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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 1 hour ago, Sulman said:

     Outside of this forum I have never observed anyone with the slightest objection to that abbreviation. It's the 2nd time I've seen it at BFC forums. What's the problem?

    Did you perhaps read it in two posts from our good friend @Warts 'n' all

    I think someone once said of he and Elizabeth "what a nice pair of Brits" but he mis-heard and the resulting fracas only ended when the local constabulary arrived.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Anyone with a basic knowledge of Norman history would know about the terrain.

    And yet it supposedly came as a big surprise in 1944?  These days it would be easy to ask @Falaise about his troublesome hedgerows or even Google it, but back in the day it must have been one of those 'well I didn't expect that' moments.  Perhaps they could have researched the terrain a bit better though...

  3. On 12/18/2020 at 5:15 PM, BFCElvis said:

    There is a piece of the module that is still missing.

    So the eagle (piece) has landed?  Does that mean I can ready my credit card (again)? 

    Having just got FB the other day and still having unfinished campaigns in RT, BN and FI I'm struggling to find time as it is, but it's a nice problem to have.

  4. 34 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    @Vacilllator The US reinforcements appeared oddly out of nowhere right under your own units? Ooops. That is bad design. I am very sorry. It has been a long time since I made that campaign, I can only theorize that maybe your forces under your leadership achieved a deeper penetration than I would be capable of... 

    Not a problem thankfully (6 Tigers made short work of them).  It was in the road in the village just short of the exit objective, so I imagine getting that far was part of the plan?  Perhaps I arrived earlier than planned?

    Anyway, it was a good battle thanks.  I'll move on to the next one when I get away from Final Blitzkrieg for long enough 😉.

  5. 38 minutes ago, ASL Veteran said:

    The towers had no windows

    From what I remember of my daring exploits in Sniper Elite 2 they had windows closed off with metal shutters?

    1 hour ago, Thomm said:

    Something to pass the time. Pretty grim, though.

    BERLIN 1945 | ArmA III Machinima

    Yes pretty grim, reflects the futility of war in real life.  Did a KV2 actually make it to Berlin other than in the captured variety 😮?

  6. 50 minutes ago, Almac said:

    The games are worth full price for sure.

    So much so that I've just added Final Blitzkrieg to my collection, so I now have all WW2 content (acquired in the order RT, BN, FI and FB, all since May) 🙂.  Now all I have to do is find time to play it all 😉.

  7. 3 hours ago, RepsolCBR said:

    Looking at the pictures...one would think that atleast those 12.8 cm guns would be very vounrable to things like 120mm mortars...

    Agreed. I would have thought the guns themselves (but not the tower) would also be vulnerable to aircraft, either high or low level, although I wouldn't like to try it myself.  As the areas with towers were bombed like everywhere else, I assume bombs could/would have fallen on the gun platforms and the 'bolted in place' guns?  Do any of the various books discuss this, or am I mistaken?

  8. 21 minutes ago, DesertFox said:

    Distance from the Flaktower to Moltke Bridge and Reichstag was about 3000 metres.

    I like your map, I was too lazy to check distances 😉.

    So they would (I think) have been firing above horizontal to reach out that far (let alone the 13km range mentioned from the book above)?  If so perhaps it was possible? 

    Must try maximum elevation on my Tiger gunsights in Tank Crew and see what that looks like...

  9. 31 minutes ago, DesertFox said:

    Indirect fire = yes; Direct fire = nope

    Yes, I can't see how the two wrecked IS2s in that photo could have been targetted from the top of the tower.

    The site you linked does however talk about the tower guns being used in the AT role (e.g. against targets on the Moltke bridge as mentioned above).  Presumably with a bit more range, the gun elevations could be depressed enough to be brought to bear.

  10. 1 minute ago, jtsjc1 said:

    Good game I do remember the flak tower. 

    Agreed, I also have SE3 and SE4 which are nice for a bit of sniping action.  Not so realistic, but who doesn't love a sniper's rifle?  And you get quite a few to play with...

    Anyway I run the risk of digression disapproval once more 😉.

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