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Why Would Tank Speed Affect AT Mine Damage?

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To said tank? All my CMx2 gaming I've never had an AFV hit a AT mine and keep going.

My opponents hit 3 mines in our PBEM so far. 1 KO'd a HT. the other two hit tanks, but they were going slow, and shockingly he just has track damage.

Whats up? Is this realistic? Why would the speed affect that at all? Its not like we're talking about driving over a wall..

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To said tank? All my CMx2 gaming I've never had an AFV hit a AT mine and keep going.

My opponents hit 3 mines in our PBEM so far. 1 KO'd a HT. the other two hit tanks, but they were going slow, and shockingly he just has track damage.

Whats up? Is this realistic? Why would the speed affect that at all? Its not like we're talking about driving over a wall..

This is new. (Well, other than over in a thread a few minutes ago by Jep.)


Do you have a savegame?


Type of tanks?

Terrain in which the AT mines were located?

How dense were the AT mines?

(As a beta, I'll check this out and forward it, but any extra information you can provide will make it faster.)



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This is new. (Well, other than over in a thread a few minutes ago by Jep.)


Do you have a savegame?


Type of tanks?

Terrain in which the AT mines were located?

How dense were the AT mines?

(As a beta, I'll check this out and forward it, but any extra information you can provide will make it faster.)



I've had this happen as well. I had a very large tracked vehicle of a type I can't mention run over two anti tank mines in the same action spot and keep on truckin' right on through the crater the mines left. After the vehicle went through the mine sign changed to green. It was very disappointing.

edited to add that I don't think the speed has anything to do with it. I think that the AT mines have been nerfed or something. Yes, they were definitely AT mines too because I placed them in the editor myself with the intent of destroying said vehicle if it went where I didn't want it to go. If you post something in the right place I can expand on it.

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I just had a Sherman immobed by a mine.

Are you sue they were AT mines your tank ran over and survived, not APers?

Positive. I placed them myself for the one side and I ran over them myself with the other side (scenario testing). Try running over an AT mine with something really big from the animal kingdom and see what happens.

Incidentally there should be a chance for an AT mine to destroy a tank. AT mines could be fitted with tall spike type things that projects up from the mine and when a tank hits the projecting spike that activates the mine and causes it to detonate directly under the belly armor.

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I could conceive that a fast moving tank might throw a track completely when a mine went off, but a slower-moving one might not (until they tried to hit top speed again, if the driver couldn't tell) because the track would be under "less strain"... But I can't see that being modelled in-game, if it's even nearly real...

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Please test with significant number of tanks before making such claims.

What claims? It was a question I never said THIS IS BUGGED ITS MESSED UP FIX NOW OR SOMETHING

I simply explained the circumstances and brought it up-

C3K- Yes this was 2.01, yes I have save games. Canadian troops vs Germans. One was a Stug III, one was a STUH


In both cases the mines were pure AT mines and weren't super dense? they were only one unit of mines. One location was muddy road/path. That was the Stuh. It drove right over it, not problem. mine exploded, no immob. Opponent says they took track damage but no immob. The Stug ran over one unit of mines on RAILROAD tracks. Huge explosion,, crater. Stug is now killing soldiers with only some track damage.

Ive had tanks immob. or destroyed even by mines before but some questions - Are German or Allied mines modelled differently? Is one side's better? Does speed have to do with it? My opponent thinks so. If it does, why? I could see mine spotting or dodging but once you hit...

I never claimed they were completely broken btw, as I said in my original post a H/T was blown up by one. And Ive seen mines (though not 2.01) knock out my tanks. I was just shocked his tanks weren't at least immobilized. Twice in one battle doesn't seem right, moving slow or not. The game shows a rather big-ass explosion with a crater afterwards, you'd think that'd immobilize a tank at least since wooden fences do it.

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you'd think that'd immobilize a tank at least since wooden fences do it.

No they don't.

Wooden fences cause track damage. That will, eventually, accumulate into immobilising track damage if you run a lot of fences.

PROTIP: look for the gates in fences. If you are careful with movement waypoint placement, and approach the gap at right angles, you will be able to get vehicles - including tanks - through without knocking the fences down. This is good for two reasons:

1) you don't get any track/wheel damage.

2) your opponent cdan't track your forces by noting where fence pieces are disappearing.

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No they don't.

