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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. I see your point, your hands on the HOTAS and any keyboard clicks will be in the dark outside the headset?  The HOTAS might be workable but not sure about the keyboard.  Unless I'm missing something (quite probably).  Anyway I'm curious enough to have looked at the Oculus (Facebook) offerings today, plus a couple of Youtubes...

    I did the BAT downloads the old-fashioned way, no torrent, and it all worked fine for me.  I'm on a pretty good FTTP so it was fairly quick.  However I'm not fully up to date so there may be sizeable recent additions that I don't have.  Having said that I may go with the new IL2 series instead as I already have Tank Crew and it's all VR ready.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Vanir Ausf B said:

    Facing anything but Fireflies I'd still take the Panthers, but against Fireflies I'd rather have the 3 Pz IVs.

    That's an interesting comment. Do you mean you will likely lose a straight front-on fight against a Firefly so having 3 tanks instead of 2 gives more options for manoeuvre / flanking etc.? 

    I'm also thinking that where there's one or more Fireflies there will probably be several other lesser gunned varieties hanging around.

  3. Just now, Warts 'n' all said:

    At 11pm with ale having been taken, or bottle conditioned Bavarian Wheatbeer in this particular instance, it is a bit difficult to answer.

    Totally understand, a certain grape fermentation has been part of this evening's procedures here 👍.  Without comparing stock lists of campaigns with personal 'collections' it is not so easy anyway.  @StieliAlpha and I did it recently with mods, for which I am still indebted to him ❤️.

  4. On 12/11/2020 at 12:00 PM, Roybon said:

    One more question if I can : are you playing real-time or turn based ? obviously I was used to turn-based and don't really see the benefit of real-time for this kind of game, but may be I miss something.

    Just read this and as you didn't get a response I thought I'd say I'm playing WEGO turn-based.  For me this is a great way to play, you can take your time to make sure every unit has the orders you want it to (although they may not always follow your orders 😉) and you're not constantly chasing your a*** in a frenzied click-fest like some other games.  Plus you can replay each turn any number of times from different viewpoints.  But then I suppose you already know all of that, so it might be interesting if someone who plays real-time says why they do.

  5. 50 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    Assault in the AI orders mean the units move forward separately in bounds. One tank moves forward then another. Assault doesn't mean the old CMx1 'human wave' command where everyone jumps up , yells and charges. 'Max assault' is probably even more different than you imagine. It means when they meet the enemy they stop and slug it out, making it to the destination is less of a concern.

    It's the details like this that often escape us.  Not that I've made it to assigning AI orders yet 🙃.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Would love to stay more on topic, but there's not much to talk about unfortunately. CMFR coming when it's ready. More games to be re-released on Steam. An engine version 5 is coming, but there's no info on what might be in it.

    Was only joking, a discussion of any such combat detail is interesting.

  7. 24 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

    I don’t understand what you mean by “seeing” 2 or 5 panzers. The German player should see all of his assets and the opponent may or may not (probably not) see them, depending on a host of things.

    Agreed but I read it to mean that Bannon is the German player and only sees two of his five PzIVs?

    Reloading (?) Windows and reinstalling CM seems a little extreme but whatever might work I suppose...

  8. Welcome @Zloba.  I started with Red Thunder, but Battle for Normandy sounds like it might be a better choice for you to start with.  You may end up getting them all like me (at least the WW2 ones) 😉.  And by the way, your comment on not knowing how to do it correctly - don't worry about that, who does when they start?  Certainly not me, I'm still learning the hard way for sure 😁.

    @surfimp you have been busy!

  9. 19 hours ago, MSBoxer said:

    since my gaming computer is in the family room, it is more acceptable to SWMBO.

    I hear what you say, I'm currently playing CM on my gaming laptop on the kitchen table, which is also serving as my lockdown office 😁.  Even that has raised an eyebrow...

  10. 2 hours ago, surfimp said:

    In any event, I hope that gives some sense of where the IL-2 franchise is at now. It's a great franchise and I'm glad it exists - just like I'm very glad to have found Combat Mission.

    Welcome again 😁 after welcoming you on the 'other' thread.  Good summary for me as one who used to fly the old Il2 not the new.  I have however bought Tank Crew, which is really a DLC for the new Il2 series.  What are your thoughts on Tank Crew?

    Also, on Steam and direct from 1C the older parts of the new series are heavily discounted, so very tempting...

  11. 4 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Don't get me wrong, I'm up to my neck in CMFB, CMFI, Command Opps 2 and several other games. But I'm rather flabbergasted about this announcement. But you're right of course.

    It may not be what we'd hoped for, but then I wanted to remain a European - always have been and always will be 😉.  Oh no, now I'll be in trouble with the off-topic police...

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