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Everything posted by Halmbarte

  1. I got CW activated in Steam and installed on Win 11 in a VM. Might have a bug though, as I don't remember the invisibility cloaking device as being implemented by the US side in Between Two Fahrbahns. This one of the M60A2 with the commander unbuttoned really shows just how huge that tank is H
  2. Just to clarify, I'm locked out of the tournament? H
  3. In preparation for the tournament, I watched a video, as one does. The 'saved games & PBEM options' are different from what the YouTuber was showing. This is what I have on CW v1.06 Do I get turns in email or how will this work with the functionality I have? Upgrading to 1.07 isn't an option due to the unit renaming bug. Thanks. H
  4. Of course he wouldn't care. Would anyone even be able to tell him the Crimea garrison is dying in place? The downside of sending people that bring you bad news to be air defense coordinator of outer Mongolia is that eventually no one tells you bad news. H
  5. An isolated Crimea with supplies barely tricking in is a jail for Russians that aren't quite POWs. How long does Putin let Russian soldiers in Crimea die from malnutrition & disease? H
  6. I generally keep MANPADS within resupply range of their carriers as I want them to reload & fire w/o me having to micro-manage their ammo supply. Other people do the opposite so their MANPADS aren't black on ammo later in the game. I also try to make sure the AD guys have an open view of the sky and generally keep them in the rear. I tend to avoid putting MANPADS (or anyone) on rooftops as they are way to easy to hit w/VT artillery. It can be tempting to use a ZSU-23-4 or Vulcan in direct fire but they are hideously vulnerable and you never have enough of them for AD. H
  7. Similar vantage point ~15 minutes later. Generally more indictive of my normal skill level. H
  8. Why do I feel that these tactical precepts would be familiar to Roman infantry? H
  9. You're talking about the US Marines? I could totally believe that USMC tankers would get ammo the Army didn't want anymore. They also didn't get as many Javelins, night vision, or other new kit. H
  10. The rare tank assault (by me) that doesn't feature a line of blown up and/or burning tanks. H
  11. I thought the M113 was better because more guys can sleep on the open ramp and stay off the ground... Realistically, the BTRs & M113 are both about as viable in a high threat environment as a yellow school bus. The armor is better than nothing but if you're depending on the armor to save you something has gone seriously wrong with the plan. Now, would I rather ride in a APC across 500m of ground that's covered by MGs & artillery or would I rather run, yeah, I'll ride any day. H
  12. v106 did the trick! No more Redeye company or motorized air defense battalion. H
  13. Removed Z folder to desktop, removed v107.brz, reinstalled the update, still have the goofy unit descriptions like before. Anything else I'm missing? H
  14. Moved all the other stuff into Z folder, I removed the 107.brz, still see the whacky units: H
  15. I'm seeing the problem also. I'm looking forward to trying out the new motorized antiaircraft battalion Here's where the v107.brz file is H
  16. My general rules for playing the Sov vs the Germans (RT)or Americans (CW) Time spent on recon is never wasted. Time and resources spent killing enemy recon is never wasted. Have a plan and execute it. The artillery fire plan dictates the maneuver plan. The maneuver plan dictates the fire plan. These must be mutually supportive. A company of Sov tanks spots better than any single German/NATO tank. Take away the better spotting offered by the German/NATO habit of fighting unbuttoned. Get them heads down to decrease their situational awareness. When you attack, attack! Don't poke him with one finger at a time. Make a fist and crush the enemy with overwhelming force. Use a platoon to crush a squad > use a company to crush a platoon >> use a battalion to crush a squad. Fair fights are for suckers. Keep pressing attacks until they aren't feasible anymore, but don't reinforce failure. The Germans/Americans never have enough troops/tanks. Just because you have mass doesn't mean the only way forwards is a frontal assault. There are other ways to win that don't involve sticking your dick into the meat grinder until it jams. Recon routes that bypass the enemy, the Germans/NATO never have enough troops/tanks to cover every avenue of approach. Infantry infiltration is a thing. If you're playing the Sov: Your man portable ATGMs (>AT3s) are scary. Use infiltration tactics to get the ATGMs forward into range to support attacks. Make sure to protect the carriers since they are stuffed with reloads and make big boom if hit. Take you time, don't be in a rush to die. You'll probably run out of people, tanks, and/or ammo before you run out of time. Urban warfare: Don't move in the streets. Mouseholing is optimum, then back gardens, then alleyways. Stay out of the streets. Use supporting weapons to create mouseholes and gaps in walls. Don't go in through the front door. If you can arrange it start at the top and clear down. Suppress every building that has line of sight to your maneuvering force. If you can't suppress or smoke it don't move that way. In your situation, given an infantry force that doesn't have the means to actually take the objectives: 1) Use that 10 minutes on recon. 2) Be ready, when supporting assists show up, to pass along spots & be hit the German tank commanders with MG or AT rifle fire and make them button up. H
  17. What was the objective? Did your mission require you take on the panzers? Was infiltration by covered routes an option? H
  18. PT-76 got hit by 155mm DPICM. It's marked as destroyed, crew bailed (w/o injuries) and is panicked. I went over to look at the damage & found this: It's the cutest little HEAT burn mark I've ever seen! I do kinda wonder what vital subsystem is that far in the rear of a PT-76. Maybe the vodka storage tank? H
  19. The Sov were very concerned about NATO attack aviation*. They didn't trust that the WP air forces would be able to achieve air superiority and built an integrated air defense system to protect their ability to maneuver. h *The Sov got to watch the Allied forces in the western front totally ablate the German's ability to move tactically or move logistics.
  20. I never realized that! Yeppers, that was it. Another mystery solved... Thanks domfluff! H
  21. Playing as the Sov, and during the set I need to have smoke drop 10 minutes in, but I don't have the preplanned panel. It goes straight from the duration panel to confirm the fire mission, skipping the delay. Loading a different random scenario got me the duration panel as I expected. I tried quitting and reloading and got the same problem back. Anyone else see anything like this? Save game here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/3ehtxx3g18jzg59oekes3/Brauersdorf-mod2-setup.bts?rlkey=jyv0iz7u9l5zcs3rqtn44qz5f&dl=0 Thanks. H
  22. Yes. I see a lot more immobilizations from near misses than direct hits. Another thing is the armor thickness of the target. For example, in CW, I had armor hiding in a village that was getting a 122mm rocket bombardment. A M48 took a direct hit on the rear deck and had some systems damage. A M113 suffered a near miss during the same barrage and was destroyed and the squad sheltering inside took multiple KIA. I've also seen BTRs get passengers killed by VT the went off nearby. H
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