Wooden fences cause track damage. That will, eventually, accumulate into immobilising track damage if you run a lot of fences.

PROTIP: look for the gates in fences. If you are careful with movement waypoint placement, and approach the gap at right angles, you will be able to get vehicles - including tanks - through without knocking the fences down. This is good for two reasons:

1) you don't get any track/wheel damage.

2) your opponent cdan't track your forces by noting where fence pieces are disappearing.

they dont once. Well actually I wouldnt be surprised if it happened once to someone somewhere. they will immobilize if you do it a few times - like you said.. however apparently so do AT mines - they dont immobilize right away always either....

I use the same hole usually too holien ;)

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I had the same happen once as the thread starter described: A Panther hit an AT mine and only suffered minor track damage. It was going slow. I am sure itv were AT mines because of the large crater the explosion caused. I will check if i have a savegame.

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Yeah, they were my vehicles that sublime's mines damaged.

I have save files from my side.

On SLOW on railroad tracks, which slowed the StuG even more... the thing crept up and .. BOOM. stopped dead in its tracks and canceled the rest of its assigned move order(i liked that). Crater at forward edge of tracks, with a just a slight lean in.

I looked at the info panel ... YELLOW! Oh happy day. She backs off next turn, rumbles down off the tracks and continues on her merry way.


StuH on SLOW on dirt road, possibly edging the ditch area to slow it down a tad. BOOM. Same same... stops dead and waits out the rest of the turn while changing undergarments I suppose.

YELLOW! I can roll with yellow tracks all day long. Just have to avoid crunching any more fences, hedges or walls. Back away and edge farther into the woods.


The hannomag was an idiot and went down on MOVE or HUNT. The mine blew as it went under the passenger compartment. We won't speak of the mess that made.


Now granted, I will not allow any more vehicles to go beyond SLOW without following a known clear path, so the mines are doing a hell of a job slowing the entire freaking advance.... but I no longer live in mortal terror of A/T mines ...

and neither should you.


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I still think its wrong that two AT mines only caused minor track damage. Immobilizations should have been the least of the tanks problems. Is there any way BFC can look into this? me and my oppo got files and passwords...

As it is now I WILL NEVER purchase AT mines as they are in game again. Simply not worth it at all. You have to place them just right, and if you hit the jackpot like I did (3 mine hits for AFVs in one battle is RARE) you'd be pissed too. Especially since both the tanks were turretless, they would have been useless immobilized. If AT mines were so weak I doubt the Germans would have made famous use of their Teller mines so often.

It makes no sense to me that the tanks speed would really make a difference to the damage. Even if you make the case going faster would make it worse, I dont see how running over a mine going slow OR fast would make a difference if you run it over. In fact, it seems that going super fast (in real life) would seem to give you the best chance of running over the mine before it explodes...

Even with AP mines - if you go slow your troops may avoid them better, but it still kills or wounds them whether they run or walk.

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Maybe just very unlucky as there is a chance that track not blown?

I would guess IRL it is possible that a mine might not blow the track?

It's unlikely that an anti tank mine would not at least break a track if something armored were to drive over it. Maybe with an anti personnel mine it's possible, but it's unlikely an anti tank mine would not get a result. Just for comparison purposes an anti personnel mine might have a charge of 0.237 kilograms of TNT while an anti tank mine might have 5.3 kilograms of TNT. So in other words, an anti tank mine would have a charge that's twenty times more powerful than a antipersonnel mine. The crush fuse on an anti tank mine would be weight sensitive too so a man probably wouldn't set one off because he wouldn't be heavy enough.

Once again though - antitank mines can be equipped with what they call a 'tilt rod fuse' that sticks up from the mine such that when a vehicle passes over the mine the tilt rod is tripped and the mine detonates beneath the belly of the vehicle - which will destroy it rather than immobilize it.

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I disagree with the OP. Tank speed does not affect the damage level from AT mines. At least, not in my testing, as yet.

All damage has been ironclad consistent, regardless of speed.


PM me your email and I'll send you my turn file and password. I'll get Schultz's as well. I can prove it with 2 mines in the same battle. All AT.

This may not occur ever single time, but then the question must be asked why did it happen? The fact it happens twice to similar AFVs (stuh, stug) driving at the same speed, and on different terrain, makes me think it could be tank speed.

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