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The Bulge mod for CMFI doesn't come close to what's actually being developed for the Bulge title. No insult intended to the mod's creator, but it's as MikeyD wrote above. 


Nah it is EXACTLY the same.  He should just mod CMFI.



Edited by sburke
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Regarding free sound editing software, may I suggest the freeware (gladly accept donations) Audacity? I've used it quite successfully on some of my projects. I don't know what platform you're running on, but there are three versions: Mac, Windows and Linux. I'm on a Mac. I should inform you, though, that the editing I do is very minor, consisting of repeats of unclear, out of cadence, not in some tonal range readings from text. Post production is handled by someone else.




John Kettler

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@ MikeyD

Now can you tell me how snow will be modeled ?

Will there be different snow tiles simulating deep snow ?

Will it actually look like deep snow or will it just be flat ?

Will there be reworked trench-foxhole models and other forms of protected fighting positions (overhead protection) ?

Will there be "reinforced/prepared" buildings ?

Will there be "snow" weather, i mean actuall snow i can see falling ?

Will the buildings be recycled from the Normandy game or are they all/mostly new models ?

Will the infantry movement (formations !) get a update ?

Will the TacAi be improved ?

Will night combat (Flares/LOS) be improved ?

Will there be a "Use Road command" ?

Will there be new AI trigger features ?

How much of the content is recycled (1944 again again...) ?

Is there a new feature that enhances the gameplay like "action phase SOP's" ?

Imagine you could choose a SOP like -> "evade enemy fire" plot a few reverse waypoints back into cover or a fast waypoint behind a building.

You start the turn, your Sherman hunts forward, receives AT fire and rushes forward over the open field behind a barn...

Just something that gives the gameplay more depth ?

No (huh, i thought it will be the "new" CM game) ?

So its just a new TO&E (modders cant touch this) + new scenarios + some new textures + a few new models (again, modders cant touch this)

Doesent this sound more like a 20$ DLC for you too ?

Tell us, what the great deal about the Bulge game...whats "new" ?

You cant forever hide behind the "wow look at our well researched TO&E" while your engine is a rusty old thing full of flaws...except you are JTS...


I feel like an English women's soccer player..... kidding, they did beat Germany.

...there are only a few things the ordinary german cares less about then women playing soccer.

Edited by Wiggum15
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Regarding free sound editing software, may I suggest the freeware (gladly accept donations) Audacity? I've used it quite successfully on some of my projects. I don't know what platform you're running on, but there are three versions: Mac, Windows and Linux. I'm on a Mac. I should inform you, though, that the editing I do is very minor, consisting of repeats of unclear, out of cadence, not in some tonal range readings from text. Post production is handled by someone else.




John Kettler



Thanks, i am gonna try that.

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It looks ugly and especially on small maps you often have n other choice then to advance on the map edges which is unrealistic and feels like cheating.


I barely notice it. As for advancing on small maps... yes, that is an inherent issue with small maps, which is why I avoid them. I don't think it is fixable except by eliminating small maps.

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Small maps are intended for small forces. It's not the game's fault if you pick a small map considering the size maps can reach with latest CM games. If you want to have the highest possible manouvering options pick a medium force and a huge map. There's more room than anything you will ever need. 

Edited by Kieme(ITA)
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I barely notice it. As for advancing on small maps... yes, that is an inherent issue with small maps, which is why I avoid them. I don't think it is fixable except by eliminating small maps.


I've played a lot of computer wargames. If you don't like a CM map, ANYONE can open up the map in the SAME EDITOR used to create it...and modify it, and the forces on it, to their heart's content.


THAT is powerful.


It can create goodness, or ugliness. It just depends on the skill of the creator. The salient point is that ANYONE has the SAME TOOLS as the game designers. Try that, without downloading extra programs, in other games. (Some have better editor UI, but more limited maps. Some have prettier maps, but ridiculous forces. Etc.)


I can (and have) painstakingly researched multi-battalion actions, created as close to the actual forces as is possible to create on a map which is based on true terrain. I've also performed the CM equivalent of reaching into the PanzerBlltz box and grabbing a couple handfuls of counters and tossing them on random maps.


The -possible- content in each CM game is unlimited. If all you do is play the battles which come with the release, you've missing a lot. (And, yes, I get the whole QB map thing...) Want to re-enact Quatre-Bras with modern weapons? Do it. Etc.


Now, there is a LOT of room for CM to improve. To throw out the code and start from scratch (the non-evolutionary approach) would mean throwing away many man-years of effort (and accomplishment and polish). Think of the teething issues CMSF had. Do you really want that to happen again???


