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Bud's Russian Attack AAR: Красная молния

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Minutes 35-33:
With the first two houses on KT 1 under my control, and a good part of the woods as well, I’m finally picking up some momentum. I think the third house is now empty as well, but the last two had men firing on mine. I spot a German HQ in the second to last building. 
The plan is to:
-Bring 1st and 2nd squads more north via the woods to investigate the armour contact, and to move behind the German lines concentrated on the farmhouses on KT 1.
-Bring armour support to 1st and 2nd squads, and to have 1 tank engage with area fire on the armour contact and see if it can trick my opponent into thinking I have spotted a clear target. 
-Bring tanks west along the front of the farmhouses, and blast the infantry in the last two houses with HE. 
-Stop using 3rd squad for supporting 1st and second, and send it west to support my armour around the last two farmhouses. With the two tank rider squads that were shot off their transports each down to 1-3 men, I need more eyes and rifles westward. 
2B/1 covers while 2A/1 and both sections of 1/1 squad move north in the woods. 2A/1 runs afoul of mines in the woods, losing two men of the five-man section. 
While that is happening, the two tanks behind the farmhouses advance to be able to engage what is in and beyond the woods. 
One immediately takes out the panzershreck team that fired earlier.
The 1st Platoon HQ tank charges at full speed toward the second to last farmhouse. Its first shot hits the house, driving the German HQ out of it. The second kills part of the German HQ, and then a third shot back at the house drives out another HMG42. 
I back off that T34 to move it behind the farmhouses, while 3/1 squad trots up past the front yards, heading to the house I just cleared to cover my tank and get ready for the final house assault. 2/2 Tank moves between the other two farmhouses, while 2nd Tank Platoons HQ takes aim at the evicted HMG team. 
More to come!
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Seems like you're having more success now. You are using your tanks much more aggressively than I do, and it's paying off.

That panzerschrek team in the woods could have been trouble though, at that range.

And the HQ squad in the building (wierd place for them really), I'm not sure if HQ squads ever carry panzerfausts, but driving straight up to them like that seems almost to have been asking for one :)

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Seems like you're having more success now. You are using your tanks much more aggressively than I do, and it's paying off.

That panzerschrek team in the woods could have been trouble though, at that range.

And the HQ squad in the building (wierd place for them really), I'm not sure if HQ squads ever carry panzerfausts, but driving straight up to them like that seems almost to have been asking for one :)

Yes, I'm finally feeling like my ideas are working. Not cheaply in terms of manpower losses, but I'm getting somewhere at last!

Yes, the panzerschrek could have been trouble. It's good that I have moved a fair bit of infantry into the woods behind the farmhouses, and it was spotted quickly. I was lucky, to be sure. 

My guess is that my opponent bought an HMG platoon - hence the HQ. In the farmhouses I don't think I ran into any actual squads, those were in the woods in my initial advance. 

Driving up to that building was a calculated risk - less crazy - I hope! - than it may seem from a screenshot. The two last buildings were under almost continuous fire from other tanks for suppression; my charge was just to put some close range HE right in their bellies. 

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On 9/26/2015 at 8:18 AM, Rinaldi said:

Some sort of German AFV audio contact in the woods - did I miss something, or is that new? Looks to me like you're caving in an outpost line, and he's going to notch up resistance a bit in the treeline just in front of the actual objective. 

No, it's not new. If you go back a page you will see it's mentioned and shown in two screenshots :)





Your analysis may be quite right. Certainly the spotting of the armour contact was worrisome for me and you will see what I do about that in the next 2 posts. :)


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Minutes 35-33 Part Two:
As 3/1 squad runs toward the last two farmhouses, they pause and spot a German Marder III as it moves westward, no doubt in response to my presence on AOA 1 to the west. This is good, as what I have on AOA 1 is more than a match for a Marder. 
The 2nd Tank Platoon HQ fires at the HMG behind farmhouse #4. The shot hits the HMG team and kills one man. 
The survivors do not last long as the 1st Platoon HQ tank moves between the houses and is joined by 3/1 squad in the adjacent house. Together they kill the remaining HQ and HMG team members. 
2/2 Tank fires on and destroys what is left of a German HQ - likely part of the HMG platoon that was entrenched behind the farmhouses. 
In the eastern corner, I wanted to deal with the armour contact. I gave 2/1 tank orders to remain unbuttoned to hopefully spot the German vehicle, and second, I ordered the T34 to area fire using Target Briefly where I saw the contact. I wanted to either spook the enemy into withdrawing, or opening fire where I had plenty of eyes to see it. I’m not sure if this is a valid tactic in the game, so please tell me!
A couple of shots and what was just a contact becomes another Marder. The first shot is a very near miss. I watch anxiously as my crew reloads, and the subsequent shot kills it. 
A few individual soldiers are visible running away, or even more distantly, moving among the buildings on the objective proper. 
In effect, I own KT 1. 
On a side note, I can't fire my remaining rocket artillery. In the fray for the farmhouses, somehow the Forward Observer, though in woods and in Hide mode and well back, got hit. The radioman is left unscathed but with nothing to do. :(
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  Really nice action around the farmhouses.  When the Red wave hit, it overwhelmed the outposts.  With continuous fire on the house, driving the tank up near it wasn't as much of a risk, just like you said.  STAVKA is always looking for aggressive commanders to close with the enemy.

