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CMPzC Gentlemen's Club

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Hello everyone,

I have 3 of these CMPzC operations in progress. 1 each in CMBN, CMFI and CMRT.

I wanted to take an informal survey to see what the interest level is in doing another.

I believe the participants all have a bloody good time.

The below photo is from a recent gathering. There is Chappy and mjkerner giving each other a good natured taunting over a cognac.


I admit they are not perfect. I am not perfect and we have had a few bumps in the road. But for those folks who do dig this type of system I guess here at BFC there is not much else available. Over at FGM there are several ongoing of a similar nature.

So, here at BFC, who is interested to commit to see a 6 turn Operation from start to finish? Probably in 2016. Probably something with the new Bulge title!

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The best situation is having a CO for each side who is familiar with the CMPzC system and how to use the op layer to advance his side's cause. The CO doesn't have to own the actual PzC game. It is great if he does so he can see the results of his moves first hand and for the given terrain conditions he can see how far his units can move operationally versus going through the umpire and missing out on some aspect that I accidentally fail to pass on.

I have added some familiar wargaming concepts to CMPzC such as "leader units", "mini-battles" and "action cards" .

And now we are playing larger multiplayer battles on 3km x 3km maps with 2 hour timeframes. 

Many kind folks have assisted me with ideas, mapmaking and excel spreadsheets to track headcounts.


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I had a few thoughts on the way home from work...

I will put together a CMPzC CO guidebook with some training situations based on past Operations.

Perhaps this will demystify the process and knock down the apprehension.

It doesn't have to be a hard job. AND you can still grab an actual PBEM along the way.  :D

If we can get a pool of trained and confident and dedicated CO's then perhaps we can expand the operational layer map and even have multiple CO's per side.

Like a regimental CO over 2 Bn CO's who then have the PBEM foot soldiers under them. The regimental CO has to allocate limited resources such as artillery, ATG's, roadnet, etc. Hmmm. Sounds like it is perfect for a Bulge CMPzC Operation! 

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Don't let managing the op layer  worry you. I am have played a couple of battles in one campaign and am on deck in an other. Commanding a battle group in a CM battle in the contex of an operation is lots of fun and adds an extra dimension. 

So even if you dont get involved in op layer you can still contribute and have lots of fun.

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CMPzC CO Training Session 1: What is CMPzC?

CMPzC is a hybrid combination of the 2 separate game families. BFC's Combat Mission and JTS (John Tiller Software) Panzer Campaign.

A BFC forumite noob first (I think) gave birth to the idea in the back of a shot up kubelwagen. Others took the baby and added their own ideas as I have done as well.

Fizou, Kuderian and others. I will gladly add to the "thank you list" if I unintentionally leave anyone out. :D

Panzer Campaign (PzC) is hex based "you go-I go" style with 1km x 1km hexes and 2 hour turns (1 hour per side).

Here is the online manual: http://www.johntillersoftware.com/PanzerCampaigns/user/index.html

The PzC series has many areas and timeframes covered. I bought "Salerno" for $20 on e-bay.

The PzC maps have limited editability. If you find the exact area you want, then it is golden. But you must change town names and shop around for a certain map look to become an area that the game series does not cover. You gotta be flexible in life! Like I made an Ortona PzC Op Map from Salerno's Crete sub-module. 

There are other threads here in the BFC forum that discuss the pluses and minuses of various ways of hitching CM to an op layer. Vassal and some others games have been used. I use PzC. It has limitations but the more I use it, the easier it becomes. 

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CMPzC CO Training Session 2: How big is a CMPzC operation?

I usually follow my favorite sanity maintenance protocol of what I call "10-10-10x10" (ten-ten-ten by ten).

A handy way to remember to fight my urge to make it too big an operation and have some freaking discipline and keep it an achievable 10 PzC turns max, 10 units per side max, 100 total hexes max map size. Of course this can fudge a bit up as the units part is not so much of the work. But all together, this seems to keep a lid on the party.

Now with some turns under my belt, it is proving to be very sanity maintaining! Folks run out of steam. Some of these PBEMs can take months. So really as the CO of a side, your workload is only occasional in between PBEMs. Players can number in the dozen who get excited and say they are interested but only a half dozen answer the call to arms.

As a PBEM is winding down and your turn for movement is approaching, you can be watching the PBEM and determine who will gain the hex and such to help refine your movements and future assaults. It reminds me of that game of chess those 2 dudes were playing in Bladerunner. If you have an operational plan as the CO, then you can pull away for weeks or months and then return to freshen up on what you had intended and then resume your role and press onward to victory. 


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Attack! Attack! Attack!                
That's the fighting spirit I was talking about!
Listen to that guy!                   
If he was a major, he's a colonel now!
 Get my vehicle and driver around here.                 
You get my box of medals.                 
I'll decorate every man in this penetration,
whoever they are.                 
They've saved the reputation
of this entire Army.


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CMPzC CO Training Session 3: How does a CO come up with an operational plan so his side can win?

PzC has a very nice scenario editor and OOB editor so I can create an operational situation on the selected map. You have your usual things in the scenario.

