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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 38 minutes ago, Flibby said:

    until we get into Canister... range

    You have canister?  I missed that.  I am a big fan of canister on the M8 armored car and even the Renault R35.  It may not be so good against bunkers however, haven't tried it - unless the shot finds it way though the slot and disposes of the occupants.  Of course you would need to get close, as you said...

  2. On 12/13/2020 at 11:54 AM, RepsolCBR said:

    check out any of Georg MCs maps...the KING of mapmaking ! 😁..

    I don't know if he has made any city maps...but the way he design his villages and farms are absolutelly brilliant..

    One of the things I usually love about @George MC's maps (as I think I've told him 😉) is the use of elevation changes, which may not be so much of an option for the city map.  I also agree Ben and Pete's works are both excellent.

  3. On 11/27/2020 at 6:15 PM, Sandokan said:

    Vacilllator. Did you visit Pordenone? It's a small world.


    The place hasn't changed a bit. Backwater as ever.

    Sorry have just seen this.  Yes I was there a few times several decades ago now (yikes).  I liked the place and the general area, particularly up towards the mountains past Aviano airbase (which I also visited several times). I have some nice memories of A10 Warthogs practicing runway attacks, and of spotting M60 tanks owned by the Ariete Division, and also formations of Italian owned helicopters flying over me as I lay in a very cold river.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    You said that you couldn't select the problematic unit(s) at all.  Yes, we should have asked it it was possible for you to manually split the unit.  Glad it worked out.

    I think someone else said that, but if it was me I shouldn't have - I could always select the units and get the bright green highlights under the troops.  It's just that a lot of them were in odd remote places and made no attempt to move.  But yes by splitting, cancelling waypoints and then re-doing new waypoints it worked.

  5. 22 hours ago, mjkerner said:

    Vacillator, if your troops are spread way out from their icon, it means they got split off somehow. Troops used to do that a lot before BFC fixed the “soldier wandering off by himself” bug. No idea what version fixed that, but regardless, even after the fix, a soldier will still occasionally wander away. If that is the case with your current game, then they won’t embark until they re-unite. You probably need to set a new waypoint somewhere between the various split members to get them back together first.

    In Howler’s case, I would bet the hedge is the problem...animation to jump the hedge may be interfering with the animation to embark, or some such thing. Anyway, move around the hedge to the same side as the HT first, then try embarking.

    Thanks for the advice, I'm sure what you describe is correct, although how they got split off I don't know as they were still supposedly 'whole' units. 

    I first tried to move the existing first waypoints for the whole units, I could not - I got a strange symbol (perhaps meaning movement to that point is not possible) and it wouldn't let me move them.  This may explain why they never even tried to move to their first waypoints?  Anyway, I then split them into teams and the wayward troops still seemed to be in limbo.  I then cancelled all waypoints and re-routed carefully around hedges.  Success!   They are now all reunited and loaded in their Bedfords on their way to contribute to the cause.  I hope 😉.

  6. 2 hours ago, IanL said:

    That's the spirit. There is so much to do and play in CM let alone adding other games to your list.

    Totally agree @IanL except that I've already bought the said tank game and it's great if a little quirky.  But anyway I have no criticism of CM whatsoever and only await more WW2 content to buy.  Hang on, I don't have CMFB yet...

    More seriously and in line with what you said, I have more CM already than I could hope to get through in a couple of years 😉.  And I love it ❤️.

  7. So given recent events, I would like to say 'when it's ready, it's ready'.  I'll buy it. 

    Although to be honest I am somewhat distracted by being a gunner in a Tiger and basing what I do on a translation of the actual WW2 'manual' (which I already had from elsewhere).  How could I not love that?

  8. 20 minutes ago, George MC said:

    Thank you glad you like it. :)

    Yet more evidence of your 'hugely' excellent work @George MC.  And in this case it's something I can look forward to as I have twice loaded up but never started Der Ring.  Once I get round to finishing a couple of other things I'll give it a go.  Hope your current ventures are going well (not looking for a bone, that's a different thread 😉)?