  As for the FO, are you sure he got hit by enemy fireThe radio operator was muttering something about how the FO was going to get them both killed by rushing up into dangerous territory. earlier in your AAR.  And now...as you say, the radio operator has nothing to do but head to the rear for some borscht and black bread.  Coincidence.




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  Really nice action around the farmhouses.  When the Red wave hit, it overwhelmed the outposts.  With continuous fire on the house, driving the tank up near it wasn't as much of a risk, just like you said.  STAVKA is always looking for aggressive commanders to close with the enemy.

  As for the FO, are you sure he got hit by enemy fireThe radio operator was muttering something about how the FO was going to get them both killed by rushing up into dangerous territory. earlier in your AAR.  And now...as you say, the radio operator has nothing to do but head to the rear for some borscht and black bread.  Coincidence.




LOL you really need to consider writing novels! :D

I used to charge with tanks a lot in the past - and largely stopped because I kept finding smoking wrecks... Grrrr. It was refreshing to be aggressive in a good way finally. 

That FO... ugh, I don't know what hit it. I could go looking but at this point, dead is dead, and it wasn't some German mystery weapon I need to identify... ;)


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Minutes 35-33 Part 3:
On AOA 1, 3/2 squad is ordered to advance to the small woods on the left, bringing them a bit closer to the objective and observation range of the contacts in the town. 
The IS-2 that brought them moves to the edge of the woods to provide cover. The original IS-2 and armoured car and both sections of 3/3 squad remain where they are, observing and ready to provide cover fire. 
The two HQ T34s and their infantry arrive at KT 2. 
I was worried about 3/2 squad taking fire as it walked over to the copse on the left, but with the IS-2 and a couple of squads of infantry doing nothing but overwatch, it is a reasonably safe bet they would be protected. They reach the trees, and almost immediately, spot an HMG42 position forward of the town. 
As the newly arrived Tankodesantniki dismount and advance into KT 2, a second HMG42 is spotted. 
I definitely can’t advance with infantry across those open fields of grass without some prep…. As the west-most IS-2 stays alert for newcomers, the other bombards the HMG42, with success.
The HMG42 disappears from view. Now the tricky part comes: seeing what else is here before I advance. I know there is a Marder shifting westward toward this force. Alone, it is no threat, but what else lies in wait here? 
Now that both KT 1 and KT 2 are in my hands, I have options, and decisions ahead. 
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I keep thinking about this mission and what I would have done, both on attack and defense... your opponent seems to be doing all kinds of mistakes.

His HMGs are too far forward. Should be kept at 800-1200 metres distance, keyholed and protected by guns or armour. He's just letting you blow his MGs to bits with your tanks at leisure, heck, it even looks like he placed them close enough to the treeline where your guys are that your rifle troops can do some work.

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On 9/29/2015 at 1:02 PM, Bulletpoint said:

I keep thinking about this mission and what I would have done, both on attack and defense... your opponent seems to be doing all kinds of mistakes.

His HMGs are too far forward. Should be kept at 800-1200 metres distance, keyholed and protected by guns or armour. He's just letting you blow his MGs to bits with your tanks at leisure, heck, it even looks like he placed them close enough to the treeline where your guys are that your rifle troops can do some work.

OK, I get the idea of supporting guns, that makes sense. But the distances you cite seem... Far? Remember the map dimensions: 



If I take you literally, one should have no HMGs on this map except perhaps right along the north end, furthest away from me, and I'm sure you don't mean that. Can you elaborate? 

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OK, I get the idea of supporting guns, that makes sense. But the distances you cite seem... Far? Remember the map dimensions: 


If I take you literally, one should have no HMGs on this map except perhaps right along the north end, furthest away from me, and I'm sure you don't mean that. Can you elaborate? 

I meant that mounted machineguns such as the MG42 should (ideally!) be kept at around 1000 metres distance - if possible. On this map, that's not possible, but he could have placed them much further away from Western Woods.

Mounted HMGs have a maximum range of 2000 metres in this game, but I think they reach their optimum balance around 800-1000 metre mark. They will of course also hit their targets if you place them closer than that, but then the targets will start to shoot back much better than at longer ranges. HMGs are not "bad" at close ranges, but they lose their specific advantage.

