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alien death ray?

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My Sturm Panzer rolled down the road, I watched in terror as I saw the notice, side hull penetrating, and a light like the sun, seriously my monitor went bright white, then the burning hulk was inside a crater that swallowed it.. the top barely crests.. its like a 12 inch battleship round...

I tried to take a picture but am having issues with screen capture...


What ungodly thing hit this 70 plus ton beast putting such a dent in the roadway?

crater is almost twice as wide as length of Sturmbaby

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Really, some vehicles, like Brummbar, Grille and Priest, the least little penetration is liable to cook-off their whole freakin' ammo load. Not only KO the vehicle but make a huge crater and kill anyone remotely close. I've got into the habit off having my infantry give some vehicle types a wide berth just-in-case. :D

A similar thing in CMSF involved Bradley Fighting vehicle. You don't want stored TOW missiles to cook-off.

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That's great! Gotta love it.

During a beta test of CMBN, I was the Germans. The AI sent a Priest down the road... I nailed it but didn't kill it. The surviving crew panicked and BACKED it into my main defensive bocage block. Some stupid landser took the shot. Sigh. The ensuing cook-off killed half my guys. Defeat by kamikaze tank. Pretty fun...

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50 15cm shells @ 38 lbs/each + 1 lb + of propellant per shell= 1900 lbs shell weight + 50+ lbs of propellant.


As it happens, the above numbers are practically dead on for a U.S. WW II MK 13 16" HC (High Capacity) shell. Quoth the Wiki for the Iowa class battleship.


"For unarmored targets and shore bombardment, the 1,900 lb (862 kg) Mk. 13 HC (High-Capacity—referring to the large bursting charge) shell was available.[24] The Mk. 13 shell would create a crater 50 feet (15 m) wide and 20 feet (6 m) deep upon impact and detonation, and could defoliate trees 400 yards (360 m) from the point of impact.[24]"

Judging from the above, it's possible your smoking hulk nestled in its crater may understate the full force of the detonation and the resultant terrain remodeling. Contrariwise, your Brummbar's annihilation technically was an ultra low airburst, where the 16' HC would likely penetrate at least a bit before detonating.

If we compare total explosive weight, the MK 13 HC has 153.6 lbs. See Ammunition, first section for WW II ammo.


while your notional (all 50 aren't HE, but most are, plus the 50+ lbs of propellant) Brummbar load, per the sIG-33 link above, comes in at 50 x 18.25 or 912.5 lbs of explosive or 5.9 x as much explosive as the 16" MK 13 HC!

Who needs an alien death ray when a penetrating hit on the Brummbar's ammo storage, using crude Terran weapons, will yield the same result?


John Kettler

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Freeman you need to download FRAPS and use that make screen captures. WIN 7 or 8 screwed that up for us.

What he said.

When I was running CMBN under my old XP system, screenprints worked, but with Windows7, I have to use (free) FRAPS.

Note that free FRAPS will only save your pic as a bmp, you will still need to convert it to jpg using Paint or Irfanview or somesuch before posting it here :)

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What ungodly thing hit this 70 plus ton beast putting such a dent in the roadway?

crater is almost twice as wide as length of Sturmbaby

Kinda like this:

Some stupid landser took the shot. Sigh. The ensuing cook-off killed half my guys. Defeat by kamikaze tank. Pretty fun...

Oh man that is an even better story. I think you have us beat there.

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Oops! Wrong Sturmpanzer!

Recalculation, based on 14 rounds of 38 cm Raketen Sprenggranate 4581 at 275 lbs of explosive per round. That's 3850 lbs of explosive (no factoring in propellant at all) or 25 MK 13 HC 16" rounds! That's two broadsides + another turret volley and a two gun salvo. No wonder your monitor went white!


John Kettler

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I think it was the detonation of the beast.. too bad we still are using smoldering husks.. imagine the gory bits of molten SP flying around .. talk about schrapnel

I never had an issue with cutting and pasting images into paint before! odd

well I have saved the game and there is a HUGE crater

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Ive never in hundreds of hours of CM seen the likes of the 200 to three hundred foot wide fireball.. it was amazing

and as said before bright..

So what the heck, a 57 mm anti take toothpick can detonate these guys... Im seriously thinking infantry support and more infantry support is needed.

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oh, and for the elite on this attack .. driving in tigers and sturm panzers and elephants.. note one jeep, truck half track etc... my poor poor pitiful elite anti tank infantry have to race an amazing way... seriously I would be raising hell if these where my troops and not even one asset to help move the infantry forward?

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Oops! Wrong Sturmpanzer!

Recalculation, based on 14 rounds of 38 cm Raketen Sprenggranate 4581 at 275 lbs of explosive per round. That's 3850 lbs of explosive (no factoring in propellant at all) or 25 MK 13 HC 16" rounds! That's two broadsides + another turret volley and a two gun salvo. No wonder your monitor went white!


John Kettler

Didn't know the Sturm Tiger was in the game (quite sure it isn't ;)? The Brummbar is though, so you were actually right the first time hehe.

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