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Axis Battle Report - The Gamey SOB Challenge

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Next turn is in. Sorry (again) for all the off topic YouTube posts. I think I'm addicted to YouTube. Is there a support group? ;-)

Anyway, at least I can use it to help with this AAR:

This wasn't a very dramatic turn. My rearmost Panther managed to make it's way up beside it's mate. My forces took a few (perhaps five) more infantry casualties from small arms and HE fire from one of Bil's Sherms. One of my Panthers landed a good HE shot right in the middle of one of Bil's M1919 teams, knocking it out (and probably KIA/WIA the whole team). Bil's mortar fire has subsided, which is good. My remaining mortar team began zeroing in (using area fire) on Bil's two mortar tubes on the hill on his left flank. My Panthers still can't see Bil's Shermans, but the smoke is starting to clear. I have my Panthers buttoned up again, as the last thing I want right now is to lose a TC and have one or both of them pop smoke and reverse.

I hold both of the contested VLs, so this has, for all intents and purposes, shifted from a meeting engagement to an attack, with Bil as the attacker (minus the points advantage). What I need to concentrate on now is not getting cocky or impatient. Bil could still get a lucky shot in with one of his Sherms, or perhaps a Zook. The game is mine to lose at this point, IMO.
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Yours to LOSE!?!?! Are you crazy? That kind of defensive mindset starting at the top will allow a rot to creep in at the bottom! Your troops will get "bunker disease". Best for everyone if you push Bil off the back edge of the map! Attack!  ;)

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Yours to LOSE!?!?! Are you crazy? That kind of defensive mindset starting at the top will allow a rot to creep in at the bottom! Your troops will get "bunker disease". Best for everyone if you push Bil off the back edge of the map! Attack!  ;)

And you know what bunker disease will lead to?

People will just stand rooted to the spot, unable to leave... It's called Trench Foot. ;)

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Well, it appears a zook round or two came flying in at your tanks that turn.

Plus while that smoke is blocking the view still, I would send a few HE rounds towards them AT gun locations unless you are sure they are dead or something. Brief area fire is what I like, that way my tankers don't get caught up in focusing on that to long if something moves into view during the turn. Just a round or two to hurt any soft targets I want to make sure stay out of the battle for another turn or two at least.

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...Bil's mortar fire has subsided, which is good. My remaining mortar team began zeroing in (using area fire) on Bil's two mortar tubes on the hill on his left flank. ...


Are you sure his mortars aren't out of ammo which would make using your mortar on them a waste ? I thought your HMG's had the mortar problem in hand.


PS: I'll just live with the VL's shall I ? :P  :lol:

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Doug has (might as i do not know, but appears that way) nailed the tubes on Bils right, but I think he is sorting out tubes on Bils left flank?


Holien is correct. Bil's right flank mortars are done for, but he set up at least two tubes on top of the hill on his left flank. These still have some ammo left (I think). My single remaining mortar tube has been tasked with dealing with those.

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I would say the game is nearly done?

Well played. I think it was a tough map and with the well placed Panther's Bil had a couple of chances but they did not pay off for him.

The duel with the M10 and Panther if it had gone the other way would have changed the game. (Statement of the obvious).

You roll the dice and sometimes lady luck does not shine on you.

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I think you can offer him a cease fire soon, The third Sherman appears to be likely toast also.


I would think he would realize he will not dislodge you if he has no real assets to do it soon.


What else does he have to take on your panzers.


This is were Bil would tell us all, exactly what was left because he has calculated all the purchase points and has kept every sound marker and spotted troop documented.




The scouts were a brave lot, cold blooded killers. Did not scare them at all. Just another day at the office for the one standing up.  Bullets flying all around him, but he calmly reloads his weapon :)

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Well, Bil conceded via e-mail and told me he was clicking Cease Fire. I also clicked Cease Fire and sent him the file. Sometimes it takes a turn or two for the game to actually end. I'll post a screen shot of the results, and probably do video of the final map.

Thanks for the fun game Bil! You're a tough opponent and I'm sure I got lucky that game.

I suppose it is now appropriate for me to view and post in his AAR thread and the Kibitzer thread?

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Which brings up a good point, what should the American force be if for all intents you expect the German to have 2 Panthers

Based on my experiments with the AI, those Shermans, and certainly the M10, had a decent chance of KOing those Panthers if Bil had kept them up on that hill. If our roles were reversed (and I'm not saying I want to do that), knowing what I know now, I would go "all in" and try to take the Panthers out with plunging fire from the hilltop.

The downside of this, of course, is that, if you fail, the game is essentially over in the first few turns, and it wouldn't be as interesting of an AAR.

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Well, Bil conceded via e-mail and told me he was clicking Cease Fire. I also clicked Cease Fire and sent him the file. ...


What ? Nooooo !


Crush him, do not stop until you hear the lamentation of his woman ! ;)


Well played, You may have gotten the best of the dicerolls, but there's always a little luck in war.

Edited by Baneman
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Booze helps. ;-)


Seems I wasn't taking in enough scotch... :(


Based on my experiments with the AI, those Shermans, and certainly the M10, had a decent chance of KOing those Panthers if Bil had kept them up on that hill. If our roles were reversed (and I'm not saying I want to do that), knowing what I know now, I would go "all in" and try to take the Panthers out with plunging fire from the hilltop.

The downside of this, of course, is that, if you fail, the game is essentially over in the first few turns, and it wouldn't be as interesting of an AAR.


That's a very all or nothing strategy, it would seem to me, because you're right, either it works or you lose your vehicles pretty fast to return fire. 


I wonder if instead of ATGs it might have been better to have more bazookas and mortars. 

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Seems I wasn't taking in enough scotch... :(



That's a very all or nothing strategy, it would seem to me, because you're right, either it works or you lose your vehicles pretty fast to return fire.

Yea, you're right. That wouldn't make for a good AAR at all. It would be over, one way or the other, too soon.

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