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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. Good effort, I particularly enjoyed the mortar bits.  Also the Tiger at the end is perhaps relevant to a recent discussion on side versus rear armour on the Tiger 1.

    My 'training' was somewhat more stressful - for CM as a game system it was the RT demo 'Monster Mash' and for BN it was the demo 'Roadblock'.  And yes I didn't know what I was doing but great fun all the same.  I think I'm a lot better now 😁.

  2. On 1/13/2021 at 6:15 PM, Lucky_Strike said:

    Not sure it’s related to that particular f**k up.

    I think unfortunately it probably is.  And I agree with your desciptive language 😉.

    When I bought RT perhaps 6 or 7 months ago I was charged $60.  Now, before I log in to BFC (so my location is unknown) it is still $60.  When I log in it knows I'm in the UK and shows me $72.

    Yet another of Boris' 'benefits'.

    Edit: As an after-thought perhaps our friends in countries outside the EU could confirm the price they are offered?  Of course they may have a trade deal 😁.

  3. 13 hours ago, wham said:

    Maybe you guys have something in the browser cache from an earlier visit that keeps it alive, but for newcomers it fails?

    I use Firefox, but I just tried Edge (which I've not used for anything) and got to the same download links as before without logging in, clicked the PC one and 5 seconds later I had the patch.  So it seems it's not to do with the browser cache.

    Anyway, thanks to @BFCElvisyou now have the patch so that's the main thing 😉.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    He's confused about how to pronounce the name of his buddy?

    Good spot. 

    I think we've seen corrupted names before but can't remember which mod it was?  The UI looks like JuJu's but I don't think that was the culprit (I have it here and there are no corrupted names).

  5. 6 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Anyone who watches the Tour de France gets told that whenever it passes through Andorra. And then there are boring old farts like me who have had it lodged in the back of their mind since the days I had a full head of hair.

    Out of curiousity I wondered when Macron was appointed as I was worried about your rapid loss of hair:

    Emmanuel Macron
    since 14 May 2017

    However, I suppose a less than full head of hair may not be that threadbare. 

    Wait, this is the General Discussion forum isn't it 🙃?

  6. Without having to login, I can click through to the patches:


    This is the screen with PC and Mac version and a Read me file.  I can then click on the PC version and seconds later it has downloaded.  If it's not working for you perhaps open a Help ticket, or perhaps @BFCElvis can advise directly here.

  7. 1 hour ago, Falaise said:

    Look at the clouds moved,  that do not lie !!!:P

    Oui. I see the clouds moved so please pardon me. 

    And I would not insinuate a plot, whether international, extra-terrestrial or involving the president of France and ex officio co-prince of Andorra!  Not a lot of people know the latter detail, and neither did I...

  8. 3 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    I see. Well, in that case I will also pre-order, although I never had problems downloading.

    Me too, even though I don't have enough time to play the Red Thunder I already have.  FB and BN have taken over (shocking as I'm usually an East Front type of guy) and even FI has had to take a back seat.  Anyway, it's all good 😁.

  9. 1 hour ago, Lethaface said:

    Iron sucks in RT play. But in WeGo during the command phase you can see everything even if selected one of your units so it's not really that much of a hassle.

    After a few months on Elite, I'm now on Iron for all WW2 titles.  As others have said here and elsewhere, I don't think it's 'harder' but perhaps a bit more realistic and gves you more info on what each unit can see and communicate with.  This is using WEGO of course, as you said.

  10. 6 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    If they do 'Fire and Rubble' properly they need to model the Soviet armor to enable Soviet tank riders.

    I'm sure 'they' will do Fire and Rubble properly, but as others have said RT already has this. 

    Your punishment, should you choose to accept it, is to purchase RT.  You can wait until Fire and Rubble comes out if you wish, but this message will self-destruct as soon as you've placed the order.

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