It looks like he set up his long-range HMGs about 150-200 from the western woods. That's well inside rifle range, and that's a really bad matchup for him. If he had placed them at 300-400 metre range, rifle lethality would have dropped a lot, but you might still be able to suppress him. If he had placed the MGs even further back, it would have started to become unfeasible to suppress them with rifles either. Looks like there are some potential keyhole positions with about 5-600 metre lines of fire? Simply not enough bullets would be able to hit close enough to maintain suppression levels. In any case, it's a bit of a moot point because your tanks will do the job.

So, should he have left those woods north of Western Woods empty? No, I don't think so, but he could have placed troops with unmounted MGs or rifle infantry, even SMGs there, just enough to annoy you and delay you while maneuvering himself or just calling down mortars on you.

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I really want to start drawing lines on the map, but it's a bit of a bother to download the image to my computer, then draw on it, then upload it to web storage, then link it on the forum. Is there any webpage where this can be done more easily somehow?

Nevermind, just realised we can upload images straight into the new forum :)

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Here's how I see the best options for the defender. Sorry about the graphical quality compared to your stuff, I'm doing this on a laptop in Paint, using a touchpad :)

Yellow circles are potential places for strongpoints. Could be tanks, could be assault guns, could be HMGs with AT-gun backup. But it should not be an unsupported HMG, because then it's too easy to just roll up a tank and take it out. Distances seem short enough that most German AT-guns should have a decent chance against the armour.

The strongpoint just north of the farm houses is not likely to survive long after it opens up. It's just supposed to be a single ambush HMG, probably hiding, without any foxholes (they just give away their position, as foxholes seem very easy to spot in CM, and they mostly protect against mortars anyway).

Red squiggly lines are general purpose infantry positions. The parts of your squads that end up without MGs when you split them. They are mostly there to annoy the enemy and prevent him from moving through. 4 guys with rifles don't pack a lot of firepower, but the enemy can't afford to just rush past them in a forest. Ideally they should not be sitting straight at the wood edges, or if they do, it should just be for spotting, and then move a bit inside the trees if they start to take fire.

X Y Z are the key positions, as I see it.


Well, that felt good to get off my chest. I'm no expert by any means, it just seems like an interesting map :) With your horde of SMG troops, the German player's success will largely depend on how well he keeps you at a distance, and how well he deals with your armour.


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  • 3 years later...

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost four years ago when I was doing this. I wanted to do a serious AAR, with good quality graphics and both show something  and learn something. The latter did happen; I certainly learned a few things that I need to remember to this day when playing. This battle was full of mistakes on my part, and I’d like to think I improved since then, but it was all the same a battle that was actually a lot of fun to play despite the mistakes. The Russian army’s approach to war is a bit different doctrinally than the German, and the paucity of specialized equipment can be a burden on an inexperienced leader. But one learns to compensate...

Preparing the necessary graphics is a time-consuming job. In a minute of game play I obtain over 100 screenshots and have to analyze them to determine what is essential to show, and how to combine many of them for the picture-in-picture shots as well as the zoom-in circles. Tracking individual units and labelling them then follows. When I was doing this originally my wife was diagnosed with cancer and while this AAR was a welcome distraction, over the months of treatment that went on well into the subsequent year, I wasn’t able to maintain my energy. Just getting through the day was a challenge.

 But I kept all the turn files, my notes, my graphics templates. I hoped to return to this long ago, but now is better than never. I reinstalled CMRT 1.03, made some videos for reference, took some screenshots, and got to work. I hate leaving things unfinished and were it not for some technical issues I’d be doing the comics I have yet to complete. They will come later. 

I’m not sure if anyone will really want to pick up reading this after such a  long time but I am going to do it anyway. 

A quick recap:

You can see the objective areas in the shot below. I’m playing against a close friend who is a far more cagey, far less impatient player than I. I don’t know what his forces are. He has selected some armour, as the burning Marder shows, as well as another one I spotted heading westward before it became a contact. I’ve faced no artillery so far, but that doesn’t surprise me. I’ve faced some losses on Axis of Attack 2, where one of my Tankodesantniki platoons has lost 75% of the men in two of its three squads. The third squad is actually detached and on AoA 1, supporting third platoon. Split evenly, my tanks are on each approach, although AoA1 has two JS-2s. I have lost no tanks so far. 

My force is as follows:

1 Tank Regiment HQ (T34/85)

1 Tank Company HQ (T34/85)

2 Platoons of Tanks, each platoon consisting of:

  • 2xT34/85
  • 1xJS-2

1 Recon Platoon - 3xBA64B

1 Tankodesantnikii Co consisting of:

  • CO HQ (3 men)
  • 3xPlatoons consisting of: 1 plat HQ (1 man) & 3 Squads (10 men ea)

1 FO

1 Battery of 4x82mm Rocket launchers - off map - 384 rockets (half fired)

(Click for more detail)



I apologize for the poor contrast font in the sides of the shot. It looked good at 2880px!