  9. 4 hours ago, Armorgunner said:

    Il2 tank crew,  and Tank Crew VR are not the same game 😊. I have Il2-bos, and almost every module. Do you think Tank crew is worth its price?

    I love Steel Fury Kharkov 1942, with STA mod. The best tank sim, I ever played. But I have not tryed il2 tank crew yet Though.

    Indeed they are not the same. 

    I'm the opposite at the moment, I have none of the filght sim modules so just Tank Crew (although I used to play Il2 1946 and the earlier versions a lot). 

    Is it worth it?  I think it probably is and will get even better over time.  In my opinion it would benefit from efforts to make it less obviuosly a DLC for a flight sim, but it doesn't bother me that much.  Also some tutorial missions and a manual might help newcomers like me (unless I've missed them somehow). 

    The dev team seem very active at the moment and I have faith in 1C's support over the years.

    One thing I hadn't thought about is that I really feel the need to dust off my HOTAS, pedals and TrackIR (and even replace bits) and get it all to work with Tank Crew.

    SF with STA was (and still is) very good but I think Tank Crew may be / could be better.  Time will tell but I like it so far.

  10. Have discovered different paint schemes so my comment above was a bit premature.  Also VR is supported but as I don't have a headset, I'll stick with my plan to try TrackIR.  Just need to search the attic for it 😉.

    Anyway just had some fun in a Panther Ausf D against KV1s.  Need to better understand the gunnery controls/sights/range settings (back to school for me) and re-map a few things to keys I can remember, but fun nevertheless.

  11. Too much information I'm sure, but anyway 😉:

    Phase 1 of my weekend project - Acquire Tank Crew - completed earlier than anticipated.  Via 1C not Steam, cheaper, stand-alone and more money goes to 1C.  Loaded up after a long-ish download (25 GB, but my broadband is decent at around 300Mbps) and an even longer install process which at the end seemed to fail but actually didn't.  Looks great once you find your way to the tank bit.

    Phase 2 - get my head around the controls and setup.  It's obvious even during install that it's just a DLC for a flight sim, but I don't care about that.  The controls however are complex (like the flight sim), and not set up for mouse/keyboard as much as a joystick.  I am used to the old Il2 so no real surprises there.  Using the mouse in the meantime, I have KO'd my first T34 as gunner, but was not helped by my driver, who I did not know how to stop, LOL.  Re-mapping of controls is a definite, it's just there are so many of them that I will never remember them all!  Not so straightforward, but there we are.

    Phase 3 - if I need to, get out the joystick.  I have a good one so not too concerned if it comes to it.  Re-mapping some controls will however be required.

    Phase 4 - try my old TrackIR (4 I think) which didn't work so well a year or so ago in Il2, but used to be great.  Might be the light conditions around me so might need to turn off the sun during the day and the lights at night.  Getting TrackIR to work in any game like this is an absolute must - situational awareness is key and the immersion is far better.  Perhaps I should say that I think alternatives to TrackIR are available, but I haven't tried them.

    Phase 5 - if I need to, acquire a new TrackIR (ouch, that's expensive).  Sun switching may still be required, but I think the new model is better at handling background light, and it has 6DOF which mine does not.

    Phase 6 - continue to learn, all the while struggling to remember the control mapping.

    My initial assessment is that although it's not exactly 'plug and play' it looks like it could be worth it.  I hope so and how I'd love it to be the tank sim I think it could be.  The more who buy it, the more likely it will be.

    A few minor aspects - as mentioned earlier I have already downloaded some 3rd party scenarios (great work) and looking at the nicely modelled but clean and unmarked Tiger I was using, I need vehicle mods (if they exist, haven't looked yet).


  12. Okay thanks @Splinty I was probably misreading this bit:

    20 hours ago, Sgt Joch said:

    Buy BOS on Steam, the rest on the 1C site so the Devs get more $ and everything will DL and instal on STEAM which is way faster than the 1C servers.

    I have added several games to my Steam account like you suggest, but I'm not sure they are running on the Steam servers and I'm also not sure they get updates via Steam?

    Anyway, does that mean you have Tank Crew?  If so what are thoughts on it?

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