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The Peng Challenge: Thread Blunder

Joe Shaw

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sburke now that our battle for truth, justice and the American way has started just remember that anyone who is an inferior player to me is a noob and a better one has no life, so there take that.

Wait aren't you playing the Germans? Any player who is inferior to you isn't human. Can non-humans be noobs? Maybe Donkey can finally make a useful contribution in a form we don't simply spread on the garden out back and answer that question. Or Emrys.

My Liege, Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House

I send regards and hereby announce young voyeuristic scoundrel Watcher and I have taken the field of combat in Green Hell. In anticipation that this will be an absolute slaughter I have chosen to at least make it productive by using the opportunity to provide feedback to the designer on it in a HTH game.

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I do recall claiming Olde Oneship of the Cesspool some time ago. Hence, in light of the statute of limitations having expired, I can claim Berli, Peng and Seanachai legally dead and assume my legal right.

Why stop there you nincompoop. Get rid of Emrys (spelt, not bolded) and you will have finally done sumfink use full in your life. Un-recognise him already. Sheesh it's hard to get good help around here.

While you are at it, recognise OFJ as Cutlery Dropping Champion and require him to replace his sig line just so.


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Why stop there you nincompoop. Get rid of Emrys (spelt, not bolded) and you will have finally done sumfink useful in your life. Un-recognise him already. Sheesh it's hard to get good help around here.

While you are at it, recognise OFJ as Cutlery Dropping Champion and require him to replace his sig line just so.


It's even harder to find an Aussie who can spell apparently. Good lord, you Aussies really did forget the language when you got shipped off to "paradise". There I fixed that for ya, you are welcome. Git.

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It's even harder to find an Aussie who can spell apparently. Good lord, you Aussies really did forget the language when you got shipped off to "paradise". There I fixed that for ya, you are welcome. Git.

uh-o the grammar Nazi is loose. Riddle me this IF TYPING IN CAPITAL LETTERS IS YELLING and this is speaking, ThEn WhAt iS ThIs? O Keeper Of The Keys!


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sburke now that our battle for truth, justice and the American way has started just remember that anyone who is an inferior player to me is a noob and a better one has no life, so there take that.
Hmm, not bad, not good mind you but not bad. I like the pre-game justification regardless of the actual game outcome. Then, when you lose, you can always refer back to this post and show yourself as prescient.

Of course you immediately ruin it with the "so there take that" but baby steps, baby steps. You might want to review some of my recent posts regarding the two games with NG Cavscout that I won. In your case you'll have make allowances for your outcome as you'll be losing but it will give you some good ideas about how to craft a good taunting AAR.

Why am I giving YOU tips when sburke is my Squire? I'd remind you of the OP, we couldn't care less who actually wins the game, oh certainly we'll mercilessly mock the loser but there'll be a fair amount of mocking for the winner too. It's the quality of the posts HERE that matter and it's by those posts that your worth shall be determined.

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Wait aren't you playing the Germans? Any player who is inferior to you isn't human. Can non-humans be noobs? Maybe Donkey can finally make a useful contribution in a form we don't simply spread on the garden out back and answer that question. Or Emrys.

My Liege, Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House

I send regards and hereby announce young voyeuristic scoundrel Watcher and I have taken the field of combat in Green Hell. In anticipation that this will be an absolute slaughter I have chosen to at least make it productive by using the opportunity to provide feedback to the designer on it in a HTH game.

Oh I say, well done lad. Now this is a pre battle taunt worthy of the name. Do well and do honor to the Shavian House.

Of course you still have the PowerPoint to complete, you wouldn't want an "incomplete" on your transcript now would you.

Your Liege,

Sir Joe Shaw JFLPCT

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Joe Shaw said use his posts to ng cavscout as an example

Let's see, what WAS the final result of that game? Let me check my records ... yes, yes I see it again ... it was a Soviet VICTORY, minor to be sure but a victory none the less. As to the commander of the Tiger ... I had no idea ... I'm told that there are medications that might help however.

And again you fail to even mention the Market Garden scenario which saw one of your tanks killed by a PIAT, two others by my ONLY tank and a fourth by plain old fashioned Tommies without an AT weapon to their name. That one, if memory serves, was a MAJOR Victory.

So you may obfuscate all you wish my friend, but the ledger is heavily weighted to my side at present.


This is what is held up as the epitome of wit, panache, and style?

Well then the standards of the CessPool are even lower than I imagined and are of the same equality to humor as a street vendor in Vietnam is to culinary hygiene.

Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!

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I'd say evidence of terminal stupidity...thank god.

Why didn't you just stick your thumbs in your ears palms facing forward, wiggle your fingers and squeal "neener, neener ,neener."

Although I realize the strain on your mental faculties it must have been to use your entire vocabulary in one sentence.

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This is what is held up as the epitome of wit, panache, and style?

Well then the standards of the CessPool are even lower than I imagined and are of the same equality to humor as a street vendor in Vietnam is to culinary hygiene.

Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent!

You apparently do not have much imuagination if you think you have gotten anywhere near the bottom of cesspool standards. Contemplate donkey for just a bit.. Yes I know disgusting, but far more disgusting than you'd think at just a first glance. Heck there are Aussies here! To put it in the limited pop culture standards folks in Nevada might understand longing around in their trailer parks - If America is Ferris Bueller, free from his parent's shackles and making the world his oyster - The Aussies would be Jennifer Grey, always resentful of Ferris's freedom, hanging out in jail with Charlie Sheen. They didn't even get independence until 1939!! Talk about overstaying your welcome in your parent's basement. Geez, they got kicked out in shackles and they still bow to the Queen as part of the Commonwealth. Talk about having Mommy issues. Hmm that sounds like at least one PowerPoint slide, maybe two.

Meanwhile I do appreciate that your men want to get this debacle over as soon as possible as they charge like lemmings into my MG sights. Interesting that at least one German who went down instead of crying "my God", instead said "thank God". That may end up as the summation.

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Meanwhile I do appreciate that your men want to get this debacle over as soon as possible as they charge like lemmings into my MG sights. Interesting that at least one German who went down instead of crying "my God", instead said "thank God". That may end up as the summation.

I’ll agree that the scenario that put your troopers behind hedges on high ground with excellent lines of sight in the initial setup zone while my pixeltruppen have to transit down one slope and up another to engage was sheer tactical genius on your part.

But it ain’t over till the fat lady sings or as you refer to her “ the girl of my dreams”.

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I’ll agree that the scenario that put your troopers behind hedges on high ground with excellent lines of sight in the initial setup zone while my pixeltruppen have to transit down one slope and up another to engage was sheer tactical genius on your part.

But it ain’t over till the fat lady sings or as you refer to her “ the girl of my dreams”.

You see there is the difference between lemmings and tactical competence. My troops are moving forward down the from the high ground and yet your demoralized poorly led mob loosed only one round (from your armor, which I have none of) and missed. There doesn't appear to be even one MG set up and sited to reply on the top of your hill. I have to keep telling my men to exercise some caution. They might be hit by a stray round when one of your guys attempts to use a self inflicted wound to get out of this battle and misses.

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In other words, if you don't pee on your toes you'll be considered an over-achiever.

I realize your lack of endowment might make that a dicey proposition. However here at Shavian House that isn't a problem we have to deal with. Would you like some plastic bags to cover your footwear? Oh wait, you don't seem to know what footwear is either. No worries you can put the bags over your feet...or preferably your head.

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