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1 minute ago, Bud Backer said:

Thank you, George, yes, she is doing very well indeed. And thank you for you interest in this AAR!

Brilliant news and great to hear.

Aye I was enjoying this one and appreciate the amount of graft to put these things together. 


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2 hours ago, Bud Backer said:

It’s hard to believe that it’s almost four years ago when I was doing this.

I’m not sure if anyone will really want to pick up reading this after such a  long time  

+1  Seems like only five or six months ago :D.  

You do good work so I am very happy to be able to follow this again.  

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Minute 33-32, AOA1:

I'm going to take it a bit easy at first as I get familiar (again!) with the style of editing and hosting these images. It's been a while. I'll speed things up a bit as I get up to speed myself. I'm sorry for the slow and pedantic approach here, but it's also a recap in a way for those who don't want to read 10 pages of AAR prior to this point. 

In the previous turn, AOA1's exciting developments were spotting two HMGs covering my approach. First one was spotted, and fired upon by one of my JS2s. The smoke is clearing slowly and visible in this first shot. A second HMG was spotted to the east along the treeline. That one vanishes, likely because it was a transient view or the unit was moved by my opponent when he saw what was shooting at HMG #1.

3rd squad from 2nd platoon (the rest of which is mostly the tank riders killed attacking the houses on AOA 2) is in the copse of woods to the very left, observing. I see various contacts ahead but nothing solid except for one of the two HMGs. The good thing is none of the contacts appear to be vehicles. Is there an ATG ahead? The Marder my opponent was shifting along the road has disappeared and is just a contact icon from his last position. 

While I'm pleased I was able to get to the copse of woods, I'm a bit surprised I wasn't fired upon. I suspect my opponent is being cagey, trying to surprise me if I charge across the open fields, and has set short range fire arcs for the HMGs. If that's the case it's playing to my strengths, and nullifying his HMGs long range firepower. The closer I get with my SMG-equipped comrades, the happier I am. A knife-fight in a darkened room is ideal - for me.

In any case, moving 3/2 squad across the open field on foot is not something I am keen on. I decide to bring a T34 to them for support, and transport if necessary. Yes, we know how well that worked in AOA2... hopefully these guys will not suffer the same fate...

Watching over everything like a mother hen is the JS2 I stole from 1st tank platoon. It is set to cover armour arc and will advance to edge of the woods. I'm counting on its heavy armour to protect it and let me hit any enemy armour. At these ranges, a Marder can still be a mortal enemy, certainly to the front of a T34/85, and I want to catch the bugger with AP loaded and ready to fire. 

Subsequent turns will test that armour...



This next shot is at the end of the turn. You can see the Tank Company CO's T34 has a fire order to suppress HMG #2. Still no sign of HMG #1 or its crew. One way or another I take that as a good indication of the power of the 122mm gun of the JS2. 

I've moved up the other JS2, in the open field. I want to be ready to start suppressing the contacts I've seen in the barn and other buildings along the left edge. They have not completely faded but you can see several just at the forward edge of the Objective outline. 

There have been no contacts at all in the woods that my infantry and tanks are in, and I'm now moving my armoured car into them to cover my flanks. I should use infantry even more out, but I have a lot of eyes and guns on this part of the map from AOA 2, and there hasn't been a single contact in the 13 minutes of play so far.

2/3 Squad moves up beside the JS2 in the woods, for more eyes on the enemy treeline and houses. 

3/3 Squad, which was split to do scouting work, regroups and is given a turn to rest, while 1/3 squad catches up to the group (they are just off camera at the bottom). 

You can see the blue line for the tank regimental CO's T34 at the bottom as well. After a few turns with eyes in this area, I'm feeling confident that there is no immediate AT threat dead ahead. 



This final shot is just the viewpoint from HMG #1's position. The dust has cleared, and there is no sign of them. You can see the crater from the 122mm shell. I see no bodies so I assume that they ran off. Still they never were able to fire a shot and that is in the end, all I care about. Hopefully I can achieve the same with HMG #2. 

Sitting in one of those foxholes should be fairly terrifying. You can see fully half my entire force facing you here, and they are entirely untouched, and most of their ammo is unexpended. 



This minute has passed without a single shot fired by either side on AOA1. The situation on AOA2, however, is not quite so tranquil, as we shall soon see. 

Edited by Bud Backer
Typos: We hates them, we does
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1 hour ago, MOS:96B2P said:

+1  Seems like only five or six months ago :D.  

You do good work so I am very happy to be able to follow this again.  

Haha if it only feels that long ago you must be my age. Every month feels like two days... :blink:

1 hour ago, domfluff said:

You can stop when you get to Berlin, comrade.

...or the Elbe. ^_^

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