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New Kit/Equpiment Etc. For CMSF REMAKE


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When CMSF is remade it could be a straight up, buff, polish, engine #X update. It could become much more than that after the remake with modules.

I went back to read CMSF Manual 1.20 - The First Unconventional Conventional War and A developers conundrum.

BFC... "one day, a message was sent. The sleepers awoke and made their way to targets of their own personal choosing within cities not directly chosen by their leaders. Within a few hours, dozens of pounds of radioactive waste uranium were detonated by conventional explosives, polluting major cities of the West for hundreds of years. The leaders of the plot came out of hiding to celebrate, claim credit, taunt, and promise more such attacks. Then they melted back into the population.

At the United Nations, the countries suffering from the attacks demanded they be given the mandates necessary to go after those responsible for the attacks......."

BFC.... "By mid 2006 we found ourselves in a conundrum. Due to the strain on resources from the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the ability of the West to wage another large ground war in the Middle East (or anywhere for that matter) became less and less possible with each passing month. Still, we wanted to simulate such an environment and, in fact, were too far along in the development process to back out even if we wanted to. This conflict between needs and reality presented us with quite a design dilemma. On one hand we had to pick a viable place to “wage war” or we wouldn’t have a game at all. On the other hand we could see no country that clearly deserved a “virtual invasion”.

To solve this problem we considered setting CM:SF in a completely fictional country against a completely fictional Red Force. After lengthy discussions internally and on our Forum we decided that a generic, fictional setting would not be as compelling to play as a real-world setting. Therefore, we chose Syria as the “Red Force” even though there is no indication that war with Syria would be justifiable or even feasible any time in the near future."

One view of a new CMSF remake / modules....

For a while now Syria has been ripping itself apart while for the most part the world watches from the sidelines. Millions of Syrians are displaced. > 100 thousand Syrians are dead. Russia, Iran, Hezbollah are in for the win. Al-Qaeda certainly qualifies as terrorists and appear to be some of the stronger anti regime player on the anti Assad side. This has become a great training base for extreme Islamist to pop in form Europe... get a tour under their belt and head back to... Europe or Africa or elsewhere to use their new skills. Lets not forget the Syrians who are revolting against Assad straight up w/o a desire to become an Al-Qaeda dictatorship. No "radioactive waste uranium were detonated by conventional explosives" ... yet... but how many people have been killed by chemical warfare... the same chemicals Assad never admitted he had and are now (after the red line was left behind multiple times) ... slowly... I think 5% so far are being moved out of country. Can't leave that poison in country as Al-Qaeda would be more than happy to "dispose / disperse" of it / relocate the poisons themselves. All of the Middle East is on edge about Iran's peaceful nuclear expansion and might need to start their own peaceful nuclear expansion... just in case.

I am not a Syria grog but t appears there is more than enough backstory there for an "Unconventional Conventional War" expansion module.

What happens in Black Sea should give CM customers an idea of what is possible with the CMSF remake and possible modules to represent the current Syria. Russia's broad spectrum modern should be represented in Black Sea and could become part the CMSF-2 expansion.

Gunhappy42 "Buzz got me started on Syria, blame him."

Yeah my fault.

Mord "Maybe we should sentence him to a year of Justin Beiber videos?"

Justin Beiber "Never Say Never" :D

Don't know if you guys have played an interesting what if scenario "October Surprise" in wargame TOAW,


it describes an Iran invasion on Oct. 2004, before 2nd battle of Fallujah.

I think BFC can borrow some idea from this Scenario.

Set the timeline to 2009, small scale Syria civil war broke out, unlike our universe, there the rebels shake the regime but the Sryia's armed force is still intact.

decide to invade Syria to save the dying rebellion. At first everything goes well. Then Iran moves their muscle to help Syria by a small(or large?) scale invasion into Iraq's Shia provinces. A Shia uprising was brought up too, the whole Iraq get into a sect conflict again.

Iran also send some Commando units into Afghanistan. These two efforts are try to draw Nato's attention away from Syria.

So Western was brought into a conventional invasion/occupation in Syria, conventional warfare/Unconventional warfare/sect conflict in Iraq, where to both US and Iran friends and foes are changing everyday. Last in Afghanistan, Taliban are eager to fight any foreign troops, no matter it is NATO or Iran commando.

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I currently work in a Division HQ (the airborne one - so I have some experience with this problem). And I can assure you, no aviator will fly with a viable MANPADS threat, unless he is threatened with his job or life AND chained to his seat as in the example you provide.

Its just too damn scary. A good correlation I think is the Horse Cavalry and the machinegun. One gun could mow down an entire squadron before they could effectively close and take it out. The larger radar based systems can be taken out using their radar signature as a target. But MANPADS for the most part are heat signature weapons. You have no idea they are there until the missile is in the air and seconds from exploding right outside your canopy.

CAS is by definition slow. You aren't going to outrun a missile inside a few seconds of afterburner if you are on a bombing or strafing run. The only way to stay safe would be to stay above the MANPADS ceiling and use PGM. Good for some fire missions but hardly preferable.

This is why the air force hates supporting the CAS mission. Anything outside of a low threat environment (think Vietnam, GWOT, etc) is certain death, given modern capabilities. Of course all of the above applies to helicopters just even more so.

Are you referring only to helos?

For jets nowadays they mostly go with PGMs and a 10-18k ft hard deck is quite doable.

Radar guided SAMs are another story though, you'd then need dedicated SEAD platforms providing cover. But then the single digit SAMs like SA2s and 6s are relatively manageable, it's the double digit ones that are the real killers. Hence the need for stealth fighters. The cat and mouse game...

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To my mind it´s a great achievement to have most of CMX2 games updated to the latest engine. In this way people is able to select their favourite background using the same rules: There won´t be outdated games. I would be very very happy with an updated version of CMSF, even without new expansions or modules.

Thanks Battlefront!!

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Skwabie, I am an infantryman so quickly getting out of my depth. I just know what the pilots assigned to our headquarters tell me when we are standing around the water cooler. There are capabilities and threat assessments and then there is reality. Apparently reality is that it would have to be real damn important to fly low level CAS in a high threat SAM 1 thru gazillion environment. Low level is what we would want replicated in CM SF/Black Sea (we dont care if the AF can bust an enemy air plane hanger from 25k ft in southern Russia). We need the A10s and F-16s busting tanks and suppressing troop formations 1500m to our front.

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Yep - I remember Bosnia and an unconfirmed sighting of a ZSU 23/4 came in - cue gazillions of phone calls from AFSOUTH or whoever was in charge of the shiny expensive aeroplanes at the time.

Nobody wanted to fly until we could tie it down as a misreported ZSU 57/2. Then everyone was happier and our gallant aviators decided that they would play war (ok peace enforcement) again with us brown jobs.

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Skwabie, I am an infantryman so quickly getting out of my depth. I just know what the pilots assigned to our headquarters tell me when we are standing around the water cooler. There are capabilities and threat assessments and then there is reality. Apparently reality is that it would have to be real damn important to fly low level CAS in a high threat SAM 1 thru gazillion environment. Low level is what we would want replicated in CM SF/Black Sea (we dont care if the AF can bust an enemy air plane hanger from 25k ft in southern Russia). We need the A10s and F-16s busting tanks and suppressing troop formations 1500m to our front.

Meh. If I was a pilot, I'll fly CAS for you no sweat, Zeus or no Zeus!

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