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Snowstorm - disable GFX?


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They were posting their own opinions about the snow, which is "helpful" to a discussion/debate forum. I don't give a flying fig if you think they are helpful or not. What I do care about is you attacking them (and others) without any reason to.

You have a feature request. You made your case for it. Now accept that some might not agree with you. Which is OK because it doesn't matter if they agree with you or not. It only matters if we agree with you. And the quickest way to get your suggestion put to the back of the line of thousands of other suggestions is to be an abusive, self centered, abusive poster. Well, at least for a little while because as I just said, we do not put up with such behavior here.

There is NO REASON to be abusive, so there is NO REASON for us to put up with it.


No, my English is good enough to understand that you said that I should be glad for such "helpful" comments!!! Which I find extremely arrogant, btw.

The sad truth is, that without shouting and giving some of the selfrightousness forum "leaders" a speech they finally understand, the first post had been simply ignored, then after a more detailed and visually more impacting description it was ridiculed, answers were provocative, in many forums such a behaviour would be seen as trolling. But not here. Here you defend absolutely useless posts as "helpful" and demand from customers with their problems to even be thankful for BS-comments! Thank you Battlefront.

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What else must someone do, than indicating that low framerates and a lower resolution kill any joy to play such a battle, until the ignorants who obviously have never played such a battle shut up?!

MikeyD: In real life you have 24+ frames per second, don't you?

sburke: show me how you open the editor in a PBEM game! Ever heard about playing double blind?!

Are you both feeble-minded that you don't recognize the problem?

It's shame that such an awful implementation of a GFX can ruin one of the best battles and fanboys even defend that there is no option to switch it off. If you have such friends you don't need any enemys.

I'm a huge fan of CM and it's the only game I play. But if a GFX is that bad that it becomes hard to bear, then I guess there are more people out there who don't lose a word about it and just quit such battles before they even play them.

"Go into the editor", "in real life i can't switch it off, too."

Human stupidity is indeed borderless.

No what is stupidity is pointing out AFTER someone suggests something that you can't based on info you never supplied and acting like somehow your unspoken situation should be self evident. Only the feeble minded could think that. I was suggesting you edit the battle BEFORE playing but you are so into your rage at the machine attitude you never stopped to think you asked for input but didn't give enough detail to guide that input. When did you mention it was pbem much less double blind? Oh yeah YOU DIDN"T. How friggin stupid is that?

So back to my suggestion, edit the scenario and restart your friggin game, anyone who would be foolish enough to play a pbem with such as you would likely start over anyway. You can edit the weather conditions w/o looking at anything else. And actually I have played that scenario- more than once as I was playtesting. I know it rather well as a matter of fact hence my answer. Next time dude you are on your own, you don't deserve the courtesy you are not willing to give.

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The sad truth is, that without shouting and giving some of the selfrightousness forum "leaders" a speech they finally understand, the first post had been simply ignored, then after a more detailed and visually more impacting description it was ridiculed, answers were provocative, in many forums such a behaviour would be seen as trolling. But not here.

Er, no. Your behavior is seen as trolling.

Look at other threads that I participate in. You won't find abusive crap like yours in them, yet I'm there communicating with people and helping address problems.

So I will say this again... if you continue to be abusive then NOBODY will respond to your requests because you won't be allowed to post here. Either be polite and remain or go elsewhere.

EVERYBODY has to play by these rules. You are not special.

Here you defend absolutely useless posts as "helpful" and demand from customers with their problems to even be thankful for BS-comments! Thank you Battlefront.

Because you are both self centered and self righteous, you don't understand the value of opposing points of view. Given your obvious political beliefs, this is hardly surprising. When someone posts "I want it done this way" it is valuable to see if there are other points of view. That's because we are not making a game just for you and you alone.


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Are you trying to get yourself banned?

One does have to wonder, but I don't think so. He has the mistaken belief that he's always right and therefore everybody else is wrong. When you have that sort of world view it's not difficult to see how that causes friction. Totally unnecessary and counter productive friction, I might add. Which is why we do not stand for it after giving the person ample warning.

Now that GJR144 has his (second) warning... I've fulfilled my self imposed obligation to not ban anybody unless they refuse to be civil. I could have banned him without warning the last time he caused problems, but I am somewhat patient with slow learners.


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there is no toggle (hot key) for snow in CMFI like in CMBO which has 3 stages: none,full and Iforgotthethird. Like sburke said, go to the editor, import scenario, change weather from blizzard to flurries, and voila... you have toggle for snow... I know, It's not hot key, but hey..

For me where hot key for snow really kicks in is EF. Flurries in CMFI and CMBO snow have a similar optical effect (felling). ;)

Hope this helps a little...

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Like sburke said, go to the editor, import scenario, change weather from blizzard to flurries, and voila... you have toggle for snow... I know, It's not hot key, but hey..

