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New scenario: Seizing Ciembienne


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At long last I´m ready to release a scenario to go with the large urban map - "Ciembienne" - that I released earlier this year.

The scenario is called Seizing Ciembienne

Allies vs AI only


Size: Medium

Map: Large city

Length: 1:30

You can get it here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5101/details

- and later at the Repository


The story - in short:

Elements of a british Recce Regiment are tasked with seizing the small - and relatively lightly defended - town of Ciembienne. Unfortunately, a platoon of Jagdpanzers have just arrived to bolster the defenses. They´ll have to be eliminated before the main attack.

Thus, a small "commando" force with PIATs is sent into town ahead of the main force. They must sneak in unseen and knock out the Jagdpanzers at a workshop - before they leave to take up defensive positions.

When the Jagdpanzers - hopefully - have been neutralized the main force will arrive. And the real battle begins.


- and please leave comments, AAR ´s and such in this thread. That will be highly appreciated.


I am very grateful to the following players for helping me test this scenario:

Philip "PhilM" Maynard


Jaeger Jonzo

Tim "General Lee Irked" Nieuwdorp

Bob "British Tommy" Millard

Thanks for the comments and suggestions, guys.



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I love that first pic in post #2. You have a great eye for detail. It's all that little junk and stuff that really spices up a map, in my opinion. Clutter = life. If CMX2 could use anything graphics wise I think it's more flavor objects and some more terrain options. Well, besides HIT DECALS AND FIRE!!!


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I love that first pic in post #2. You have a great eye for detail. It's all that little junk and stuff that really spices up a map, in my opinion. Clutter = life. If CMX2 could use anything graphics wise I think it's more flavor objects and some more terrain options. Well, besides HIT DECALS AND FIRE!!!


Amen to that!

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It's all that little junk and stuff that really spices up a map, in my opinion. Clutter = life. If CMX2 could use anything graphics wise I think it's more flavor objects and some more terrain options. Well, besides HIT DECALS AND FIRE!!!

Seems like we agree on most issues, Mord.

yeah this is the one thing that has me screaming and running for cover on the new map sizes coming with 3.0. Getting a map to look good is in the details and 30 sq km of detail is ... well a lot.

It sure is.

This map is less than 1 sq km - and it took me ages to make. I dread to think of the work lying ahead of the poor fellow that gets the task of making the Stalingrad master map. He better get started soon.

This is a fun one I will be playing it again.

Thanks umlaut

Great. And thank you for helping me test the thing.


Merry Christmas

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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice umlaut. I'll go post on the repository, but I have to admit I played the initial 30 minutes 3x before bothering to move on just cause it was so much fun sneaking through the back yards and alleys avoiding patrols. :D Love the map. Now I gotta go actually seize the objectives. As I noted on the comment, would love to see more scenarios on this map. It is just far too cool to only have one.

By the way, nice re enactment on that last pic. I think that is about as close as one is going to get in CM to that shot. Trying to remember, was the original from St Lo?

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Very nice umlaut. I'll go post on the repository, but I have to admit I played the initial 30 minutes 3x before bothering to move on just cause it was so much fun sneaking through the back yards and alleys avoiding patrols. :D Love the map. Now I gotta go actually seize the objectives. As I noted on the comment, would love to see more scenarios on this map. It is just far too cool to only have one.

By the way, nice re enactment on that last pic. I think that is about as close as one is going to get in CM to that shot. Trying to remember, was the original from St Lo?

Thanks a lot - not least for your comment and rating in repository. :)

I really don´t know where the original photo was taken, I just tried to reenact it based on the one in the Force Specific Backgrounds.

I have actually made another scenario on this map, but whether I´m going to upload it really depends on the amount of feedback I´ll get from this scenario.

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Started playing this today, just in the recon phase at the moment. Got quite a surprise when a APC came hurtling along one of the streets out of nowhere right passed one of my PIAT teams, (literally inches away) then headlong into another PIAT team who quickly dispatched it but became pinned due to the proximity of the explosion. Cracker of a map!

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Already loved your urban stuff in CMBB! Will try that out! :)

Thanks a lot, Harry.

I really liked your 1940 stuff in CM:ETO too. Hoping for new versions, once it gets possible with CM2 :)

BTW: Weren´t you working on a damaged urban map/scenario? It looked very promising, but if it has been released, I´ve missed it.

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Hello, Umlat

I just downloaded your scenario. I have not played it yet but i did take a sneak peek at the map since i'm currently working on my first 'serious' attempt to make a map myself.

Very impressive work indeed...the amount of work you have put into that map is amazing !

Good insperation...

I will try to finish my own map before i have a go at playing your scenario but it looks really good and judging by the rewiews it plays as good as it looks...

Well done !

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A tactical victory for me. Only managed to take the rail bridges. The other two were contested. The scenario had a nice contrast from the stealthy opening to the heavy fighting at the climax. Found it very difficult getting across the the westside(?) bridge but did managed to get across. An issue though with that bridge - my tank got stuck.


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Hi schwerpunktgrenadier!

Glad you like it - though I´m sorry to hear about you bridge troubles.

I´m actually a bit surprised about that. I haven´t heard of any problems from the scenario testers - nor have I encountered any problems myself in any of my own several play-throughs. Strange.

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Hi umlaut!

Yeah, the tank was completely stuck and I had no way of getting the rest of the mechanised force across which was a bit disappointing after the hard fought battle for the bridge. It was like the bridge had a step in it on the Cathedral side. I'm only patched to 2.11 - that might have been the problem.

