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Bridgehead at Kharalyk DAR (NO RHYS!)

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After years of CM games, I figure it's about time for me to actually do one of these. I'm playing as the Russians against a regular opponent, who has done quite well against me in recent battles in CMRT and CMFI. He is however somewhat inexperience with CMBS (that's why I'm the Russians). We're playing Bridgehead at Kharalyk, which along with Lights, Camera, Action is my favourite CMBS battle. The battle is currently about 20 turns in, but I'm going to start from the beginning and focus on what went wrong and what I would do differently a second time around. I will usually turn off icons for screenshots, but they can make things much easier to follow.


Initial Setup and the First Turn


The map is great and feels like a real landscape. However, it is a landscape that I must defend against an enemy that at least initially outguns me by a wide margin, although he may not outnumber me. I have reinforcements arriving in 30 minutes, so my focus must be to delay my opponent by misdirection, ambushes and flank attacks. 




Here's a view to the north showing almost all my units at initial setup. A few mortars and AA assets are not shown. The bulk of my infantry and their vehicles are located in the town.




I have some recon assets forward from my main positions. I have set up an ambush laid to hopefully attack the rear of vehicles that have passed through the woods. I have a few sniper teams placed well forward to keep an eye on things. I also placed some empty foxholes in the treelines. The intention is that my opponent will be forced to take time and clear these.




I also have a mobile ambush posse located in the woods on the northeast section of the map. It consists of two Khrizantemas and two T-90s. As we shall see, things don't go quite according to plan. They're a bit difficult to see here, but trust me, they're there. I also have another T-90 on the far side of the map (unfortunately it was stuck just outside the setup zone and I couldn't move it. Probably would change that in the editor if I was doing things again). This T-90 will immediately withdraw back down the hill.

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I then have three mechanized infantry platoons in the town itself, along with some AA assets. I have split all my squads and equipped everyone with as much anti-tank weaponry as I can. I intend to draw my opponent into the town and fight there. There's really no point in engaging M1's head-on, especially with RPG equipped infantry. I have primarily deployed my anti-tank missiles on the far bank to get flank shots and keep them out of sight. As we shall see, my decision to leave the treeline at the top of the last photo essentially undefended will prove somewhat interesting.




On the far side of the river, I have spotters, mortars, AA units and one Khrizantemas.






I hope to hit fast and hard with artillery and choppers right of the bat. I have called in all my attack helicopters and heavy artillery. 






The first turn sees artillery shells start landing, some helicopters buzzing about and a couple of spotting contacts.

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A chopper scores a hit, but I'm not sure what has exploded.




APS stops a missile. This will be a common theme.




I moved my mechanized ambush party out of the woods and a bit closer to the crest of the hill.




Can you spot the sniper team?




Because this Bradley did, although I never make visual contact with it.




My ambush party in the treeline spots an Abrams.




Said Abrams begins to move towards the gap in the treeline and appears to have some company.

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Something else gets blown up by a Havoc or a Hind.






On my far left, contacts appear and I'm dealing with several tanks and at least one Bradley. The dummy foxholes do nothing!






The First RPG team gets off a shot on a Bradley, but the APS destroys the round. The Bradley keeps on going and pops smoke into the woods.






The Bradley makes a sharp turn, exposing its rear to the second RPG team. But it's turret swivels and blasts them with 25mm rounds before an RPG can be fired. The team takes one casualty as smoke begins to envelop them.

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Near the ambush site, APS stops yet another missile fired from a helicopter.




An Abrams sits just out of reach of my scout team, but it's probably not worth engaging them with an RPG-26 outside of 30m or so.




On the far left, the tanks and Bradley pivot, exposing their flanks to me, although one faces rear. I unfortunately I have no units with the capacity to take advantage of such a broadside opportunity. My opponent is pushing (I think) for the edge of the map, although I do not immediately move to counter this threat.

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I'm looking forward to this :) It's one of mine. So be interesting to see how other players tackle this.


BTW APS is not an infinite resource.- his APS equipped vehicles will run out eventually. That is a problem he'll be facing further down the line. Interesting it appears he's heading out to his left flank - guess he's not keen on taking on a reverse slope defence. I've used it myself when playing this, I'm looking forward to seeing how that avenue of attack pans out for him - and how you deal with it.


BTW have you patched your game and running 1.03?

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I'm looking forward to this :) It's one of mine. So be interesting to see how other players tackle this.