For the benefit for anyone else who wonders in here the key is the frame rate. If you have a low frame rate that means that the camera does not move smoothly and your snow will freeze (pun not intended) which is odd and annoying. I am not making a judgment on the quality of the look of the snow. I find it OK - as long as the game is running OK. Others my have a different opinion and that's fine. As long as it is falling it is OK by me.

So, the Temple to Mars game is big - large map and lots and lots of units. My machine struggles with a game that size at high quality graphic settings. What I do for any large battle like that is drop my graphic settings a notch or two before firing up a large game. I usually run my settings at Better, Better but for a large game I will drop it down to Balanced, Balanced. Drop it as low as you need to to get camera to move smoothly when you play and the game will not stutter and pause with the snow stuck in the air. Once you have a graphic setting that your machine can handle your experience will be more enjoyable.

After that you can look at how to improve you machine's capabilities - new graphics card, more memory, faster HD or new machine all together.

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For the benefit for anyone else who wonders in here the key is the frame rate.

Absolutely agree about frame rate and performance.

But I'm talking about the volume of visible falling snow (huh, my english).When you set weather to blizzard and you turn your camera 360 deg. you have white wall of snow on one side and flurries (very disperse) on the other side at the same time (unreal but nevermind).

So we need 3 stage hot key like in CMBO to enhance performance and reduce the white wall of snow to your own taste with one single command. ;)

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One does have to wonder, but I don't think so. He has the mistaken belief that he's always right and therefore everybody else is wrong.

1. I know what I see on my computer. Why you claim that opinions make the awful looking GFX at low resolution with low framerates here go away is beyond rationality.

It's the same with non working anti aliasing in movie lighting on Nvidia cards. It doesn't work although it was promised to be fixed but if people with high resolutions don't care, the fact doesn't go away.

That the proportional size of the snowflakes becomes bigger, the smaller the resolution is, is also something that doesn't go away with thousands of "opinions" of people playing with much higher resolutions.

A fact is a fact and if one says it's a fact, it doesn't change anything if 1000 people say "I don't care" or "I don't know what he is talking about".

What you called "helpful" comments from people not even recognizing the problem, or over and over again suggesting such brilliant things like going into the editor, without even reading the thread first, speaks volumes.

In good forums long term forum members are the first who understand a problem - you could ask yourself why here they are the last ones.

Not reading threads, ignoring the discussion but posting useless garbage has your backing, but asking if these people are feeble minded if they do so, is not accepted! How could a new registered customer dare to call a duck a duck if this duck has always been quacking "politely" for so many years? :P

No wonder why there are so few regular posters and I already regret that I registered despite the recommendation of one of my PBEM friends.

2. Reading this thread from the beginning makes clear what was action and what was the reaction to very stupid answers.

I'm wondering if you really have never recognized what a fight it is for new customers to get heard if they don't crawl into someones' ass first?

You obviously are not willing or capable to be just and to protect users, that can't stand and do not accept this bad trolling and provoking behaviour:

3. YOU are the one who projects his political opinion into the discussion to attack me. You even claim to know what my political opinions were. :eek: How arrogant is that?! But it fits to the arrogance of some of the long term forum members perfectly.

You are hiding behind forum rules only if they appease you, while on the other hand you allow other forum users to provoke and troll others.

Probably the only thing you really want is to ban me because I dared to bring a fresh wave of honesty and uprightousness into this slowly dying incestuous community.

But I can tell you, that it is not me who destroys this forum, but those posters who believe they know more about CM only because they are long term forum members and believe they can treat all new forum members as CM newbies. Like I said: selfrightousness. And they have ther full backing and you don't even recongize this problem, but you think you have the right to make ad hominem attacks!

A good forum can only exist if the rules apply to all and if not long term forum members are allowed to develop a selfrightousness and trolling behaviour. Or how your "helpful" users in their "helpful" manner "politely" use to say: Good luck!

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What you called "helpful" comments from people not even recognizing the problem, or over and over again suggesting such brilliant things like going into the editor, without even reading the thread first, speaks volumes.

I read the thread and post #4 says PLEASE BFC, make the snowflakes switchable.:mad:

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Probably the only thing you really want is to ban me because I dared to bring a fresh wave of honesty and uprightousness into this slowly dying incestuous community.

LOL. Yeah...that's what it is. You acting like a jerk had nothing to do with it. Another martyr that has no idea how to function like a normal human being. I like how you edited the attitude and tone out of your first post...makes it much easier to play your victim card.


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I read the thread and post #4 says

Sorry, just want to help.

If you tell me, how an ongoing PBEM-battle can be edited in the editor and how removing the snowflakes does not destroy a huge battle that is built on the reduced vision, I can believe you.

Otherwise what you call "Sorry, just want to help" is only a phrase covering ignorant behaviour. QUED.

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If you had just made your request in a polite manner (like in your edited version) you wouldn't have created a "snowstorm" of arguing. There are hundreds of people that have criticized the game over the years, asked for changes, and pointed out problems, that haven't been "attacked". Being polite costs nothing. Starting a thread with an attitude is a sure way to attract more attitude. Though considering how inflammatory your original post was most people were pretty nice, if not playful in their replies. Take the chip off your shoulder and maybe less people will bring chainsaws.


