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My own opinion (for a change) is that the movement commands are just perfect as they are. Right now I'm gaming at least a dozen distinct fights where small units are probing forward into close terrain, and things feel right.

You as omniscient commander might like your pixeltruppen to fight forward continuously and "get on with it", but your guys don't necessarily feel the same way; once enemy is in sight, even if a long long way away from the area they're Hunting into, the guys are twitchy, on edge and go to ground at the slightest provocation. That's absolutely real to me.

Once the enemy is encountered, you've got all the tools you need to prosecute the attack, assuming you're willing to do a little micro: Slow crawls and Fast/Quick rushes, and of course the excellent Assault command for squads. IMHO.

That said, SOPs (drills) would be nice, but as a time saver for players maneuvering large formations, not a single unit micromanagement tool. I'd like a Formation command tab for platoon HQs that causes squads (or vehicles) in command to form Tactical Column, Line Abreast, (Wide) Skirmish Line or Wedge, and to maintain that approximate formation with the leader, until their Alert level reaches a certain threshold (influenced by experience, morale and leadership) and they go to ground, or they enter terrain that prevents it. I'd guess the "spacing checks" required would be computationally expensive, but as a player aid would be worthwhile for a future iteration of the engine as PC power proceeds apace.

P.S. I also really like how Rattled/Shaken squads will not prosecute an Assault command; they don't delete the command but just sit there (will they eventually go? not sure). You have to use a different command to get them to advance, or bring up fresh horses.

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My own opinion (for a change) is that the movement commands are just perfect as they are. Right now I'm gaming at least a dozen distinct fights where small units are probing forward into close terrain, and things feel right.

You as omniscient commander might like your pixeltruppen to fight forward continuously and "get on with it", but your guys don't necessarily feel the same way; once enemy is in sight, even if a long long way away from the area they're Hunting into, the guys are twitchy, on edge and go to ground at the slightest provocation. That's absolutely real to me.

Once the enemy is encountered, you've got all the tools you need to prosecute the attack, assuming you're willing to do a little micro: Slow crawls and Fast/Quick rushes, and of course the excellent Assault command for squads. IMHO.

That said, SOPs (drills) would be nice, but as a time saver for players maneuvering large formations, not a single unit micromanagement tool. I'd like a Formation command tab for platoon HQs that causes squads (or vehicles) in command to form Tactical Column, Line Abreast, (Wide) Skirmish Line or Wedge, and to maintain that approximate formation with the leader, until their Alert level reaches a certain threshold (influenced by experience, morale and leadership) and they go to ground, or they enter terrain that prevents it. I'd guess the "spacing checks" required would be computationally expensive, but as a player aid would be worthwhile for a future iteration of the engine as PC power proceeds apace.

P.S. I also really like how Rattled/Shaken squads will not prosecute an Assault command; they don't delete the command but just sit there (will they eventually go? not sure). You have to use a different command to get them to advance, or bring up fresh horses.

This. I absolutely agree with your comments, LLF.

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My own opinion (for a change) is that the movement commands are just perfect as they are. Right now I'm gaming at least a dozen distinct fights where small units are probing forward into close terrain, and things feel right.

I hope you're not using Move, cos that'll end badly for your pTruppen.

You as omniscient commander might like your pixeltruppen to fight forward continuously and "get on with it", but your guys don't necessarily feel the same way; once enemy is in sight, even if a long long way away from the area they're Hunting into, the guys are twitchy, on edge and go to ground at the slightest provocation. That's absolutely real to me.

I don't have a problem with Hunt, it's just not very useful. It has its (limited) place, though.

Once the enemy is encountered, you've got all the tools you need to prosecute the attack...

I feel it's telling that you don't include Move in those tools.

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Good! Are you feeling up to wading in your heroic dad's boots at Makin, MJK? :D

And I'm using Move right now to get my troops to wade ashore without Exhausting themselves in the process. It's basically a "route march" command, and it definitely has its uses on large maps. In the firefight zone, not so much of course. Remember, this is a wargame -- it isn't only about getting as many weapons shooting as quickly as possible. Patience, grasshoppers!

Now if you want me to gripe, I DO have a problem with the AI routines that generally give units only two speeds: agonizingly Slow and suicidally Quick (until they exhaust themselves and Mosey instead!). I would like to see them use Hunt as their default when in Advance and Assault/Max Assault mode. I'd guess the reason it isn't is that once contact is made, that breaks their chain of orders and they then wouldn't move for the rest of the game. Nothing is simple....

Maybe Assault should be their default order instead, with a routine for AI controlled forces that they Pause if they (a) reach Fatigued and (B) are in cover, then resume their Assault move again once they regain Tiring. But here too, extra coding spaghetti for Charles....

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