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Public Opinion Polls

{probable malware link removed}

Hahaha. A perfect example of selection bias at it's finest :D

Einstein had a rather pithy comeback to his own run-in with public opinion polls

Why 100 authors? If I were wrong, then one would have been enough!

Science isn't a popularity contest, to be 'won' via opinion polls.

By the by, posting links to sites which bombard with pop-ups and try to load malware generally isn't considered polite.

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Georgie and womble,

In an effort to get back on track, what was the morale & fatigue state of the Germans in question who suddenly encountered the dread .45 ACP pistoleers? What was the quality of the Landser? In command radius or not? Recent casualties? What about recent air, mortar or artillery attack?

ANY of these, alone or in combination, could considerably influence the outcome of the disconcerting engagement. From what I've read, the Americans got off the first shots, then poured it on from there. Thus, the Germans would've been on the wrong end of a very steep fire superiority curve, having been first caught unprepared, then slashed with rapid fire.


John Kettler

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I've been on the receiving end of the Federal government repeatedly. It tried to destroy a common-law-trust I work for, directly costing me some $60,000 in trustee fees, money that would've finally gotten me back on fiscal track for the first time since leaving military aerospace in 1989. The DOJ, working on behalf of the IRS, first smeared the trust/key people in the media, threw 20+ Federal civil charges (no lawyer provided that way) at the trust, destroyed the principal financial underpinnings and went all out to suppress two trust books it published. Ultimately, the DOJ lost after a year of vicious legal combat. I have also had two perfectly legitimate online ad rating programs savaged: one by freezing the assets, the other by protracted ruling delays after a heavy handed initial intervention. I personally know a bunch of people who've been screwed by the Feds, people both in and out of the UFO community.

And I know folks who have gone through far worse. What does that prove? Hell I went through far worse. I spent 9 months in a fed camp as a "detainee" and faced a potential 3 year criminal sentence when they decided to let me out. Was I right? No not really. I was young, headstrong and stupid and I THOUGHT I was right. In retrospect I was young, headstrong and stupid and wrong. Not only that my reasons for being there turned out to be even stupider than I was. Difference is I don't sit around crying about it or trying to blame my poor choices on a gov't conspiracy.

Sometimes life just sucks, so you pick yourself up and figure out what it is you can do to make it better and you go do that. No space lizard is gonna do it for you.

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John, with technology 100,000 years ahead of us, and they being your friends, get the Reptoids to teleport CMBN v82,348 so shocker28 can have his damn MP lobby already...and have them get you CMBN v1, fer chrissakes!

Or at least put them in touch with Steve and share some of their insights with him and Phil

so we can have fire. Geez, man, get your priorities in order!

Also, I don't understand why they don't just put you in charge of the world...your evidence indicates they have the means.

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John, with technology 100,000 years ahead of us, and they being your friends, get the Reptoids to teleport CMBN v82,348 so shocker28 can have his damn MP lobby already...and have them get you CMBN v1, fer chrissakes!

Or at least put them in touch with Steve and share some of their insights with him and Phil

so we can have fire. Geez, man, get your priorities in order!

Also, I don't understand why they don't just put you in charge of the world...your evidence indicates they have the means.

You obviously never saw the South park episode where Cartman goes into the future to play his Wii game. South Park has a far better understanding of technology level differences than our infamous blog.

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mjkerner's post reminded me of this:


Not to be confused with 'making money selling this stuff to OTHER people who think it works', which corporate accountants and actuaries have zero problems with.


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I posted that link because it was a compilation, covering decades of polls on the subject. For the record, I have very good security software on my rig, and it didn't even twitch when I went there. I think you just don't want people to see that which is contrary to your views. Meanwhile, Gallup's site doesn't contain malware, but it does have some very interesting things to say about the American public's perception of many things, including the UFO matter. And this one's from 1997!


Here is a diverse collection of UFO polls covering the period from 1947 through 1999.



John Kettler

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Is this thing on? Is anyone in there?

When I said "science isn't a popularity contest, to be 'won' via public opinion polls", I have to admit that the one thing I did NOT expect by way of refutation was more spurious links to more pointless public opionion polls.