BTW APS is not an infinite resource.- his APS equipped vehicles will run out eventually. That is a problem he'll be facing further down the line. Interesting it appears he's heading out to his left flank - guess he's not keen on taking on a reverse slope defence. I've used it myself when playing this, I'm looking forward to seeing how that avenue of attack pans out for him - and how you deal with it.


BTW have you patched your game and running 1.03?



Thanks for making all the wonderful maps for the various incarnations of CM! I would gladly pay for a George MC Module.


APS does work for a fair number of uses as far as I can tell, but I don't know how many exactly. Does anyone?


Things do get interesting in a bit, but the game is certainly anyone's at this point. Considering the armour imbalance, I think I've fared pretty well in avoiding BMP-3 explosions.


Yes, running 1.03.

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Ambush squad gets two golden opportunities! Curse that APS.






AAAAHHH!!! One RPG team down to one injured man.




Scout team in the woods ambush position gets off an RPG-26...




APS again!




This Abrams is angry. .50 cal targets my scout team while the main gun fires on my already depleted RPG team.

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On the other side of the map....






Sniper team in the treeline meets their end.




There are now 4 Abrams' and one Bradley on the crest of the hill on my far left.




Overview from the far side of the river. I'm a big fan of keeping an eye on things, but if I were my opponent I would be blasting every tall structure on the far bank.






An Abrams spots an infantry team and fires a round. Thankfully, a BMP-3 is nearby and pops smoke to cover their escape.






Nearby my lone T-90 does not retreat fast enough. I was expecting my opponent to advance more cautiously. I have lost spotting contact with the lone Bradley on this flank, so I can only assume it is moving downhill.

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Having cleared the ambush in the treeline, three or four Abrams' and one Bradley take up firing positions on the top of the hill. Some friends await them on the reverse slope waiting for an opportunity. In retrospect, I should have attacked at this point, but I keep delaying for several turns. 






Those tanks and the Bradley pour fire onto a depression on the far bank. Thankfully I moved my AA pixeltruppen in the nick of time and he's tired, but okay.






I reposition this fellow on the far bank. He comes under fire, but all rounds miss by a large margin.




American artillery falls here and there. 




My Tunguska on the far bank explodes! I could have sworn it was out of sight. 




At the end of the turn, a lone Abrams appears overlooking the unsuccessful ambush site. 

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Thanks for making all the wonderful maps for the various incarnations of CM! I would gladly pay for a George MC Module.


APS does work for a fair number of uses as far as I can tell, but I don't know how many exactly. Does anyone?


Things do get interesting in a bit, but the game is certainly anyone's at this point. Considering the armour imbalance, I think I've fared pretty well in avoiding BMP-3 explosions.


Yes, running 1.03.

Thank you! :)


TBH I'm happy enough making em for BFC and doing my own thing. I think having to do it as a job would be very different. Pleased to hear you've enjoyed them over the years though.


Re APS not sure but it is limited. His AFVs using it will run out at some point. If he gets cocky thinking APS protects his AFVs he'll suddenly realise they run out - most likely when something goes boom. Worth minding that APS does not stop AP.


Still your ambush will have given him pause for thought - like what else might be in the woods?


Look forward to the next instalment.

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My Tunguska on the far bank explodes! I could have sworn it was out of sight. 



One thing that CMBS will burn you on is the concept of hiding.  I don't know if this is the case, but that unit could very well have been spotted by a UAV and targeted.  Safety is a very elusive concept in CMBS.

and yeah this map/scenario rocks.  Good choice.

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One thing that CMBS will burn you on is the concept of hiding.  I don't know if this is the case, but that unit could very well have been spotted by a UAV and targeted.  Safety is a very elusive concept in CMBS.

and yeah this map/scenario rocks.  Good choice.


Agreed, but this was hit by an Abrams. Hiding under trees and moving around every few minutes helps. I think I have a rough idea of where my opponent's UAV's are, although I wish I had some myself.

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The Abrams that just appeared fires on the last member of the scout team and kills him.






However, my BMP-3 with a command team inside spots him and engages with a burst of 30mm and an AT-10. 






Alas, a BMP-3 is no match for an Abrams.






On my left flank, an Abrams joins the Bradley and moves down the hill. I lose spotting contact, but my opponent is pressing through the woods. I though these woods were impassable and they are not defended.

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I redeploy four BMP-3's and a Tunguska to cover the woods. An infantry squad rush through the woods as well. 




An Abrams lumbers out of the treeline!






A BMP-3 is hit by the Abrams.




A BMP-3 maneuvers to get into a better firing position.




More Abrams' head downhill through the woods. Time to pull back into the town!

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On my right flank, my armour and tank destroyers spring the "trap."




