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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Seriously Disappointed

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For Phil Culliton and anyone else interested the save file has been put in my public Dropbox folder. Link below. This is courtesy of poesel71 who told me how to do it. Many thanks, poesel71!


I hope someone can figure out what the problem might have been. No problems on the next turn although my friend did tell me he also had a number of units that did not move on his turn 036.

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looking the pictures on page two, there is a lot of open terrain...Maybe your vehicles are in danger (they are aimed by the units after the river) and the AI can't make up her mind how to do? : to carry out your orders and be in danger or not move to stay safe...

Can the AI make this kind of things?Just giving my opinion... Greetings

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Is this kind of attitude really called for? He is having some issues, maybe part of it is him doing something wrong, maybe not. Either way this is inappropriate coming from someone partly associated with BFC and exactly the kind of thing people from "other" forums complain about.

I fully agree

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I think smbecket's original post was downright rational and respectful. It was nothing like the stuff that butthead John guy wrote. Becket's are the kind of posts that we want around here. When someone has a problem and they are cool about it there's definitely no need to be snarky with him.


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A useful thread despite some early snipes at the poster. Good to know about the wall issue which I was unaware of. The game can be frustrating and when you start to understand the mechanics it helps deal with that frustration..... So thanks for those people posting useful comments.

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The tank/zook problem is very straightforward. The tank has been sitting in the same spot for at least 10 turns. It is visible to me from a spotting unit on another hill. When I moved the zooks up there the previous turn I could use the target LOS and see to the bottom of the cut; right down the face of the cut under my teams and all over the area where the tank was sitting. But they could not see it. And yet when they stood up to move left and right (which they did not do - just stood there) the tank turned its turret and killed them.

Could be something to do with an old and known bug with units peeking over cliffs/crests. Apparently it is a limitation of the tile system or somefink.

And I know what you mean with the dozens of tiny little annoying things in comparison to CMx1. Usually none game breaking on its own, but enough of them can make me pretty frustrated that this engine is held back by a very long list of seemingly fairly minor tweaks.

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hoolaman, thanks for your post. I try to visit the forum daily but I had never heard of that bug about units peeking over cliffs/crests. Or the one about HTs moving over rubbled walls, for that matter. I guess I need to try to visit even more often. Or perhaps a lot of these types of posts are in the tech support forum. I will have to start reviewing them, as well.

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Regarding the zook teams:

There's a lot of smoke floating about in the area judging by the screens. It could affect the spotting.

It would've been nice with a screen detailing those units that can see the tank and those who can't.

As far as I understand the zooks got movement orders. Fast or quick movement units tend to ignore firing upon the enemy and prioritize movement. The same goes for spotting. Infantry has the best chance of detection and ambush if they stay perfectly still with limited firing arcs. As soon as they guys start moving an experienced tank crew is likely to spot them while the infantrys chances of spotting is reduced.

When faced with this kind of situation it's best to have nerves of steel and use the hide command until the enemy armor has passed and then sneak up a shot from behind. Edit: In WeGo a pause of 30sec ->move->fireArc usually does the trick.

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I do agree that after the first post things are cool, but the wording could have been a touch different...i.e express their problems or difficulties without sounding as if it's going to go on to be a rant, I think we can all agree that this isn't game where you can really make a quick judgement on it especially if you come from playing CMx1. It's so different in many ways and Cmx1 has to be left at the doorstep, otherwise you will have problems. Yes CMBN has some missing features for us WEGO players compared to CMx1 which take time to learn how to lesson their loss during play, sadly the series was designed as an RT game with WEGO sort of tacked on. Hopefully over by the time we get to the EF title we will have those much needed orders that have gone west. In the meantime CMx2 has an awful lot thats alot better than CMx1 and so it balances itself out.

Again it's just wording, a few are still very defensive over the game due to it coming under such intense criticism from certain circles. So this is a damgerous forum to come into with a list of complaints and not tread carefully.

I do hope the MrSMBecket ends up enjoying the game eventually anyway.

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I have become very disappointed in CMBN.

I love this game but IMHO it is not nearly as good as CM1. ... More than anything it is disappointed expectations. I expected everything that was good in CM1 and lots of great additions. Instead there are some great new features and graphics, etc., but many, many missing features from the original series.

I, too, am a long time fan of CM1. Of the "missing features from" CM1, the one I miss most is automatic scenario generation for quick battles. When I and my email (or AI) opponent wished, CM1 would give us a new map with objectives and its selection of forces to work with or against (or a budget allowing me or us to tailor our forces).

The biggest frustration of CM2 is the micro management needed to make my WeGo forces do what I want them to do. What I want to do is give my units paths to take (or positions to occupy), facings, and conduct to follow as the turn plays out. By "conduct" I mean, for example, "fire to suppress" (mostly when attacking or counterattacking), "fire at what you can see", "fire at what you suspect is there", "fire primarily to defend yourself" (when scouting or adjusting artillery fire), "fire when an opposing unit reaches a position where it seems most vulnerable to the fire" (when ambushing). [However much it may annoy me when it happens, I don't object to CM2 "realism" causing men to fire early or not to fire at all or to change their positions or paths.]

Perhaps the simplest user interface for selecting this conduct would be a list of buttons such as "suppress", "self defense", "ambush soft", "ambush armor". There might be other useful choices for possible conducts, but these come to mind right now. [i'd call the choices "Force posture", but I don't want a lot of jokes about standing up straight.]

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Well look, every one likes different games for different reasons. I personally can no longer play the CM1 series for all the features it lacks vs CM2: no relative spotting, no 3d infantry, simplistic artillery/air/c2 modelling, etc., etc.

CM2 may lack some features from CM1, but IMHO, it more than makes up for that for all the new features it does bring to the table.

Is CM2 perfect? of course not. Is it a major improvement over CM1? IMHO, clearly yes. Will BFC keep refining it and adding new features in the future? of course.

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It can be frustrating sometimes (especially LoS and pathing) when things don't work out how we expect. But bare in mind this happens more IRL than in the game ;)

Always build redundancy into your plans. Account for pathing oddities by having proper movement to contact drills.

I also think just because there are btlns in the game you can't expect it to run flawlessly. The more units the more you're going to see outlining behaviour, and the more strain on your computer. I agree about the higher micromanagement in the new engine. Hopefully CMx3 has a lot of focus on the interface and command system.

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