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Game Engine Improvements

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Most likely new commands, features, UI, etc. will not get implemented until the next family of games per previous statements by Steve. That might not be set in stone, but the intent seems there to push out content rather than add features to game. I don't think they want a repeat of CMSF where it took several years to get more content and fixes out for the same game. The idea is to take less time on each game (i.e. - years) and instead try to move on to the next game with improved features.

There will always be 'bug' fixes, but I think there is going to be a definite limit to the number of improved features that would come out AFTER the release of the base game for a 'family'. As small as some changes may seem, there is a lot more to get them working with the rest of the game (AI, etc.).

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This is not really an engine improvement but one thing I'd like to see added back in would be the 3D rubble within a building when it's destroyed...The broken walls that are left standing look great as opposed to CMSF but the foot print within is now completely flat. We need those bulky piles of bricks and masonry back in to really give the carpenter carnage some oomph!


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I don't think they want a repeat of CMSF where it took several years to get more content and fixes out for the same game. The idea is to take less time on each game (i.e. - years) and instead try to move on to the next game with improved features.

That sounds reasonable. How about patching up the previous games after a new family release, like the new UI which might come with the Bulge family. Do you think BF would consider releasing a patch for Normandy that would update it?

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I can live with minor imrovements like they gave us in the CMSF modules as if it's anything like say the brit module for CMSF the modules can really change the feel and the way the game plays.

So for me I'm fine with major changes coming into play with each family of games. I prefer the modules to be released relatively quickly than wait years for say this family to be finished. Blimey I want to see the east front before I die!

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The bogging problem is being looked at. I started looking into it as soon as a thread participant gave me a heads-up about the bogging data. I'll stop by and leave another post there.

We definitely do our best not to "leave a broken game broken".

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I consider the game broken when a part of it doesn't function correctly and that dis-function directly affects the games playability.

Is the game unplayable? No. Certainly not.

Does the bogging problem affect the playability?

Yes, it certainly does.

Glad to know that they're looking for a fix.

I've been playing CM since day one and I will continue to do so. I've bought and paid for my right to bitch, TYVM.

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I consider the game broken when a part of it doesn't function correctly and that dis-function directly affects the games playability.

Is the game unplayable? No. Certainly not.

Does the bogging problem affect the playability?

Yes, it certainly does.

Glad to know that they're looking for a fix.

I've been playing CM since day one and I will continue to do so. I've bought and paid for my right to bitch, TYVM.

LOL yeah I'll give you that, but by that definition every single game on the market PC or board game is broken to some degree. ;-P Unless you start adding some degree of "brokenness" (yeah I know ain't ain't a word ain't it) then there are also those who've also bought and paid for the right to bitch back. We are just a bitchy bunch.

I think Shakespeare said it best:

From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered-

We few, we happy few, we band of bitchers; For he to-day that plays this game with me shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition; and gentlemen with other games now-a-bed shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon CMBNs battlefields.

At least I think that is how it goes.

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TheBlackHand, I just read in another thread what about your bogging problem, so I kind of feel your pain. But I guess I haven't played the game enough, because I haven't been affected by that at all, thus it feels very strange to call the game broken. Funny Daisy, Stronghold 3 was actually what came to my mind too. Or any Total War game on release day. Or even worse, the charge bug in Napoleon:tw, which was introduced in a patch, and I don't think they ever fixed that? Maybe I've played to many buggridden glitchfests :/

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TheBlackHand, I just read in another thread what about your bogging problem, so I kind of feel your pain. But I guess I haven't played the game enough, because I haven't been affected by that at all, thus it feels very strange to call the game broken. Funny Daisy, Stronghold 3 was actually what came to my mind too. Or any Total War game on release day. Or even worse, the charge bug in Napoleon:tw, which was introduced in a patch, and I don't think they ever fixed that? Maybe I've played to many buggridden glitchfests :/

God I remember that charge bug...Createive Assembly cant make a good AI to save their lives!!! Too bad it almost made the game unplayable

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While I can accept that Battlefront can't add a "Cover Armor" arc to the existing game and it must needs wait for the next Engine, I still hope that they could introduce a workaround viz. tweaking the TacAI so that AT assets only fire on infantry when specifically ordered to by the player otherwise ignoring them and only targetting armour. This could alleviate much of the problem.

Any thoughts ?

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Thankfully, this game will get better as our "bitchez" are taken into consideration by the game designers. Now, I realize that my own little rants don't make a dent . . . but when similar rants add up and some dedicated player actually provides concrete evidence with which the company can work . . . well, that's what makes this series of games different from most. Despite the fact that the roads are broken (at the moment), it won't keep me from buying future BF products. It may keep me from playing CM:BN once a future game is released (just like I stopped playing the original CM after CMBB/CMAK).

I certainly hope that the road problem is something that CAN and WILL be fixed. It'll make the game play much more enjoyable and I'll feel that much better about having spent my $$ on something that the manufacturers actually give a hoot about.

I would hate to think that once they've got my money and a single patch . . . they can quit thinking about me (and you, and the rest of us).

This company isn't like that.

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While I can accept that Battlefront can't add a "Cover Armor" arc to the existing game and it must needs wait for the next Engine, I still hope that they could introduce a workaround viz. tweaking the TacAI so that AT assets only fire on infantry when specifically ordered to by the player otherwise ignoring them and only targetting armour. This could alleviate much of the problem.

Any thoughts ?

Probably more possible than a major UI/AI change like the addition of a Cover Armor Arc. Adjustments along these lines have been suggested in the past and there is definitely precedent for AI tweaks -- IIRC, there were a number of AI tweaks instituted through the various patches to CMSF.

It's tricky because there are probably some situations where teams whose primary mission is AT (e.g., AT Guns, Panzershreck Teams) should open up on infantry. AT guns, for example, shouldn't sit absolutely mute in the face of a strong infantry attack that threatens penetrate the MLR and roll up the defense. So it's a matter of getting the balance right, both at the Unit AI level (e.g., instituting some sort self-preservation behavior for AT units so that they won't get overrun by infantry without firing back), and at the higher "Computer Player" AI level (e.g., ideally the Computer player should "know" when it's tactically necessary to order AT units to fire on infantry, even though it's not their primary function).

But in general, I do think would be better if the game erred on the side of having AT units more reluctant to fire on infantry, than have them overly trigger happy and firing on any enemy they see in range, whether that enemy is an armored vehicle or not. Right now, IMHO it's overly easy to goad AT assets into firing upon low-value infantry units like scouts. For the human player, this means AT assets require a lot of micromanagement. For the computer player, this means that AT assets are less effective at their primary role.

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...It's tricky because there are probably some situations where teams whose primary mission is AT (e.g., AT Guns, Panzershreck Teams) should open up on infantry. AT guns, for example, shouldn't sit absolutely mute in the face of a strong infantry attack that threatens penetrate the MLR and roll up the defense. ...

True, but waiting 30-odd seconds of a WEGO turn to issue the "shoot at the d**m infantry!" command would generate a lot less griping than the current situation ;)

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