Upon cresting the hill, I see that my opponent's armour has turned and is facing my force. I should have acted earlier and caught them broadsided.




KERBLAMO! A Khrizantema gets all blowed up.




A T-90 follows in short order. But...






Its mate takes out an Abrams. One Abrams for a T-90 and a tank destroyer isn't bad by my account.




Smoke fills the air and the T-90 and Khrizantema reverse into the treeline to take up another ambush position elsewhere.

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Back to my left flank, my artillery begins to fall as the number of contacts in the woods grow.






The BMP-3 I had maneuvered for a flank shot gets a missile off, but APS saves the day yet again. Thankfully the Abrams pops smoke and my BMP-3 reverses into cover.




My infantry darts for a BMP-3 to withdraw into town.




A lone Abrams stands watch atop the hill. I will have to be sure to stay out of sight.




Lots of smoke as I get the hell out of Dodge.




My Tunguska engages a target as my company HQ runs for its (thinly) armoured taxi.




Remaining T-90 and its little friend move to new positions.




I will withdraw into the town behind this line of buildings. I hope to make things messy with lots of artillery for any American infantry that tries to get in. I also hope to concentrate enough infantry so that multiple RPG rounds can overwhelm any APS at close range. The downside is that I'm placing the large bulk of my forces on one side of the town. It's a risk I'm willing to take as the American force on my right only has one Bradley (little infantry) and would have to move through a much longer distance through built-up terrain with two ambushes. If I get squeezed, I will hopefully have enough time to redeploy some infantry and BMP-3's to meet a threat from the right through the town.


At this point, I have only seen two Bradleys and I'm not sure where the rest of them are. Since I've spotted ten Abrams' and destroyed one, I can assume that the two helicopter casualties earlier in the battle were both Bradleys. Not stellar, but since I'm fighting a delaying battle until my reinforcements arrive, I think I've done well so far.

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My Khrizantema on the far bank was destroyed a few turns ago by an Abrams that it never saw.




Infantry withdraw into town.




My Tunguska scores a hit! I think (hope) it was an Apache.




Four Abrams' and a Bradley cautiously move towards crest of the slope, although outside of a lone T-90 crewman hiding in the woods, there is nothing to find.






My Tunguska succumbs to a tank round. It had almost made it back into town. At least it shot down something before exploding.




Withdrawal into town almost complete. Along with the Tunguska, I only suffer two lightly wounded men.

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Overview of my right flank. A couple of couple scout units, an RPG team, an AT-10 team, two BMP-3's, a Khrizantema and a T-90. 




New ambush position.






The T-90 spots an Abrams and fires two rounds, but both explode in the trees. 




I lose contact with all the armour on the right flank as they move downslope. 




But soon they have reversed back onto the high ground. 




My T-90 pops smoke, and it and the Khrizantema withdraw downslope to the next ambush position...



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Overview of my left flank. Most of a company of infantry with most of the vehicles. Two AT-10 teams located on the far bank with one BMP-3.




Infantry appear on the hill above the tank-filled woods. They are engaged by a Havoc and hit the deck, but I don't see any casualties.






American artillery rounds explode here and there, but hit nothing. My concentration of infantry could make me vulnerable to artillery, but I hope that spotting rounds can give me some notice to redeploy appropriately.




I still haven't seen anything come out of the woods. My AA platoon leader valiantly volunteers to head into the second storey of of a building to get a better look. I still don't see anything. Has he made a dash that I missed?




I send a BMP-3 to check if he's made a push along the map edge on the extreme left, but he finds nothing. 




I redirect artillery onto the area where my helicopter attacked the infantry making a break across open ground. 203mm, 152mm and two 81mm mortars should ruin their day. My Havoc has finished its attack run and I immediately call in another chopper to attack the open ground on the way into the village. 10 minutes out. My reinforcements are approximately 6 minutes out.

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Lots of artillery starts to fall (I hope) on the American infantry. Turns out they are 120mm mortars, which is even better.






The last member of my first ambush has come under fire from what I think is a Bradley and possibly mortar fire (maybe direct?). It's quite inaccurate and he safely makes it further into the woods. But will brave RPGman Pelevin make it back to my lines?




It was simply too nice today for digital landscapes, however well-crafted they may be, so I got out for a bike ride in the countryside northeast of Toronto. I have to say south-central Ontario would make for pretty good CM landscapes. Lots of little hills, not too much cover, not too much open space, streams and rivers all over the place, towns of varying size. Perhaps CM: Canadian Civil War will be next?

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