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SLIM vs Ithikial DAR (Ithikial Stay Out!)

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Man Down! Trading shots with Ithikial's infantry is harder than I thought. These thick pine woods don't offer nearly as much protection as I thought they would, and the thick undergrowth is limiting my LOS in a way that prevents effective return fire. I think I'll be abandoning this position soon.

Meanwhile, the armored movement is underway, but there's a slight problem. Despite having LOS to the Action Spot the Firefly on the side of the hill was in, my StuG doesn't gain a spot, and because of the infantry skirmish, I lose sight of the target. I've decided to give my StuG a delayed movement to a slightly more open spot. Hopefully, I've now timed this well enough that all three of my tanks will finish redeploying simultaneously.

Also meanwhile, my Anti-Tank Gun has been "Packing Up" for eight minutes now. Is anyone aware of a bug that prevents ATG's from undeploying?

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Are all the crew with the Gun? You do still occasionally see a crewmember off on a jaunt to the other side of the map, and that might interfere...

Yeah, everyone's present and accounted for. They're still aiming at the top floor of the hotel where I left them now 11 minutes ago. The status has been "Packing Up" this whole time.

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Just a quick update, nothing noteworthy happened this turn.

Tanks have finished redeploying, and are now peering into the fog hoping to locate some Shermans.

I spotted an infantry contact behind the Hotel heading for the Rail Bridge. Perhaps Ithikial hasn't gotten there yet? I have adjusted my mortars to hit the area of the contact.

Attack Company is still moving slowly into the town.

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My tanks have gotten into the fight. Here's the crazy thing about fog:

The first two shots my Panther fired, overshot the Vickers Machinegun he was aiming at, and landed directly between Ithikial's two Shermans behind the ruined house. The fog is just thick enough my Panther can spot the MG that's shooting at him, but not the 30 ton tank 12 meters behind it.

Isn't fog wonderful?

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Yes, that's a hit on one Firefly. StuG will continue to fire while the Panther and Jpz inch forward to try and get a spot.

That's not the biggest news of the turn however:


Ithikial has crossed the ford next to the Rail Bridge. My mortars are retargeting this area and will fire until they're empty. Once all of the mortar rounds are gone they will advance to join these guys:


This is a Platoon HQ and HMG Section, already advancing towards the Rail Bridge. The second HMG Section is mounting up in my Opel Blitz, and will be driven here as well. The Attack Company is having a slight fatigue problem, and will advance ASAP. I really need to occupy some buildings in the town before Ithikial sends more troops across the river, or I will have quite a job digging them all out.

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Textbook with that StuG. Good use of the only tree as well - good thing you didn't need it.  Ithikial's 17pdr was in a pretty good position as well, to be frank, so I think that was a crucial knock out.


Looking forward to more.

Can we be sure that's a KO, though? No hatches; it didn't sound like the motor stopped... A palpable hit, for sure, and likely dead soon, since the StuG has found the range, but not for sure.


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Nice videos, Slim. As a suggestion for next time, at some point in your video, zoom way out and give us a bird's eye view of the map so we can get an idea of your overall deployment and what you can see of Ithikial's forces.

I'll post a wide angle screenshot on my next update.

Textbook with that StuG. Good use of the only tree as well - good thing you didn't need it.

The tree was simply a happy coincidence, oh I mean I totally planned that out! Yes, absolutely!

Can we be sure that's a KO, though? No hatches; it didn't sound like the motor stopped... A palpable hit, for sure, and likely dead soon, since the StuG has found the range, but not for sure.

He's not knocked out yet, not with a single Partial Penetration. I'm just hoping I can land a couple more shots before he inevitably reverses out of view range. If the Panther had hit him instead of the StuG, he might have been knocked out with a single shot...

This fog is driving me nuts!

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True @womble; I'm putting the cart before the horse. Given that it was an upper-hull hit as well, I doubt the cannon is inoperable. 

This fog is driving me nuts!

Fog works both ways though! Its hard to tell from the video, but is the 17lbr unbuttoned? The 75 just behind it undoubtedly is...I just can't imagine why the 17lbr would be buttoned-up at this stage if it is.

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Fog works both ways though! Its hard to tell from the video, but is the 17lbr unbuttoned? The 75 just behind it undoubtedly is...I just can't imagine why the 17lbr would be buttoned-up at this stage if it is.

Look what happened to the Panther TC at this stage... :) Though I do agree, I'd probably have my best AT asset unbuttoned while hunting for targets. I'd just be doing it from 200m further back... and only coming into sight once the infantry had found me something to acquire... Though this fog is undoubtedly bringing the engagement range for the armour down to "easy" MG range, so I perhaps wouldn't be getting any joy, that much further back.

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Though this fog is undoubtedly bringing the engagement range for the armor down to "easy" MG range, so I perhaps wouldn't be getting any joy, that much further back.

Fixed that for ya! :P

That's exactly what's happening.

Well, the suspense is over, Ithikial's Firefly was able to pop smoke and reverse into cover before my intrepid StuG crew got another round off. I'm now considering destroying the building Ithikial's tanks are hiding behind. :D That would be a bit of a d*ck move!


After about six minutes of slithering around, I'm finally able to get one back on Ithikial's troops by the riverbank. My LMG42's fired in beautiful crisscross patterns all turn long. While there's no evidence of casualties, they have suppressed two of Ithikial's teams. I'm now working on getting more of the Bridge Platoon into the line. The more guns, the merrier.


