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SeinfeldRules Scenario Thread (CMBS)

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Hello all,

With the success of my CMRT and CMFI scenarios, I've decided to branch out into CMBS and create some content for this game as well. I only have one scenario right now, but have 2-3 more not far from completion. As always, these are not playtested to death and I don't guarantee perfection - I believe in the 75% solution now as opposed to the 99% solution weeks from now!  Please give me feedback - I am always tweaking in order to produce a better experience for everyone! All my maps are "hand made" originals. They look best with my terrain mod in my opinion!


Bradley Speedbump v1.0



The invasion of Ukraine has kicked off, and our tanks are rolling across the countryside. The American and Ukrainian forces were not enough to stop the Russian advance, and have been scattered into many individual groups, all seeking to delay us in whatever way they can. As the commander of your Russian Brigade Tactical Group's lead reconnaissance element, you are responsible for locating these NATO forces and either bypassing or destroying them.

As your brigade pushes to Kiev, your patrol's lead vehicle is stopped by sympathetic locals, just east of a large orchard. They hurriedly explain that an American platoon with a tracked vehicle in support have established a position overlooking your brigade's main avenue of advance. The only way the main body can continue down this road unhindered is for you to dig the Americans out of their delaying position, located just west of the orchard. REDFOR vs AI only.

Edited by SeinfeldRules
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  • 3 weeks later...

Night Jump v1.0



The war everyone feared has finally come. Russian tank units are flooding into Ukraine, and the combined UKR and NATO forces in Europe are not enough to stop them. The best NATO generals can do is stem the tide until armored divisions from the US can arrive on the continent. The XVIII Airborne Corps is dropped all over Ukraine in a desperate attempt to stop the Russians wherever they can. Your division, the 82nd Airborne, is dropped near Kherson to help defend the southern route to Odessa. Your battalion's objective is a large grain elevator, a veritable mountain in the flat sea of steppe, able to observe critical avenues of approach for miles. The infantry company you command has its DZs closest to this objective and as you exit the plane into the cold night sky, the angry tracers racing up at you from the buildings surrounding the grain elevator reveals the enemy has gotten there first... BLUFOR vs AI only.



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Myrne Roadblock v1.0



The frontline in the war for Ukraine has stabilized. As the two sides rebuild, combat patrols cause trouble on both sides. In a NATO salient in the Russian lines, enemy forces have been continually cutting the Main Supply Route with platoon and company sized elements. For the past several weeks, your air assault infantry company has been tasked with clearing these roadblocks, using your high mobility to quickly reach trouble areas. This morning, infantry with several BMPs in support infiltrated through the gaps in our lines and occupied the village of Myrne, which sits astride the MSR. Your company was assembled and flown into an area north of the village. Take your force and clear Myrne of the enemy. BLUFOR vs AI only.

Edited by SeinfeldRules
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Just finished Night Jump on Elite with Total Victory (russian surrender at ~30 mins to go), 5 kia, 9 wia. Never had to use engineer platoon and never got to the factory.

On one hand it was anticlimactic as I expected to race for the factory against the clock (only slightly began moving towards it - and had no idea what numbers I'm up against still). On the other hand I found enemy numbers to be adequate (e.g. no large force to just overwhelm US). I guess enemy needed a bit more punch in defense (perhaps more mg nests, higher skill, some small arty support, stuff like that?) and some way to stop AI from surrendering if it's possible?

The detail level of the area made it pleasant to look at and fight in, really loved these tight village yards and the factory looks, great job there.

Edited by kraze
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Thanks for the feedback kraze. I ran into the same surrender problem when I did my initial playtest and added some reinforcements to prevent surrender. It wasn't enough I guess.

I've tweaked the scenario a little and added a little more resistance. The "anti-surrender-but-never-actually-arrives-reinforcement" got beefed up too... hopefully that's fixed. Link is the same, but download is updated: http://bit.ly/1ZqcAXc

You will know if you have the right one if the scenario list description for AD Night Jump has "v1.1" after "Blufor vs AI only"

Edited by SeinfeldRules
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Just completed "Bradley Speedbump" and thoroughly enjoyed it, it really helped me learn how to develop an attack with proper reconnaissance. I lost a single BTR, a T-72 B3's kontakt ERA actually stopped a javelin miraculously and I only lost about 10 men, most wounded!

Amazing scenarios Seinfeld keep up the great work!