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If you had just made your request in a polite manner (like in your edited version) you wouldn't have created a "snowstorm" of arguing.

But also a liar.

The first post was edited before a reply and was ignored. The second one that received the stupid comments is not edited at all.

But vileness and lying has probably the full backing of Battlefront.

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If you tell me, how an ongoing PBEM-battle can be edited in the editor and how removing the snowflakes does not destroy a huge battle that is built on the reduced vision, I can believe you.

Otherwise what you call "Sorry, just want to help" is only a phrase covering ignorant behaviour. QUED.

I think in ongoing PBEM you can't edit current stage of scenario in editor (I overlooked this about ongoing PBEM), so there is nothing to believe.

Ignorant behavior? Are you sure? If so sorry for my ignorant behavior.

Good luck ... and bye..

Hi Mom.......

P.s. GJR144 do you have problems with snow or with yourself?

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I think in ongoing PBEM you can't edit current stage of scenario in editor (I overlooked this about ongoing PBEM), so there is nothing to believe.

Ignorant behavior? Are you sure? If so sorry for my ignorant behavior.

Good luck ... and bye..

Hi Mom.......

I knew that your "polite" behaviour was not honest.

And always put a boot in...

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Yes, they pay me to lie when someone comes on and throws a hissy fit but I thought it was a secret. You've doubled my back account in two posts.

I found your prom picture.


Super Rich Mord.

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To be fair to all concerned I must chime in and say that some of what GJR144 is true in respect to some of the comments made by long time members of this forum.

Before the release of MG I made some posts regarding the problems I was encountering trying to place decent waypoints when crossing a bridge. Although there was a wealth of data indicating that bridge crossing was in fact a known issue, some posters indicated that my particular problem was due to the fact that I was too lazy to properly place waypoints, and that everyone else knew how to overcome this issue. I was given one decent solution about turning off the left click action in the options menu. I wont name names or point direct fingers, but anyone can search back and look at the threads.

The point I was trying to make at the time, was that if a game mod revolving around the attacking, defending and crossing of multiple bridges was soon to be released it would be good to know if the bridge pathing issues were being addressed.

Because I have been around here for awhile, and still use my original handle, I know how most posters operate and I don't take anything posted on here personal. Some people obviously have thinner skin, are more passionate about issues than most, or are using different log-ins to create multiple forum personalities. In other words a typical microcosm of a group dynamic situations, but without the face to face interaction, which is sometimes critical with human interaction.

I think that once in a while we all have to take a step back, take a deep breath, and realize we are talking here about a computer game. I'm sure this is not the first time this has been mentioned. What brings us all here is a common love of this game, an interest in history, and a platform to display our knowledge and yes sometimes our rudeness, anger and lack of respect for fellow members.

All of us have something to contribute, but there are times when we should just move on to the next thread or go play a PBEM or start a conversation with our significant others rather than post something that is going to rile everyone up.

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To be fair to all concerned I must chime in and say that some of what GJR144 is true in respect to some of the comments made by long time members of this forum.

Before the release of MG I made some posts regarding the problems I was encountering trying to place decent waypoints when crossing a bridge. Although there was a wealth of data indicating that bridge crossing was in fact a known issue, some posters indicated that my particular problem was due to the fact that I was too lazy to properly place waypoints, and that everyone else knew how to overcome this issue. I was given one decent solution about turning off the left click action in the options menu. I wont name names or point direct fingers, but anyone can search back and look at the threads.

The point I was trying to make at the time, was that if a game mod revolving around the attacking, defending and crossing of multiple bridges was soon to be released it would be good to know if the bridge pathing issues were being addressed.

Because I have been around here for awhile, and still use my original handle, I know how most posters operate and I don't take anything posted on here personal. Some people obviously have thinner skin, are more passionate about issues than most, or are using different log-ins to create multiple forum personalities. In other words a typical microcosm of a group dynamic situations, but without the face to face interaction, which is sometimes critical with human interaction.

I think that once in a while we all have to take a step back, take a deep breath, and realize we are talking here about a computer game. I'm sure this is not the first time this has been mentioned. What brings us all here is a common love of this game, an interest in history, and a platform to display our knowledge and yes sometimes our rudeness, anger and lack of respect for fellow members.

All of us have something to contribute, but there are times when we should just move on to the next thread or go play a PBEM or start a conversation with our significant others rather than post something that is going to rile everyone up.

I'm afraid that all games forums have posters (I am not specifically talking about the thread you highlight) who will insist that you work around a bug or defect rather than have it treated as such by the developers, because they believe that addressing it will divert developer resources from something "more important". This is despite having no practical insight into development processes or methodologies. There is no incentive for the developers to correct any of these misapprehensions. They are not going to say "Hey, that's not how we work, we could branch the code and have that fix merged into trunk in a week". No developer wants to set an expectation unnecessarily.

Having said that, this forum is not particularly bad for this, compared to something like the Arma forums.

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