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Could this be the last Peng Challenge Thread????


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Did someone just mention Australia Day?

No, who in their right mind would do that? Wait, is there such a thing? It seems that so many Ozzies live in other places, what does that say? It seems that Emrys would probably want to live there. He would fit right in as just another odd member of the animal kingdom.

I just hope they are enjoying their fading summer weather, I'm thinking of moving to someplace perpetually warm. This climate change nonsense is starting to bother me.

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You are weird. I mean really weird. If you choose to drink donkey piss, that's your little red wagon. But I don't want you coming near me or anybody I care especially about. Fortunately for you, that is a very exclusive group.


Yes, how are the other graduates of the Port Townsend School for the Perpetually Odious?

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Ah the Peng challenge thread...it is as disgusting as the legends have said. The denizens of this place apparently have the IQ of a road killed gopher, and apparently from the many threads I have read through of the peng variety (including this one) it is indeed true! I have too wonder how...NO WHY such a place still exists after all these years, how could humanity (or BFC) keep this radioactive waste dump of an thread still alive? My experience of living on Long Island for most of my life has taught me how to deal with slimy sea life such as the denizens here so I finally have taken the plunge into this Cess Pool. I know its history, I have read many a thread to prepare myself for its stupidity, I come in here knowing that all of you are beneath me, even in your stupid little chivalric ranking system, however I will play along.

As a new SSN I declare that I should be able to challenge any of you old fools to a PBEM, this pla...errrrr dump has obviously fallen on hard times, with the lack of any new victims and its old knights, squires and Olde Ones who have left (Which was a good decision). This thread needs a new kind of poster...one with youthful energy and well to be honest Intelligence. So I will be calling out some of you for a challenge, PREPARE YOURSELVES!

Oh I almost forgot, I speak of no ill will towards the ladies of the pool in my post...

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Ah the Peng challenge thread...it is as disgusting as the legends have said. The denizens of this place apparently have the IQ of a road killed gopher, and apparently from the many threads I have read through of the peng variety (including this one) it is indeed true! I have too wonder how...NO WHY such a place still exists after all these years, how could humanity (or BFC) keep this radioactive waste dump of an thread still alive? My experience of living on Long Island for most of my life has taught me how to deal with slimy sea life such as the denizens here so I finally have taken the plunge into this Cess Pool. I know its history, I have read many a thread to prepare myself for its stupidity, I come in here knowing that all of you are beneath me, even in your stupid little chivalric ranking system, however I will play along.

As a new SSN I declare that I should be able to challenge any of you old fools to a PBEM, this pla...errrrr dump has obviously fallen on hard times, with the lack of any new victims and its old knights, squires and Olde Ones who have left (Which was a good decision). This thread needs a new kind of poster...one with youthful energy and well to be honest Intelligence. So I will be calling out some of you for a challenge, PREPARE YOURSELVES!

Oh I almost forgot, I speak of no ill will towards the ladies of the pool in my post...

Quickly loser, pronounce Happauge and where is 112? What do you lose when you get Verizon FIOS?

Its been a long time since a SSN has dared to cross this hallowed threshold, I want to make sure you are a legit idjit.

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Quickly loser, pronounce Happauge and where is 112? What do you lose when you get Verizon FIOS?

Its been a long time since a SSN has dared to cross this hallowed threshold, I want to make sure you are a legit idjit.

What do you lose when you get FIOS? Your soul, and I can definitely tell you have lost yours.

Happague is pronounced (stupidly I might add) Hap-Aug.

Route 112 is one of the only main highways off of this hell hole they call Long Island, and it pretty much bisects it from Suffolk County to the city.

The only legit idjit here is yourself! I happen to be an Idiot which is much more classy.

Now that Q and A is over with my angry Island friend here, whose next?

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What do you lose when you get FIOS? Your soul, and I can definitely tell you have lost yours.

Happague is pronounced (stupidly I might add) Hap-Aug.

Route 112 is one of the only main highways off of this hell hole they call Long Island, and it pretty much bisects it from Suffolk County to the city.

The only legit idjit here is yourself! I happen to be an Idiot which is much more classy.

Now that Q and A is over with my angry Island friend here, whose next?

BRRRRRRRRP!!!!! Beulah the Buzzer has pronounced you WRONG!!!! You lose. You have defintely proved yourself to be an idiot by getting two of three moronically easy questions for any LIer worth his salt.

Move along, there is nothing for you here.

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BRRRRRRRRP!!!!! Beulah the Buzzer has pronounced you WRONG!!!! You lose. You have defintely proved yourself to be an idiot by getting two of three moronically easy questions for any LIer worth his salt.

Move along, there is nothing for you here.

I don't think there is anything here for ANYONE, ANYWAY.

I do not own FIOS, and Route 112 probably has the big duck on it for all I care. If your an Islander worth his salt we can at least mutually agree (Ewwww) that the duck is a symbol that all Islanders recognize. Personally I am a bonacker, and our mascot is some guy in a clamming suit, I can hardly say that would be something to be proud of!

As for being an idiot, well what can I say I was attracted to this horrible place, great minds think alike right? Well in this case idiotic minds...

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I don't think there is anything here for ANYONE, ANYWAY.

I do not own FIOS, and Route 112 probably has the big duck on it for all I care. If your an Islander worth his salt we can at least mutually agree (Ewwww) that the duck is a symbol that all Islanders recognize. Personally I am a bonacker, and our mascot is some guy in a clamming suit, I can hardly say that would be something to be proud of!

As for being an idiot, well what can I say I was attracted to this horrible place, great minds think alike right? Well in this case idiotic minds...

I always suspected there was a lot of in-breeding going on in Springs. I never in a million years thought it was this rampant.

To mistake Route 112 for the LIE, takes a certain level of brain impairment, even for a Bonacker.

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Oh, swell... Nidan1 has a new playmate. Isn't that the most darling thing, ever?

Let's just hope he doesn't chew this one all up and leave it laying in the middle of the floor where someone can trip over it in the dark, like the last one.

You're getting old and grouchy. Don't you remember how much fun this used to be?

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I'm all for Nidan indulging in a little public copraphagia - so long as he cleans up the mess afterwards. Anyways, where's craptorix' challenge? So far all I've seen is some idle boasting and some less than inspiring attempts at putting it in its place. Yawn, I mean , YAWN. Emrys pwns this place - perhaps it'd be best we lock him inside and set fire to it.

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