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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 24 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    When I started playing, I had an AMD based laptop. The shadows would have a strange "comb like" appearance

    Later, I switched to Nvidia, and the shadows stopped being comb like, but now they shimmer and flicker on and off as I move the camera

    Thanks @Bulletpoint.  I have Nvidia (latest drivers but sadly not the latest card, it's only a GTX1060) and I get a bit of both of those issues depending on where the sun is in the sky relative to trees etc. and moving the camera.  I'm trying to ignore it as much as I can.

  2. Sorry to continue the off-topic stuff, but another look shows me that on Steam I also need to buy Il2 Battle of Stalingrad to be able play Tank Crew.  At 1C it looks like I can buy Tank Crew as a stand-alone game at a cheaper price than Steam before I even add Battle of Stalingrad.  Has anyone been through this and can confirm?

  3. 19 minutes ago, Warts 'n' all said:

    Inspired by this thread I think it is time to have another crack at this battle after six years. Of course the battlefield looks completely different thanks to the modders. I have however begun to tire of the News and Music Mod, no offence to it's creator, and shall be sending my boys into battle with a new mod "Hot Club de Limeyland", which as it's name suggests feature tunes recorded by Django, Stephane and the other boys in the band either in the UK or with a UK subject matter.

    Ich habe immer noch vor dies als Deutsche zu versuchen, es sei denn, dies ist keine gute Idee?

    I'm thinking Google translate may not be a good idea, but anyway?  I studied (if that's the correct word) French at school not German...

  4. 11 minutes ago, rtdood said:

    Will sewer movement be incorporated? I think I know the answer to this question but a little voice in my head is begging for me to ask the question.

    I remember using it a couple of times wayyyy back in Barbarossa to Berlin, and it was a really interesting concept for urban maps. It was admittedly rough and the risks were high as there was a chance teams sent down would never resurface. It was a good way to bring reinforcements to a factory building in a heavily built up area however. Not to mention there was no guarantee how long the movement command would take to complete. 

    Sounds like ASL to me 😉.

  5. Yes true, and if you already have a Steam account it's a lot easier than entering all of your card details again 😄.

    Anyway, I've just been lurking in the 1C forums and there seems to be some disappointment in the (disputed) lack of SP battles, quirky campaign structure, AI behaviour etc. LOL, not familiar in any way 😉.  Think I recognised a few names over there...

    I'm still of the mind to buy it anyway, as you say it's partly a matter of supporting a good cause - the greater good of tank sims.

    As for the lack of battles I've already downloaded what looks like excellent work by Tigre88.  Think I'm committed 😄.

  6. Yes, I've watched some but not that much - need to fire up Youtube again.  What I did see reminded me of T34 vs Tiger a bit, which I once thought was going to be great, only to see the publisher disappear.  Don't think that will happen to 1C so I suppose they just need to be sure that tanks are worth continuing development.  Now where's my credit card?

    Oh I might need a new TrackIR too, not cheap but the festive season is almost upon us.

    I see the game is available on Steam and direct from 1C:


    They say direct makes sure they get all of the money, which seems like the way to go 😉.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Sgt Joch said:

    note however that it has a totally different focus than CM, there is no infantry, artillery, support units, other vehicles like you have in CM, so you can’t model actual combined arms battles as in CM, just tank vs tank combat.

    Thanks.  Who needs pesky infantry trying to knock you out as well as enemy tanks and planes anyway 😉.

    I would have thought AT guns could be included more easily if they aren't already?

  8. 3 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    I would. I didn't ask for an exact release date, just an update on the progress and an expected period of release. Steve announced that the module will definitely be released this year, so answering my question shouldn't be too hard. Telling us that work on the scenarios and campaigns is progressing is hardly information in my opinion.

    But hey, a new ww2 tank sim has appeared, called Tank Crew, that will keep us busy this winter.

    Fair enough, I do see your point of view.

    Yes, thanks for the reminder about Tank Crew.  Saw it a while ago and forgot about it, but I like the old Il2 stuff and this tank 'version' looks good. 

    As for other good tanks sims, these was T34 vs Tiger to which Tank Crew looks quite similar, but the publisher didn't last long.  Also there were some decent mods to Steel Fury which added lots of tanks to the base game. 

    Anyway might have to dust off my TrackIR for Tank Crew - I assume its supported like in the flight sims, it seems to be in some of the videos. 

    Has anyone on here tried Tank Crew?  Perhaps a separate thread is required...

  9. 7 minutes ago, ASL Veteran said:

    As I recall BFC stated that it was intentionally done that way as a way for the player to have more visual stimulation of something 'happening' when the tank fires or something along those lines.  Anyway, it's not an oversight but rather a deliberate thing included in the game.

    I'm happy with that. 

    Fun videos though, first one worth watching all the way through for the D20.  Someone should tell them it was not designed to hit a melon 20 yards away.  And perhaps also what 'order of magnitude' means.  Nevertheless, good fun.

  10. 11 minutes ago, John1966 said:

    Right, I have learned a thing.

    It's not that obvious John so no embarrassment. 

    Unlike my lesson, learned earlier this week.  For some reason I had lived life without the knowledge of the 'Clear minefield' command for flail tanks, so assumed driving them through a suspected minefield (yes I know, not at the 1.5 mph they supposedly flailed at 🙄) would have the desired effect.  Sadly the Crocodile following behind took the brunt of my foolishness.  No casualties thankfully, even with a full trailer in tow, but immobilized (notice my American-ness here 😉) nevertheless. 

    Question - as this is in a campaign, will the Crocodile be repaired before the next battle or am I being the eternal optimist once more?

  11. I shouldn't be reading this as my next game (after a certain play-test that I'm being embarrassingly slow about, sorry @rtdood) was going to be an Axis defense of Colossal Crack.  Or is that a bad idea? 

    Anyway, perhaps your British chaps have LOS but not LOF?  Probably barking up the wrong tree, as I already know this is a fairly flat map and I'm not sure whether LOS/LOF is that different on M5s?

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