взвода управления, трёх реактивных артиллерийских батарей (реабатр) (в каждой батарее два реактивных артиллерийских взвода по три расчёта) и взвода обеспечения. Всего 18 БМ-21 .  А вот самоходных артиллерийских дивизиона уже 2 , в итоге получается 36 2С3/2С19 . В наступлении и обороне мотострелковые батальоны получают достаточное кол-во огневой поддержки .

Бригадная артиллерия предназначена для решения задач в интересах бригады и для поддержки батальонов действующих на главном направлении. В составе мотострелковой бригады четыре артиллерийских подразделения, а в составе танковой бригады – два:

- два самоходных артиллерийских дивизиона (садн) (в тбр один);

- реактивный артиллерийский дивизион (реадн);

- противотанковый артиллерийский дивизион (птадн).

Артиллерийские подразделения бригады в бою выполняют следующие задачи:

уничтожают средства ядерного и химического нападения противника,

поражают основную группировку войск противника и его резервы, в первую очередь танки, артиллерию и противотанковые средства противника; вертолеты на посадочных площадках; поражают радиоэлектронные средства и пункты управления войсками и оружием; поражают объекты и средства ПВО противника; объекты войскового тыла и другие важные объекты (цели) в тактической глубине.

Кроме указанных задач артиллерия может выполнять задачи по задымлению (ослеплению) объектов противника, световому обеспечению и созданию зон пожаров.



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In CMBS, the US does NOT have MLRS.

It was a design decision not to use MLRS, for either side, due to what the game portrays. If you want to clear a grid or two of a battalion, well, not much would be left to fight a tactical battle.

Any MLRS strike should be accounted for BEFORE the CMBS battle starts. E.g., the defenders are at reduced strength as the attackers roll over the hills.

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