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AXIS HQ/AAR CMPzC Operation Nyakleves

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Sorry for all the clarifying questions.  What do you mean by delay in the recon battle?  There will not be any artillery fire support per the card.  The artillery fire support will come but will take longer than normal (ie if normal is 4 minutes for fire request card played now means it will take 8 minutes).  I am only trying to set commanders expectations for the planned artillery support.


Thank you for your patience.



I guess if I read the card correctly. I can answer my own question (30 minutes).  :huh:

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Remember each can only be used once, maybe twice at my discretion. Let me know ASAP if you want any "sprinkled in the soup"....!


Oberst Heinrich Bongartz

Bongartz is the protege of Feld Marshall Von Manstein, legendary among the men of the 3rd Panzer Korps. His operational and tactical prowess instills confidence in his soldiers, as he leads them from victory to victory while keeping casualties to a minimum.

Hauptmann Ulrich Neckel

From early in the war, Neckel demonstrated a natural instinct for panzer warfare. Having reached ace status while a feldwebel commanding a platoon of PzIV, Neckel was promoted to Lieutenant mid war, eventually heading up an armoured company. Neckel has a reputation for keeping a cool head even when under intense pressure....his men call him "Der Eskimo".

Stabsfeldwebel Werner Preuss

A veteran from the very start of Barbarossa, holder of the Knight's Cross, his coolness under fire and infantry combat expertise inspires his troops to achieve beyond their normal limits. 




I am not planning to use any of these cards this turn.

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fenthedog shrugs off some early tank losses and rams an armored fist into the thin Soviet defenses.

Up in the northeast corner, he is swinging some mechanized units to apparently come from behind on the enemy's right flank.

The Soviet commander has moved one of his few T-34's up the road to counter the move. Stay tuned!



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In the near future, no.  Currently my time is spent on this campaign and the information for it and The Last Stand Campaign on FGM.  


I do not even have time to play against the AI.


This past weekend my two grandchildren dropped by somewhat unexpectedly and time flies when they are around.  I believe from what my wife is telling me that the grandkids and their mother (daughter) have a standing open invitation to drop by for the next 8 weeks because my son-in-law is working most of these next Saturdays as the High School Marching Band director and has competitions for the next 8 weeks.  


My wife and I get to keep everyone sane and not kill one another  :D .


Maybe in the future,



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Does 6th Armee have any weather reports for the 0800-1000 hour time frame?


I possibly looking at putting together a III Korps INTSUM.  It might look something like this




III Panzer Korps HQ vic 0,0


Time Period Covered:  0600-0800 23SEP44


a.      Wetter:

                                            i.            Wettervorhersage:

1.      230600-0800SEP44 –

2.      230800-1000SEP44 -

b.      Ground Situation:

                                            i.            General: Describe general Soviet actions

                                          ii.            Boden Actions:

1.      1 & 2 /Aufkl Abt conducted reconnaissance in force vic (4,6) against Allied aufklärungs forces

2.      1 Pz Rgt 23, 2 Pz Rgt 23, I/128 PG Rgt, II/128 PG Rgt attacked vic (2,6) to destroy Allied panzer and panzer grenadier forces

c.       Luftwaffe Situation:

                                            i.            Luftwaffe Recce Reports:

1.      None flown.

                                          ii.            Luftwaffe Support Reports:

1.      None flown.

2.      SUMMARY OF ENEMY SITUATION:  [Anticipated Allied activities (turn 2)]

a.      Boden (0800-1000 23SEP44):

                                            i.            Allied units vic looking to

b.      Luftwaffe (0800-1000 23SEP44):

                                            i.            None anticipated.


a.      Most Likely Course of Action:

                                            i.            Allied units vic looking to

b.      Most Dangerous Course Of Action:

                                            i.            Allied units vic looking to


None reported.

Edited by fabishdFGM
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Fashid and Phil:


Thanks for putting up the pic, Phil.  I was going to do so, but first need to clean out my Photobucket, and I was saving an AAR for the next battle in the Eindhoven Campaign.


Anyhoo, it looks like the Russian recon force was completely wiped out.  I had a few infantry losses, the Puma took two anti-tank rifle hits, with one crewman hit (but no damage to the machine), and one A/C is stuck in the river/stream.  The worst news, though, is that in his rush to stop the Russkies from exiting the map, some Commies that decided not to run lobbed a grenade inside Abt. Kommandant Kerner's HT, with all on board being hit! I'm certain it's only a flesh wound for Kerner, though :) but still.... 

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Hi Mark,

These operation layer tactical battles do not have any real points assigned for that screen to make sense.

In fact, I tried to shut down the game before you could see it as it then reveals all about the enemy and can chip away fog of war.

I guess I was not fast enough!

You did a great job and were victorious.



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Your recon force only lost 8 men and NO VEHICLES were lost! Great job.

Oh, there is a rule that if your named player on the map gets killed, then you can no longer play a battle....

Well, in a perfect world with lots of players wanting to participate, well then maybe I would enforce that rule. Or a one battle penalty or something reasonable...

But we hardly get any dedicated players for these operations. Just a handful of you great guys.

So, Mark...you will get another battle. :D





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