Still picked up some useful lessons like don't ignore key terrain like a large multi-story grain factory! Managed to keep good cohesion in my forces for at least 3/4 of the scenario then sheer chaos reigned in the final 1/4. A lovely map (especially like the railway tracks and embankment) and I appreciated all your hard work. I'd definitely play the scenario again.

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Thank you for this splendid map and scenario umlaut!

Since you requested it I shall deliver - a short AAR from the first part of the game where you have to reach four Jagdpanzers with your commando team.


So we have to seize the town of Ciembienne who is lightly defended. Under the cover of the darkness I moved my 3 commando units towards the industrial complex since a civilian told us 4 Jadgpanzers WERE being resupplied there. I spread them so that on arrival they could mound a surprise attack from 3 different directions and also in case I would run into patrols - if one would get eliminated by patrols I would have 2 more which could still operate.

All was going fine and my commandos didn't encounter any enemy in their first half-way toward their first objective. So on the way towards it my left-most commando group is a bit behind the other two teams. They just entered a house overlooking a long street and I wanted to give them command to cross the street when I spotted a vehicle sound contact going down the street to which they are facing. Luckily I spotted it in time otherwise I would send men across the street and they would literally jump in front of an armored car sporting a 20mm gun. I ordered them to hide asap and my men do so diligently. This car approached and miraculously stopped just under the windows of the house my commando force was in. At first I thought that I will let it pass but since it was such a ripe non moving target I just had to kill it. I ordered all men to open fire and they threw grenades into the car, started shooting on the men that wanted to jump out of the car and also fired one piat 'nade into it which then obliterated the vehicle. One passenger miraculously managed to run away into the darkness. I ordered my men to find him but they couldn't locate him. Thus I proceeded with caution and was in rather big delay on the left side of the map since other two teams managed to get quite further ahead while these boys were taking their "sweet time".

I arrived at the industrial park with one team and sent one squad on the top level in one house which had a nice view unto the area where jaggies were supposed to be parked. It turned out all 4 of them were there. On my horror these men started shooting on the commander of one of the tanks before I managed to have all the teams in position for a synchronized surprise attack. I had that team on hold fire order but they snapped. They should'n have, being a veteran unit. This happens with green units often but not with veteran, damn it. I hid the team that ****ed it up badly so that I don't loose any of them to return fire (that never came). Jaggie started to move thus I had to rush in one piat squad that was closest to the tanks. These two guys managed to get across the wall, entered one small building and fired onto one jaggie 15 meters away - the projectile hit it on the side. Tank exploded immediately and started to burn violently while the tank closest to it started reversing and revealed it's front to my team (thus making any shot towards it highly prone to failure). Thus he targeted other jaggie which was showing it's side to it - this one to got hit but didn't get knocked out and moved out of the sight. Just when my piat guy reloaded his weapon he got hit mortally through the window by the tank that was reversing from it. Damn, now I had one less piat to deal with 2 more jaggies!

Team 2 got into position from the other side of the complex closely after my first piat guy fell - tank that was reversing and killed my piat guy 1 showed its rear totally exposed to them - piat was fired and managed to fully penetrate the soft back-skin of the beast. Tank didn't explode but was certainly knocked out since vehicle crew started to jump out of the tank a moment later only to be mowed down by my boys' machine gun fire from the building just opposite of the tank. Still, tank commander that hid behind his tank managed to injure my piat guy 2 who fell on the ground being hit by a pistol bullet before he manages to run into cover. Bloody hell! I ordered all my men in squad 2 into a building from which they could more easily shoot on the tank commander. They managed to enter it without any further casualties and promptly killed the well hidden enemy.

By now the survivor from piat team number 1 recuperated from the death of his co-soldier, stopped hiding and took the piat in his hands - he fired twice towards tank number 3 that was driving away. First shot did nothing more then just partially penetrated the tank but the damn thing was still moving. He managed to hit it again just ebfore it moved out of sight and now full penetration occurred. It started to smoke and 3 survivors jump out of it. They were so stunned they weren't able to make any return fire and while my piat guy, who just killed the tank, started to reload, all were being shot at by another team that I managed to get into position just in time. They were shooting on the survivors from 3rd floor and those poor German bastards had no chance.

Finally my 3rd squat arrived to the scene and started to search for the 4th tank which got hit but has moved out of site. While they searched for it they stumbled upon one tank crew survivor who managed to injure one of the men but fortunately piat-guy came out unscratched. Some time passed until last tank was spotted and flames engulf it immediately after projectile hit it from point blank range. Unfortunately killer then got killed by yet unseen enemy across the street.

3rd squad crossed the street only to be gunned down by yet another unseen enemy. Only it's commander survived but was later killed by machine gun fire coming from unknown direction while he tried to rally his troops. Other survivors managed to get out of the tightening grip of the enemy and proceed towards the railway when 3 more men got killed. Two by what seemed like a tank HE shot and 1 other to a small guns fire. The last remaining few managed to reach buildings which both have a clear view towards the railway tower and the cathedral.

Commandos managed to knock out all 4 panzers and one armored car but with big losses. Most of my force has been killed but I managed to spare some and they will hopefully give me valuable information of the enemy force for my other scout units who just arrived into the outskirts of the city.

Here I conclude my little AAR since I have to go somewhere and have no time to keep on playing although I would love to! Hope you liked it - I'm not much of a writter and this has been done in a haste.

Bye bye,


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