Those polls tell us nothing. Wait, not nothing. They tell us two things:

1) how gullible the general public is, and

2) how large the market for your scams is.

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Is this thing on? Is anyone in there?

When I said "science isn't a popularity contest, to be 'won' via public opinion polls", I have to admit that the one thing I did NOT expect by way of refutation was more spurious links to more pointless public opionion polls.

Really? That tells us you haven't been paying attention.

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Homeopathy--why the Royal Family swears by it!


Dowsing, to include military applications by some famous names


Psychics who find oil (and their surprising tycoon employers)


It isn't difficult to adduce examples relevant to other areas raised. Here's an old analysis (1997) on integrating alternative therapies.


Crystal power


This really is too easy!


My point in presenting the polls is simple: You and others here hold that belief in the existence of UFOs, ETs and similar is fringe and proof of lack of education and critical reasoning; in reality you're the ones out of the mainstream. Further, the polls have consistently shown that the acceptance of unconventional ideas rises with educational level. What's your excuse?

As you were at pains to inform the CEO of NARCEL last night, "I have a B.A." Your "crushing riposte" failed to impress or intimidate in the face of HIS CV, including multiple doctorates from places like Cambridge and the Sorbonne! Still, you do get a few points for calling and testing my statement on the peculiar UFO wave I described. NARCEL had the entire west coast alerted as to what to look for, so when calls started coming in in droves, people were immediately referred to an organization primed and ready to receive the information. So, I ask, who's doing science here: you or NARCEL?


John Kettler

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Mr. Kettler, what you've just written ... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

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You accuse me of expectation bias re "Closing the Gap" in CMBN, while possessing a fabulous scotoma regarding your own, a clearly displayed predisposition to reject any data not fitting your reality model, then use that as a blanket rejection basis for me and all I've said. Fascinating!

You don't get it do you? My rejection of your cockamamie maunderings is as valid as your assertion of them. Nothing you say has any evidence behind it, except your own assertions. That's not evidence. So all I have to do to counter you is say "no it's not".

Let's see if you are, in fact, smarter than that, shall we?

I'm smarter than to read the poppycock you spew.

Suggested Reading List

I've read a whole bunch of conspiracy literature. Very amusing it all was.

Public Opinion Polls

The public's opinion is largely worthless.

Further, in your rush to blister me, you completely misinterpreted what I said. I did NOT say the ETs were running around with sleeve mikes and coiled wire earpieces. That would be the hordes of agents and spooks at the paranormal summit.

And the spooks were using sleeve mikes (that your oh-so-observant contacts noticed rather than BT headset type gear that your contacts completely overlooked? Right. It wasn't the ETs I was talking about with the headset pieces it was real world operators.

But do not make the giant leap of illogic from your having issues with how I argue about perceived deficiencies in the game based on my freely admitted small sample size and woes with "Closing the Gap" to discarding everything else I have to say.

You haven't even conceded that re-running the turns where you saw anomalous results would be a good idea, as far as I've seen.

You're unconvincing, inconsistent and your arguments are circular. Just leave it out.

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all very interesting, but anyone who tries to validate an argument by using the approval of British Royal family, has in my mind, totally lost the plot.

The Royal line from Plantaginets to the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's were as mad as a box of frogs to start with and then 4 or so centuries of inbreeding along the way has only added another few pounds of fruit to an already fruity bunch.

Any non US folk out there have the same troubles with black helicopters, government spooks and UFO's that our friends on the wrong side of the Canadian Border (;))have ?

It would be intersting to find out.

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So neither side here is going to say or do anything that can answer the question, so just be mindful of how foolish you might be making yourselves appear as you continue to add nonfactual text to your debate.

I have come to a decision long ago, that some of the smartest people I have met. In many ways are also some of the dumbest people I have met.

Intelligent people have a few tendencies that make them hard headed and unwilling to see any point but their own.

They normally excel in a few areas of learning and so start weighing the world around them by these areas of logic and in general become very imbalanced people when it comes to using just common sense and applying it in areas of normal logic.

