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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 20 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    However, I won the mission even without that tank (and the engineer platoon), so I am sure you can, too.

    Let's hope so - it's taking me a while to shepherd the column towards Stavelot 🙄.

    Earlier in the thread I said the missing Panzer IV was commanded by Teske.  Oddly I've just noticed that I now have a Teske commanding a Sdkfz 251/3.  Coincidence or something else?

    28 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    The missing tank is Medium Tank 1. I have 2, 3, 4, and HQ.

    I have 1, 2, 3 and HQ, oh well 🙃.

  2. Just checked out Double Vision's Youtube videos of the two battles.  He started scenario 2 with 5 Panzer IVs but lost one to an ambush.  He then started scenario 3 with 4 Panzer IVs which is logical.  I stopped the video at that point to avoid any spoilers.  Although I was luckier in scenario 2 I think I'll accept that one of my 5 tanks has now gone sightseeing (in the dark) and just go for Stavelot anyway.  As I'm advancing with the 'fast' option I'm hoping that there won't be too much of an organised defence to cope with...

  3. 11 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    Forest Gump should be compulsory viewing on this forum. Wisdoms: "Sh*t happens!" Going on patrol in Vietnam looking for the VC: "Charley, where are you?" Yes, all sorts of things have some flaws. The doors in FB 'Knock Them All Down'. are often locked or a nervous scout is too scared to enter. Can't blame the scout. I would have been nervous too in Aachen in 1944. The most useful thing I learned here on the forums is travel-modes of the vehicles. Some people indeed are useful. 

    I've been puzzling over whether this is in answer to my disappearing tank and breaking gun problem or to @Warts 'n' all's lyrical excellence.  Either way, life is of course like a box of chocolates. 

    But at the same time I don't see that a working main gun breaking in between consecutive campaign battles or similarly a tank disappearing in between consecutive campaign battles is part of such randomness?  Unless someone tells me that such things are random elements in the campaign script, in which case I have learned something too.


  4. 1 hour ago, Bulletpoint said:

    You don't need all five to win the mission, so I'd say don't worry about it and just play it as it is.

    Yes thanks that was my thinking as well, now that I have 4 with working main guns - to start with I only had 3 working plus the one which was okay at the end of Scenario 2 but not at the beginning of 3.

    I read in the notes that this is the last battle using the Spitze so think I'll just get on with it.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    I think that you might need help from Elvis. This seems very strange, as Denny Laine once said.

    I'm not sure even Elvis (either one) can help with this.  I've now tried perhaps half a dozen times, identifying the missing Panzer IV (commanded by Teske) and trying to end up with it in different situations causing it to 'carry over'.  So far, no cigar.  But in every attempt Asmussen's panzer has had a functional main gun, unlike the first time.

    Perhaps I should just start the whole thing again.  Or just go ahead anyway, but knowing something is odd and not having the mighty 5th Panzer IV...


  6. Okay, went back to the last save in scenario 2.  It was command phase with all orders issued.  Pressed the red button without any further changes, same result 'SS total victory'.

    Go into scenario 3, and I now have a functional Asmussen Panzer IV, but sadly my fifth Panzer IV is still absent.  Strange.  Perhaps I should keep trying this until I get all 5 functional Panzer IVs.  Something tells me I'm going to need them all...

  7. So I finished scenario 2 having gone for and captured both objectives.  I had 5 Panzer IVs intact (including one commanded by 'Asmussen'), none with any serious damage.

    I started the next scenario, attacking Stavelot, and check my troops.  Asmussen's Panzer IV now has a broken main gun and radio, and I only have 4 Panzer IVs?  Feel a bit short-changed, has anyone else ever noticed such a thing?

  8. 2 minutes ago, chuckdyke said:

    Thanks, I will have a go with Shakespearean English 😉

    Apologies if I was being the language police, it was just that the way it was written needed a bit of deciphering.  It doesn't have to be Shakespearean, who understands Shakespeare anyway?😉.  As I say, my apologies, I should have stayed in the Ardennes with my Panzer IVs...

  9. 22 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    Hogwash the nature of the British equipment was to engage the US army that of pursuit in which Patton excelled.

    I'm sorry you lost me on that?  Ah, perhaps some punctuation and a small amount of editing explains it:

    My suggestion is 'the nature of the British army was to engage, while that of the US army was pursuit, in which Patton excelled.'  Possibly better, but I'm not sure historically accurate?

    I dread to think what @Warts 'n' all would have to say about this 😉.

  10. 35 minutes ago, Lucky_Strike said:

    Yes, have had enough of arguing this particular toss, all I know is that I'm going to be paying more for a game where I didn't before (and have already paid more for many other things, and will no doubt for many more), and it started with us leaving the EU. Call it what you want, VAT, tariffs, tax, admin fees, Tory biscuit money, but coincidence it is not.

    I can like this only once... Your comment I mean.  I'm off to the Ardennes...

  11. On 1/21/2021 at 4:11 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    A-4 Skyraider ground attack aircraft.....IMHO these are very, very cool,

    I agree, having seen one at several Duxford airshows in years gone by.  But perhaps you meant the in-game version - if so pardon my ignorance.

    The Bearcat and Tigercat flying together in very close proximity at Duxford were also extremely impressive ❤️.

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