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ALLIED - CMBN-Market Garden - BETA AAR (the better beta beater reader)

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As much as it embarrasses me, well, it is September 17th. My aide de camp sent me an excerpt from his journal. As I've said, many ignore the pre-battle morale boost speech. I do not. My men gain a lot from it. Anyhow, my aide de camp asked me, nay, begged me, to post his excerpt. So, here it is...

The jeep tore down the dusty road and came to an abrupt halt at a slight rise. The passenger nodded to the driver and stepped out. Both were wearing the red beret of the Parachute Regiment. In front of the jeep there stood a Sergeant Major, in full combat gear. Behind the sergeant were serried ranks of troops. Paras, to a man, tough and ready, standing silently at attention. The Sergeant Major snapped a rigid salute and held it as the passenger alit from the jeep.

The passenger slowly turned his gaze from the men, returned the salute, and addressed the Sergeant Major. “Are they all here?”

“Yes, sir! All present and accounted for, sir!”, replied the Sergeant.

“Yes, but are they ready for what they’re about to face?” whispered the passenger.

The sergeant understood that the passenger, his commander, c3k, had asked the question rhetorically and did not expect a reply. As for himself, the sergeant felt he was ready and that the men of the battalion, A, B, and C Companies, were as ready as any mortal could be.

C3k leapt up onto the hood of the jeep, “Men! Gather close! This is a field briefing and my voice won’t carry all the way to rear. So, like soldiers and crowds of old, I want section leads to pass back what they hear so that every man can hear my message.”

“Today,” c3k continued in a voice imbued with power and strength, “marks the biggest airborne operation ever conducted. We have a part in that operation. Each of you will need to perform at your best to beat the Bilious Hun we are facing.”

“Up the highway, in Arnhem,” continued c3k in a voice which filled the men with martial spirit and whisked away their fears, “is a brave group of fellow paras. They need our help. We will fight to save John Frost and his men.”

Back in the crowd, a young private turned to his corporal and asked, “What did he say?”

The corporal replied, “He says we’re fighting for John Frost. Pass it back.”

“Right. Hey, we’re fighting for John Frost. Pass it on.”

“He says we’re fighting for Jack Frost. Pass it on.”

“Did you hear? We have to fight before Jack Frost comes. Pass it back.”

“Right, now we know that Jack Frost will be nipping at us if we don’t fight. Pass it on.”

“What’s that? We get a nip if we fight?”

“Oh, jolly good. Whoever fights best gets a nip of whiskey?”

“Huh? A bottle of scotch and a week in a brothel after the fight?”

“What? The Germans are in a brothel?”

“He says the Germans are abusing the women in a brothel? That’s not proper! The ladies are waiting for us to save them? I say we attack! What say you?”

Around the back rank a huge cheer went up, taken up by more and more men, until c3k’s rousing words were drowned out by their roar. Satisfied that his speech and explanation had motivated the men, again, c3k hopped off the hood, exchanged salutes with the Sergeant Major, and hopped into the jeep to drive on to his destiny…

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Turn 38:00 to 37:00

No speechifying. Thankfully.


Big issues, as shown, are moving infantry up into the Town Center, and the tanks out. I'd also like to evacuate some of my support weapons from that wheatfield. It's too target-rich for Bil. However, some of the weapons there are doing some good work. They're my suppression center. Aye.

Below, the tanks continue... This is the ticklish spot, the rush across open ground. I'm using some troops as bait to assist. Anyone firing at troops isn't firing at tanks. That's the way I roll...



I got lucky there. But then again, what did Napoleon say about luck? They're always after me lucky charms.



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I've already sent my turn in, so no effect. But, what would you do with that piat team? Vote early, vote often. Reasoning gets you extra credit.


The PIAT can be fired from a prone position, and is less conspicuous when firing than a Bazooka, so consequently, you will be able to get off more rounds than a Bazooka before you are spotted. So I would start shooting now, and hope that your first shot goes unnoticed, then the second should hit home.

If a kill is not on the cards, I would shoot the Panther, to try and get gun damage, a crew casualty, or at least damage to optics.

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The Piat team vote:

The team is as good as dead anyway, so they should get up and imitate Robert Cain V.C. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Henry_Cain, maybe they'll be as lucky as him.


Destroy the panther first, the JpzIV next, and then they can pick what they want..

A GLORIOUS idea! (Wasn't Robert Cain VC related to that BBC car guy? I recall a very worthwhile program about that.)

What happened to my fonts?

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While we have a slight pause in the action, I think I'll put up some camparison screenies. I've got one machine running an nvidia card, another an AMD card. Would you like to have the same exact screenshot to compare and contrast? If so, what should it focus upon? (Does bandwidth matter, or is a jpg okay? Remember, the more I have to pay photobucket, the skinnier my wife gets. ;) )

Pauses in acton during beta testing = good things.

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While we have a slight pause in the action, I think I'll put up some camparison screenies. I've got one machine running an nvidia card, another an AMD card. Would you like to have the same exact screenshot to compare and contrast? If so, what should it focus upon? (Does bandwidth matter, or is a jpg okay? Remember, the more I have to pay photobucket, the skinnier my wife gets. ;) )

Pauses in acton during beta testing = good things.

Yes, compare please. Exactly the same screenshot if possible with armor and infantry, trees and hedges/bocage.

And houses, of course.

And roads.

And water, and a church and barns and sun and rain and fog. In daytime and nighttime, during dusk and dawn.


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