So here's the situation at the 49th Minute starting from right - to - left:

The White square and arrow show my lead squad from the Bridge Platoon. They had gotten shot up a bit earlier, and I'm attempting to medic casualties and extract the squad.

The Green box and arrow shows my Tank Support Platoon, and a planned attack towards the Road Bridge. Resistance in this area is less than I expected, even with the tanks being present, so I have decided to probe the bridge and see what happens.

The Red line on the map shows Ithikial's tanks shooting up an empty building. Now this behavior is confusing me, aside from my Attack Company running behind the building, there hasn't been any indication anything is in the building. Even if I did have a spotter in it, the only thing they would spot is the tanks I've already seen. Could this pre-stage an attack across the Road Bridge, or is Ithikial just venting some frustration?

The big Blue circle shows the two platoons of Attack Company. They have become badly strung out, and are dealing with fatigue issues, but they will keep advancing to the edge of the town ASAP.

The Yellow circles show my HMG Section, their job is to close off the Ford and prevent further advances from Ithikial's infantry. My lack of LOS coverage of the Rail Bridge has bitten me in the *ss here.

The Black circle and line shows my Mortar teams, who after exhausting their 81mm rounds will advance and be magically transformed into infantry troops.

Congratulations, you are now infantry! - ChrisND

Also, the drama about my Anti-Tank Gun will soon be over. Ithikial hit it with a quick arty barrage this turn, and I'm sure follow up rounds are already in the air. I hope he plasters that lazy bleeping-bleep gun crew into the dirt.

Someone remind me: Never take an Anti-Tank Gun to a QB ever again!

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 That would be the exact correct move.  It is your job to be a duck to him :)  (you meant duck there right)

Not a good choice for meeting engagements or attacking but can be useful on defense.

Agree with IanL on both points. Once you and your opponent finalize any "house rules"....OH, IT'S ON BABY, from that moment forward. :-)

AT guns (or any type of towed weapon) suck when on the attack or in MEs. In my humble opinion.




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Not a good choice for meeting engagements or attacking but can be useful on defense.

It would have been fine, but the crew refused to pack up the gun when I ordered them to. Otherwise they would have been redeployed to a new position by now.

I'm calling it a bug, because there's no other reason for it.

Ithikial messaged me on FGM Forum that he's wrestling with some kind of bug as well preventing him from advancing.

 So we're both having a few hiccups here.

Agree with IanL on both points. Once you and your opponent finalize any "house rules"....OH, IT'S ON BABY, from that moment forward. :-)

I had every intention of fighting like a gentleman, but you're right. I'll blast down that house to get at his tanks, just as soon as the Panther's smoke has cleared and I can see again.

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<Snip> I'll blast down that house to get at his tanks, just as soon as the Panther's smoke has cleared and I can see again.

I wonder if he will understand that he is about to lose the cover of the house and try to move his tank before the house is rubbled.  If possible it might pay to have a second friendly tank (with Opened Up hatches for spotting) oriented on the area of the house.  Then if the OpFor tank should dart out, either to fight or run, somebody will be ready for him.  

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I wonder if he will understand that he is about to lose the cover of the house and try to move his tank before the house is rubbled.  If possible it might pay to have a second friendly tank (with Opened Up hatches for spotting) oriented on the area of the house.  Then if the OpFor tank should dart out, either to fight or run, somebody will be ready for him.  

All three of my tanks are in a line, just waiting for any of Ithikial's tanks to make a move, provided we can see them through the fog that is...

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If your tankers aren't too highly motivated (Extremists and Fanatics, mainly; High's not such a problem), they'll abandon their area target orders if they get the opportunity to engage another tank. Usually. Or you can give Target Briefly orders which leave the tanks free to search for targets after a brief concentration on the building.

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I wonder if he will understand that he is about to lose the cover of the house and try to move his tank before the house is rubbled.  If possible it might pay to have a second friendly tank (with Opened Up hatches for spotting) oriented on the area of the house.  Then if the OpFor tank should dart out, either to fight or run, somebody will be ready for him.  

If you watch Ithikial's YouTube AAR's he uses the "blow the house down" tactic often. It would be interesting to see if his instincts in this matter extend to anticipating his opponent will use the gambit.

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It seems I forgot the lessons of fighting Commonwealth Forces during my battle with Raptorx7. Ithikial manages to get a 2pdr Mortar into firing position, and hits my LMG Team that was firing on his troops.


One hit causes 4 casualties, 2 Wounded, and 2 Incapacitated. I've ordered as much suppression fire into the mortar team as I can manage, but the truth is my infantry is getting the worst of every engagement I've entered so far. I really need to clear out Ithikial's tanks so I can push up my armor, I'm contemplating re-deploying my Panther to a new position. So far, the fighting at the Road Bridge is completely stalemated.

Meanwhile, my focus has shifted towards the Rail Bridge:


My mortar fire didn't have much effect, and Ithikial has expanded his bridgehead. Thankfully my previous redeployment of my HMG teams has proven to be a stroke of good luck. My guns will deploy in firing positions this turn, and follow-on forces will be arriving continuously. I'm hoping I can push Ithikial back across the river, and exploit the situation for a counterattack. Meanwhile, my Opel Blitz proved unable to negotiate the terrain, and has become immobilized. I'll use him as a static ammo dump.

Meanwhile, my Anti-Tank Gun has actually finished packing up! Now that they're not stuck in their useless position, I will make an effort to re-deploy them before more artillery arrives.

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