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WIP - The Road to Carpiquet Campaign

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I've stepped back to do another all-new map for this campaign. I can't help myself :o. These things just grow and grow as I playtest and get more ideas. (The 'Scottish Corridor' campaign started out as an 8-mission campaign) This new mission takes place before the Tailleville mission. It's set in St Aubins on the morning of D-Day. It will be a very small mission and probably with plenty of time on the clock as it was an easy mission, historically.


It's a small, densely urban map with St Aubins church in the SE corner. The unit density will be very, very light on both sides and so this should allow the map to be very highly detailed. At the moment, it's still quite pristine but that will definitely change as playtesting goes on. You'll have a lot of firepower at your disposal to make up for your lack of numbers but you'll have to find the enemy before it will be of any use.

Seeing as how it's so small, I thought it would only take a couple of hours to create this map. However, it's fairly accurate and that takes a lot of time to do. I might need one more small one like this and that will be it. Then playtesting gets going in earnest.

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My hard drive died on me yesterday morning. Fortunately, the wife was using the computer when it happened, and so she was very anxious to get it fixed a.s.a.p. So I'm back up and running just 26 hours after the failure. I had back-up copies of everything so only the time has been lost. <whew!> The hard-drive is dead. Long live the new hard-drive!

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My hard drive died on me yesterday morning. Fortunately, the wife was using the computer when it happened, and so she was very anxious to get it fixed a.s.a.p. So I'm back up and running just 26 hours after the failure. I had back-up copies of everything so only the time has been lost. <whew!> The hard-drive is dead. Long live the new hard-drive!

Buy a second now and set it up to auto backup once a week after hours. They are cheap enough to make it worth your while. Long live the hard drive and it's vice president!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just stumbled across this Paper Tiger. Your campaigns all rock (loved Montebourg and currently loving Scottish Corridor).

You mentioned the possibility of doing a German Campaign for Market Garden. That would be cool, but I'd love to see a Brit campaign around the 6th Airborne's attempts to get into Arnhem, the battles round the bridge and the defensive actions around the Oosterbeek perimeter. I think the size of these actions and the force compositions (predominantly infantry) would be perfect for the type of stuff you design. Any interest in that sort of thing?

Anyway, that's an entirely selfish request as I'm particularly interested in Arnhem and have visited a couple of times. I'm sure whatever you design will be incredible - I would never have expected to get as much enjoyment as I have from the infantry slogs of the Cotentin and Epsom. Testament to your design skills and, of course, the game itself.

Looking forward to the Road to Carpiquet.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm back at work on this. However, work will go slowly as I am very busy at the moment. But I'm going to keep the mission count as low as I can so it should get finished before I get stuck into something more substantial. I'll try and post screenshots as I go along. At the moment, Mission 1, 'Nan Red', is finished. It's my first (and probably last) ever Beach Landing mission. I honestly don't understand why people like these so much as they are just a crap shoot. Sometimes, you get everybody on the beach and other times, it's a massacre. But it certainly looks and sounds cool while playing so it's staying in. But never again! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally, BFC have let the cat out of the bag so now you guys know why work is progressing so slowly on this. I want this campaign to take advantage of all the v2 features, particularly the AI groups. Since I am already working on something for OMG I don't think I'll be able to finish this before that module is released. But it will be a priority immediately afterwards seeing as how the maps are all done and the mission concepts have been finalised. I just need to do the AI plans and test them

BTW, I would also like to revise 'The Scottish Corridor' campaign as well so that it takes advantage of the v2 features as well. The AI was doing a lot of attacking in that campaign and the extra groups will help make the AI more effective on the offence. It will be broken into two separate campaigns, the Cameronians and the Argyll's and expanded a wee bit (at least one new mission for each)

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So perhaps this is a reason why so few new scenarios are launched lately. Perhaps everybody is waiting for the v2 features.

I don't know as the Beta team don't usually design for the Repository. And with BFC speeding up their release cycles, it's unlikely that you'll see much private stuff from them in the future either. ;) Most of the Repository content seems to be generated by third party fans and I'm not sure why there has been so little of it lately. This particular campaign was originally intended to be a third campaign for inclusion in the Commonwealth module but that was too ambitious. I've already sunk a lot of time into creating the maps so I don't want to write it off yet.

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Please don't. We'll wait, but please don't write it off.

One very good reason for sticking with it, apart from the enormous amount of work that has already been put into it, is that it is an infantry-centric campaign and those are my favourite to do. I like playing with tanks but only when they are supporting the infantry. I loved playing the Argyll missions in the Scottish Corridor campaign much better than I did the Cameronians missions because the former are infantry missions while the latter are combined arms for the most part and especially towards the end. (My favourite Cameronians mission was the bonus one ;) )

Great PT! I'll skip Sicily if your work won't be in it but I'll for sure by MG!

Eek! I wouldn't do that as you'll be missing out on some great stuff. I'm not doing a campaign for Sicily because I don't have the time to do one properly just now but the three guys who are doing them have a lot of experience making campaigns. JonS made most of the campaigns for CMSF as well as 'Courage and Fortitude' and 'Panzers Marsch!' (but not NATO - they were mine), Normal Dude made the most popular of all the CMSF campaigns (Task Force Panther) as well as 'TF Engels', and FMB made the extremely popular 'Devil's Descent' campaign among others.

Glad you told us re Scot Corridor, PT. Was about to start it, now I can wait...

I thought you had already started it, didn't like it and gave up to go and play TF Engels ;) This won't even be ready for the Repository until after OMG module is released so you might have a very long wait.

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I had a problem continuing after my two initial tanks were either KO'd or had their main guns KO'd. So, I thought I'd go back to the xnt German campaigns b4 retrying Corridor.

But, now we have all those gorgeous Aris mods, looking forward to trying the Brits again (when the new version is out).

I had some feedback/questions re ROAD OPENING btw (loving it) if you ever look at the CMSF forums any more...

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The game does look so much better with his mods. I wish we could have had them when I was testing.

And ROAD OPENING is Snake Eye's work, not mine ;) Unfortunately I had a hard drive die on me earllier this year and I have never reinstalled CMSF on the new one. It's not because the new drive is a tad on the small side. It's just that I can't work with the CMSF editor any more. There are so few connecting walls for example. But perhaps I will one day as one of my all-time favourite campaigns is a CMSF campaign.

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