The TO&E in this game is beyond belief. I've got bookshelves sagging under the weight of tomes devoted to parsing out tiny details of various force structures. All my books don't have all the information contained in any one game's editor. This game gives you that AS AN ADDED BONUS. The detail, down to the individual weapon, defies belief. 


And, yes, the O2 sensors fixed the issue; my 2" water line repair is holding (had to modify some parts); I hoisted a cold one for sburke; the BBQ was quite good; the rain washed out any fireworks.



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. Despite your hyperbole the game rocks to the point that even an insufferable whiner keeps hanging around here and will still buy the next game.

We win!!! :D

Brilliant, we win - hilarious. You managed to create an argument as pointless and childish as his and win doing it nicely done. Now if he would only admit he has been bested and more along. :D

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The fanboy levels on this forum are through the roof.

I mean, I like ARMA 3, I worked for BI for a while, but I can still say some parts of it are a POS and are a downgrade from ARMA 2.

Any criticism, constructive or otherwise, is looked upon with utmost scorn here.

Edited by Stagler
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Brilliant, we win - hilarious. You managed to create an argument as pointless and childish as his and win doing it nicely done. Now if he would only admit he has been bested and more along. :D

I know you cant read my post because you put me on your "ignore list" (how mature is that ?)...

Childish is only your talk about "winning"...this is not about winning (whos winning, you because you got another critic to shut up or got him banned ?!), its about a combined effort (from the community AND from BFC) to improve CM !

Edited by Wiggum15
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The fanboy levels on this forum are through the roof.


Any criticism, constructive or otherwise, is looked upon with utmost scorn here.

I'm sorry are you delusional? Seriously, there is plenty of criticism on these forums, lots of good discussion. The only thing that gets scorn is rudeness. Stop being rude and you won't get scorn.

Man do regret "viewing that anyway".

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I could answer to IanL but it seems pointless to discuss with someone who puts everyone who has a different opinion on his ignore list...i mean Stagler is there too ?

Lets face it:

Someone has a complain about CM

-> you guys tell him you dont see the problem, its no bug, his PC is trash, his conclusion is invalid, go play something else, dont buy it then, or if you for some reason think his point is valid that BFC does not have time/money to fix/add it anyway.

So what ?

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I know you cant read my post because you put me on your "ignore list" (how mature is that ?)...

Childish is only your talk about "winning"...this is not about winning (whos winning, you because you got another critic to shut up or got him banned ?!), its about a combined effort (from the community AND from BFC) to improve CM !

Nah after reading all your posts I realized it is utter tosh.  (I think I got that right, I always wanted to use that expression.  Thanks for granting me the opportunity) They are totally inconsistent, illogical and childish.  I want what I want regardlerss of the reality of physics and coding restraints and if I don't get it I am gonna throw a tantrum.


Then you have the usual - "no one can criticize CM or the fanboys jump in".  You know what? I HATE bridges in CM.  They are still buggy, they break my immersion worrying if my unit is gonna do something goofy... Oh crap!  Stagler, Wiggout and Wroclaw, did you see that?!!  A Fanboy criticized CM!!  Hold on I think the world is about to end!!!


And Yes, we won, you lost.  Don't ask we what yet I haven't figured that out, but it must be about that as otherwise all the last 10 pages would have been wasted nonsense and we can't let that happen.


Woot USA, USA, USA... don't ask me why I am chanting about that. Leftover from World Cup maybe?  As to the Germans caring so little about Women's soccer, I expect that...cause you lost.  Go England!!  Hey I am an American, how much do you think we care about soccer (football, LOL yeah right), and we still won.


Have I so derailed this thread yet that it can be closed?  Please?


I am gonna starting typing out Green Eggs and Ham next.  I swear, I WILL DO IT!!

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Wow, you reached a new low with this post sburke...

No, you DONT criticize how CM handles Bridges !

If that was the case you would stard threads about it and ask BFC why they did not fix it in 8 years.

You have a strange desire to always be polite toward BFC, thats why you never would ask them harsh questions or demand a answer from them.

Then you try to get this thread closed...

That typical, get the critic banned or derail his threads so they got closed...again, very mature.

And about World Cup, as far as i know Germany won it, i mean the real thing not the Women's thing nobody cares about.

And i guess you care as much about football as i care about American Football or Women's "soccer"...

Thats so childish but you still got me to answer this...i know thats your plan because you want m,e banned or at least this thread closed...

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