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CM:BN Market Garden BETA AAR #2 - ALLIED

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PIAT is spring triggered, with a cartridge propellant charge - which is a different kettle of fish to restricted German AT weaponary.

When the trigger was pulled, the spring pushed the firing pin forwards into the bomb, which ignited the propellant in the bomb and launched it out of the trough and into the air. The recoil caused by the detonation of the propellant then blew the firing pin backwards onto the spring; this automatically cocked the weapon so it could be (re?)fired.

" I should add that the PIAT is great in an urban environment as you can fire them from buildings without having to worry about any backblast."

So the news is we can fire from building but have to watch out for backblast

This is great

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Two words womble. Cover arc. Grumble grumble grumble.

Oh that sucks. I have very close to stopped using cover arcs (only use them to: keep guys from firing at long range or at all - only circular; allow an immobilized tank to face a different way - only 180 and right to the edge of the map; keep some AT asset from exposing itself to infantry - armour cover arc circular covering the entire map)

There has been no direct evidence of the fabled urban combat improvements so far, but I have made mention of one.

You mentioned one? What - please hint because I cannot find it. And it cannot be the PIAT firing from indoors because that is *not* new.

I have a request. Could you identify your turns by the clock instead of turn number, please. Something like Minute 50 or Minute 50-49. That helps us keep two AAR's in sync.

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You mentioned one? What - please hint because I cannot find it. And it cannot be the PIAT firing from indoors because that is *not* new.


In an earlier post he said this...

" I should add that the PIAT is great in an urban environment as you can fire them from buildings without having to worry about any backblast."

people have extrapalated that there are now situations were backblast may be a worry..in what situation would you worry about backbast from an handheld AT?

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Actually they do in vanilla :D

(the gun mp40.wav and the gun thompson.wav file is actually the same sound renamed. So you are not wrong in thinking they share the same sound)

Redemption! Redemption! Blessed relief...

For new urban combat, I think my earlier guess might be right - have another look at Cpl Carrot's comments.

On PIATs - at risk of getting it wrong again, I thought we could already fire PIATs from buildings?

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" I should add that the PIAT is great in an urban environment as you can fire them from buildings without having to worry about any backblast."

people have extrapalated that there are now situations were backblast may be a worry..in what situation would you worry about backbast from an handheld AT?

Ahh, any time an AT rocket was fired inside an enclosed space. I'm not getting it explain it to me like I am six :)

For new urban combat, I think my earlier guess might be right - have another look at Cpl Carrot's comments.

I looked, again, at Cpl Carrot's comments and gain I must be thick or something because I'm still not seeing him hinting that you are right. Can you hold my hand like I'm four and point it out to me. :)

On PIATs - at risk of getting it wrong again, I thought we could already fire PIATs from buildings?

You are correct: You can already fire PIATs from buildings. That is not new.

I might be 46 but sometimes my first digit needs hand holding and my second digit needs things explained v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. :D

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at page 2 it said : " I should add that the PIAT is great in an urban environment as you can fire them from buildings without having to worry about any backblast."

So we have like normal that UK rpg fired from a house, all good, the new stuff is that the German and US RPG?s also can be fired from a house but u men vil take damage from the backblast.

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Near the end of the turn Johnsy's men trigger the ambush I laid for him.

Oh this must be it. Cool!!!

I read that like six times and never really thought it referred to the use of new game features, such as a command, but instead the regular kind of lower case a ambush that we can all do now with a bit of careful placement and cover arcs.

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Oh this must be it. Cool!!!

I read that like six times and never really thought it referred to the use of new game features, such as a command, but instead the regular kind of lower case a ambush that we can all do now with a bit of careful placement and cover arcs.

Yup, that's the one I saw - that is definitely good news!

So do I get prize?

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I read that like six times and never really thought it referred to the use of new game features, such as a command, but instead the regular kind of lower case a ambush that we can all do now with a bit of careful placement and cover arcs.

And you would be correct. Nothing new there. Someone has hit the nail on the head though.

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AlexUK are you still not seeing the woods for the trees?

I thought we were talking about urban warfare improvement - What has fighting in wooded-up areas got to do with it ;)

Like many of life's great mistakes, once the veil is drawn from the eyes it all seems so obvious.

I wonder how the backblast is going to be implemented. I definitely wouldn't want to be anywhere near a shreck going off - perhaps only fausts will be allowed, which given the short ranges might make more sense anyway.

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Cpl. Carrot, how are you for re-supply for the stens? Any available? If not that could end up being a big problem later in the battle.

I have two jeeps with 250 rounds of 9mm each (and 600 rounds .303) and a bedford truck with 300 rounds 9mm (and 2k+ rounds .303). Both are back with D company. So 9mm ammo could be in short supply. Might be reduced to hurling badly accented insults before this is all over.

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Ahh, any time an AT rocket was fired inside an enclosed space. I'm not getting it explain it to me like I am six

The statement was "I should add that the PIAT is great in an urban environment as you can fire them from buildings without having to worry about any backblast."

If the situation of firing RPGs from buildings was the same as before (i.e. PIATs can be fired from buildings but others can not), then the qualifier "without having to worry about any backblast" would be unnecessary. By including this qualifier, it sounds like other RPG weapons can be fired from buildings but with the possibility of hurting friendlies.

An interpretation too far?

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The statement was "I should add that the PIAT is great in an urban environment as you can fire them from buildings without having to worry about any backblast."

If the situation of firing RPGs from buildings was the same as before (i.e. PIATs can be fired from buildings but others can not), then the qualifier "without having to worry about any backblast" would be unnecessary. By including this qualifier, it sounds like other RPG weapons can be fired from buildings but with the possibility of hurting friendlies.

An interpretation too far?

An alternate interpretation may simply be that the part where it's stated to not have to worry about any backblast simply refers to how the game currently models such weapons, by not allowing them to fire at all from within an enclosed space.



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The following takes place between 1:54 and 1:53. All events occur in WEGO. (Is that what you wanted Ian? ;) )

Johnsy continues to pour fire from his flanking position (the two buildings middle right) into my abandoned positions in the city - which is a good thing. The more time he spends do this the less he has for actually shooting my guys. And he might have to hurl some insults himself :D


The AT under the bridge does not last long, the green troops abandoning it as soon as they can and legging it as fast as they can. Some not fast enough though.


Another Stummel is spotted. This time on the bridge approach. Johnsy is starting to amass some serious firepower over there.


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