You also have the type that trust their own knowledge over that of any one else, so they weigh the views of others as for not, because they place themselves above most everyone else as to their understanding.

And the list goes on, thus a world with people of many personalities.

But keep in mind, the more one tries to prove their intelligence, the more foolish they normally portray themselves to be.

It’s the quiet man that listens that actually is the most intelligent of all.

There are plenty of things in this world that are unexplained, well as far as science can explain it anyway.

But to deny that they might still exist just because modern science has not found answers for it is also foolish.

Because the last time I checked, science is wrong and correcting itself often.

Plus if one looks hard enough you can find those that delve off the main stream lines of science that do go into areas of study that normally get them the outcast treatment of their peers. But there is plenty of interesting stuff out there that can make one think, whether true or not I do not know

But learning to have an open mind and be somewhat receiving, does not mean you have to agree with someone else’s point of view, but it does not mean you have to attack it either.

You have judged for yourselves, what has been said by others here, you will not change that persons view of what they believe to be correct in their view of the world. So attacking it is not a trait that is accomplishing much. Now if you can provide knowledge of what is true and share it in a way that allows others to judge for themselves it is true, then you are doing something.

ET or no ET, that is the question. As far as I am concerned, it still is a question that needs an answer.

Too much out there to think it is all made up, but not enough solid evidence to put the debate to an end.

So john talks like they are as real as your next door neighbor, OK hard to accept, especially since John has factors that make it easy not to trust his opinions.

But to say that there is not something out there that many people claim to have seen and many a story from people who claim to have seen them is also foolish just to ignore.

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And I know folks who have gone through far worse. What does that prove? Hell I went through far worse. I spent 9 months in a fed camp as a "detainee" and faced a potential 3 year criminal sentence when they decided to let me out. Was I right? ...Sometimes life just sucks, so you pick yourself up and figure out what it is you can do to make it better and you go do that.

I hear you, sburke. Tough break. Do you really want to know about Hell? How about six years in a North Vietnamese POW camp? The brutal guards, the isolation.... All they gave us to eat was shrimp curry. We were finally liberated only to return to a society that pretended we didn't exist. For decades we roamed, a band of brothers, searching every hash house and greasy spoon in this country looking for that shrimp curry. Sure, we found some here and there. But they could never get the spices right.

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I hear you, sburke. Tough break. Do you really want to know about Hell? How about six years in a North Vietnamese POW camp? The brutal guards, the isolation.... All they gave us to eat was shrimp curry. We were finally liberated only to return to a society that pretended we didn't exist. For decades we roamed, a band of brothers, searching every hash house and greasy spoon in this country looking for that shrimp curry. Sure, we found some here and there. But they could never get the spices right.

Rotflmao! Shrimp Curry? Ahh what I wouldn't give to be spat upon with Shrimp curry!! Bloody favoritism.

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Jesus christ this thread. Am I at fault for taking the day off work then drinking coffee and playing video games till three in the morning, still unable to sleep and hallucinating while reading CM forums.

Full marks for keeping an insomniac entertained.

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There are plenty of things in this world that are unexplained, well as far as science can explain it anyway.

The whole thing is excellent, but the section from 6:30 is especially relevant to you.

There's even a shout-out to Kettler at 3:50. And another one at 4:40.

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The whole thing is excellent, but the section from 6:30 is especially relevant to you.

There's even a shout-out to Kettler at 3:50.

Problem is, I might have a little of Storm in me, but I do beleive science and the methods in which it works. Thing is, when science has facts it is a method that comes to correct conclusions. When science has theory, then it creates facts that might not be totally correct, only correct for the present time. And when science does not have something to prove what is, it is not designed to prove what isnt. So basing ones life on what science only has proven, is not living a full life for me anyway.

For you, that might work. It might also explain how you want to look at life.

So be it, but you attitude towards others that just do not see things the way you do, even if it might be foolishness. Is in poor taste and shows a level of personality that could surely be improved and worked on. And since you are nothing more than a low carbon form of existance with so little time left. You can start working on it right away.

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