Edited by Raptorx7
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Great little mission (Bradeley Speedhump) SeinfeldRules!!! :lol: I  finally got around to playing it this New Years Day after being granted a child free day...! :D

Lost a couple of BTRs and 4 men. First time I think I've properly implemented and succeeded with a solid mechanized assault.

Very nice work, and as someone else posted, a great little skirmish.



I actually was concerned that the Bradley was going to be a walk over; my sniper team spotted it in the second turn (they walked about 30m from the setup zone to set up their OP).

But it turned out that actually getting armour with LOS onto it took a little thought (without exposing to Jav potential).

I think if the Brad had been hull down, or tucked behind a building somewhat, it may have been much tougher. But those Javs a great challenge in themselves


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Hi there. I have played Night Jump and Bradley Speedbump and enjoyed both. Map work is great. In the latter i was very luck to spot the Bradley within the first five mins and kill easily with the tanks that arrived later. My only comment is this: In Bradly speedbump there is no higher HQ unit connecting the group with the second on (the reinforcements). As a result information about spotted enemies by the first group cannot be disseminated to the second group.

I will try Myrne Roadblock and report back.

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Thanks for the feedback guys. For Bradley Speedbump, the Brad has multiple spots it can be setup in, so some are gonna be easier then others. It's almost more of a "MacGuffin", giving you a reason to be there and attack. :) The Javs are honestly what makes attacking difficult, those things are nasty. Euri, if I recall there isn't a higher command because the two platoons are not part of the same formation... I really wish there was a way to attach formations to each other, but no.... I think there might be a way to work around it, I'll keep your comment in mind for next time. Thanks!

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Played Myrne Roadblock. That was a good one. My only comment relates to the crop terain of the north-west approach. There is the well know glitch of small teams lying prone all the time and loosing sight of the battlefield. This results, for example, in javelin teams hunting, spotting a BMP, stopping, going prone and becoming permanetly unable to fire (although they had eyes on the traget in the first place). It is a furstrating feature. 

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Playing Bradley Speedbump in between my PBEM urban mayhem games. Nice map. You definitely don't want to be in a hurry to meet the reaper on this one. Lost a BTR early to what appears to be a Javelin. 

Some terrain features give you a chance to infiltrate if you're patient.


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Night Jump v1.0



The war everyone feared has finally come. Russian tank units are flooding into Ukraine, and the combined UKR and NATO forces in Europe are not enough to stop them. The best NATO generals can do is stem the tide until armored divisions from the US can arrive on the continent. The XVIII Airborne Corps is dropped all over Ukraine in a desperate attempt to stop the Russians wherever they can. Your division, the 82nd Airborne, is dropped near Kherson to help defend the southern route to Odessa. Your battalion's objective is a large grain elevator, a veritable mountain in the flat sea of steppe, able to observe critical avenues of approach for miles. The infantry company you command has its DZs closest to this objective and as you exit the plane into the cold night sky, the angry tracers racing up at you from the buildings surrounding the grain elevator reveals the enemy has gotten there first... BLUFOR vs AI only.



Looks interestig. Personally I would change the date to slightly later than 2 June. Maybe something like  5 - 8 June?. I don't see the US getting their intervention in earlier than that. Maybe some Ukrainian mechanized forces intervening later in the scenario would be good. I can see Russian forces pushing out of the Crimea as well as from Russia itself so maybe lead elements of Russian armour  

Can I suggest a follow up scenario taking place a day or two later when the heavy Russian units arrive and begin attacking 82nd airborne and Ukranian units defending this town with US airborne units with some Ukranian units tasked to defend the area against heavy Russian units

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  • 1 month later...

Just played Bradley Speedbump and Night Jump.

Both maps were spectacular. I especially liked the small details in the town in Night Jump (Kostyantinivka?), they made it look incredibly real. The mission itself was great, with Russian RPG and RPO teams working round the clock to ruin my day. Finished with a total victory with 34 casualties.

The Bradley Speedbump mission was terrific. I used the terrain to get my BTRs to the Bradley's side of the map (the elevation changes of the map were quite detailed), then tried to advance my infantry with rather disappointing results, so I URAed and charged my BTRs, with the result that I actually managed to kill the remaining Americans and the Bradley and get them to surrender. :D

I'll soon be also playing Myrne roadblock. Do you have any new scenarios in the making? I'm really looking forward to seeing more of these stuff from you.

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