Some victory point hexes or victory locations. 5, 10, 15, 50, 100 points. Maybe just a few for the smaller scenarios we play. You also have some supply source hexes so that supply can enter to be an issue. We play on the shorter side but it can still raise its head "Low on Ammo", "Out of Supply" can impact operational mobility and then carryover to the CM battlefield. Having 105's but only a few shells is not fun. But realistic!  And of course...destroy the enemy. 

I will issue you an Org Chart and the Op Map with the above features (VL's and Supply sources). So, at this point in some ways it is like your rectangular CM battlefield. You look at it and see what you have and where you need to go or what to defend and create a plan and successively reevaluate and roll with the punches. CM clock might say 30 minutes..well the Op Map says 6 or 7 turns so that is 2x6=12 or 2x7=14 hours. etc. 

There is a demo for PzC you can download to fart around with. http://www.johntillersoftware.com/Demos.php

At least you can develop some understanding of movement at the operational level. That is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome. Get that down and you will feel more comfortable in our CMPzC arena.

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First off, hat tip to the "Kelly's Heroes" reference!

I've been following the CMPzC threads for a while now and I think they are excellent! The operational level of warfare is as fascinating as it is diverse, with a scale ranging anywhere between maneuvering a company or two all the way up to divisions and beyond. In relation to Combat Mission, it adds a new layer of immersion that I find greatly enhances my personal experience overall. Spending two or more hours fighting over a bridge is a great lesson in tactics. Spending two or more hours fighting over a bridge in order to open the way for the tanks to relieve the beleaguered paratroopers a few klicks up the road is an entirely new experience.

I've made a few of my own CMPzC operations and played them against myself as a way to test out how it all works. Its actually more fun than it may sound like. Thus far I've refrained from entering the multiplayer fray here on the forums because I've never done PBEM before, and I don't want to get in the way of the current operations, especially seeing that they are in their infancy. However if another round of CMPzC operations kicks off after this one (and I hope it does kick off) I'll make my presence known a bit more, if only to add moral/e support. You can consider this encouragement from someone who thinks what's going on is very interesting and entertaining, but who isn't quite ready to commit to the multiplayer environment yet. Keep up the good work, and Charlie Mike to all the commanders currently engaged!

A quick question to the ringmaster himself, Kohlenklau; What game/program would you recommend to use to simulate the operational level for CM: Black Sea? There seem to be enough PzC games to cover all of the CM WWII titles, and even a potential (fingers crossed) CM: Fulda Gap in the future, but there doesn't seem to be anything for Black Sea. Feel free to PM me if this question is too specific and off topic. 

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I am working on these CMPzC CO Training Sessions so perhaps folks will see it is not really so much work.

The CO doesn't have to make any battles, he doesn't have to hunt down people and remind them or really do any significant chores.

Main CO duties: Have the leadership using your brain and intellect and creativity of developing the operational plan and reacting to subsequent events and ability to make a command decision of where and when who will attack.

The CO can summarize his orders in a very short PM to me. Unit X will proceed to hex (2,3) via (1,1) and (2,2). Once at (2,3) it will assault into hex (2,4). Unit Y will provide fire support. IF the CO wanted to do any graphics, that is nice. But I can do all that stuff. THE CO DOES NOT NEED TO DO ANY GRAPHICS.

So, to answer your question. Perhaps a CO can use a PM thread for his side to bounce ideas and if you step up to be a  good sounding board for ideas, then perhaps you are acting as an XO. But I don't really have an XO role. If the CO had to go away for months and you became the CO in his place then I guess you indeed WERE the XO all along! :D 



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CMPzC CO Training Session 4: The Operational Level Map

This is an earlier version of the Op Map for CMPzC "The Road to Eindhoven" as eventually I tweaked some Victory Locations and points. It is 6 hexes wide by 13 hexes tall.

6x13=78 so within the 10x10 ceiling. Which, again, we can go above easily IF WE HAVE THE CO's! For example, Odin over at FGM has his fingers itching to do a big baztard of a CMBN Goodwood map using PzC Normandy 44.... 


And the hex numbering system uses the TOP LEFT HEX AS (0,0) and then as like for Algebra (x,y) x is the left-right column number and y is your up-down row number.

Like as notated on a few hexes below. Got it? Oh, and the below map shows the new VL's we settled with. The PzC editor is fun and easy. The below map from PzC Market-Garden 44 could be used for even a CMRT Operation on the eastern front. But I do have PzC Budapest so it is not necessary.

Remember each hex is 1km x 1km. 


Each hex has characteristics that cause a cost in movement from where you start to where you finish and what type unit in what movement mode.

Here are some examples from the CMPzC Nyakleves Operation.


EDIT: Also up above you can see that PzC has a couple different viewing modes for the Op Map. 3D and 2D. I have the Eindhoven Op using the 3D mode but the Ortona and Nyakleves Ops are using the 2D mode. Mostly. Sometimes the 3D mode is misleading on where a village is. You see the little houses but which hex is the village in?



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