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Posts posted by Vacillator

  1. 3 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Rather sobering after all the end of the year hype, don't you think?

    Well, yes I suppose so, but as we've discussed a few times I think that I understand your position (and that mine is somewhat different as a relative newcomer). 

    We can only wait and busy ourselves with other things, like Final Blitzkrieg in my case 😉.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Since nobody seems to have the nerve to ask (small wonder) and I'm already the Enfant Terrible here, I will ask the question.

    So worse case scenario is a release of Fire and Rubble in April-May 2021?

    I'm not sure it's a matter of nerve, I've never found anyone at BFC that scary that I wouldn't ask them a question - if I felt the need to.

    Anyway, worst case would seem to be February + 2 months = April.  Assuming the time sucker doesn't persist 😉.


    This my 15+ years old Saitek X52.  Still great and very programmable - look at all of those axes, buttons, rotaries, sliders, triggers etc. all programmable.  Tightened up the stick with an extra washer 😉.

    As for 'twist stick' back in those days everyone said "No, lock it and use pedals".  I agreed as it tended to skew what else I was trying to do with my stick (ooh err, missus) and used CH pro pedals instead.

    X52 Flight System - Fully Integrated Stick and Throttle Flight Controller|  Saitek.com

    Have yet to try it for Tank Crew, but will do.  The pedals should work for that okay and the throttle apparently works better than the stock keyboard controls (I can believe it).

  4. On the other hand Schreck crews can be wonderful.  Yesterday on the FB La Gleize map I had a King Tiger about 50m away from a Sherman.  The Sherman could see my KT but not the other way round.  Stressful!  And then I heard that lovely whoosh and saw a shaped charge projectile come from at least another 50m or so behind the KT to knock out the Sherman.  Nice.

  5. @dontpanic! Pre-order is not open just yet:

    3 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    The first thing you’ll see in 2021 is an end to the long wait for Red Thunder’s first additional content; Fire & Rubble.  See below for some screenshots.  This new Module is huge and soon we’ll have the webpages up to detail specifically what’s in it.  Preorders will kick in at the same time.

  6. 4 hours ago, MSBoxer said:

    I also gave up on Track IR years ago and switched to VR.  As far as I know IL2 supports VR.

    Good point, I haven't tried VR myself but it should be a great alternative for Il2 if supported - reading the comments on Steam and elsewhere seemed to suggest it's possible but not staightforward?

    Edit: the newer version of Il2 (Battle of Stalingrad plus additions, including Tank Crew) supposedly support VR but again with a bit of tinkering to get it to work.  I'm tempted for Tank Crew.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    For crying out loud...

    It's not that bad is it?  I've been crying out loud trying to keep my panzers on the the road to La Gleize, despite my precise orders being ignored.  An absolutely great experience nevertheless, and one I wouldn't have had without CM. 

    It'll be worth the wait I'm sure 😉.  And the wall and rifles are still waiting for me...

  8. At the risk of being put up against the wall and shot, I just thought I'd say that I've spent most of the last few days playing Final Blitzkrieg (it's great) and so I can wait for Steve's update whenever he's ready, particularly given the above from Elvis.

    I'm aware of course that I'm a 7 month veteran, not a 20 year one, so I may view things slightly differently.

    Anyway, looking on the positive side of the thread, there are a lot of people who obviously care 😉.

  9. 3 hours ago, mjkerner said:

    Thanks Kevin and Vacillator. I see that they released 4.14.1 (or was it 4.13.1?) just the other day. But it is good to know BAT install over the base was easy. But it looks like a lot of downloading and that gets me nervous that a file or two will get corrupted. Anyway, my pedals, throttle, and Joystick are CH Pros as well, but confess I was looking into the more substantial Warthog (Thrustmaster?) and then thinking about a cockpit chair.....

    The version on Steam still appears to be be 4-12-2 which is what I have here.  It currently costs £2.17!  Less than a paper cup of watery coffee 😉.

    Although I had no problems, I see a few people on Steam are saying it didn't work for them with Windows 10.  As I say it's fine here with Win10/Intel i7/Nvidia GTX1060 but their comments might be worth bearing in mind (who knows with Steam comments 😁?).

    BAT does require a lot of downloading (reflects its huge added content) but their downloads and installers worked flawlessly for me.

    As for the hardware I don't really know the Warthog but I think I recall people rating it highly.  And yes a good chair would be nice...

  10. 23 minutes ago, HARI SELDON said:

    I'll purchase Fire & Rubble first day.  Right now I'm immersed in GMT Panzer & MBT as well as Graviteam Mius Front.  Too busy to spend time wishing for something that will come when it comes.

    I agree, same here.  Perhaps a bone or two would be nice though...

    Having said that, I'm not working on New Year's Day and wouldn't expect anyone who doesn't have to to be working, so not a big issue.

  11. I recently had the same 'urge' as an old-time Il2 flyer and bought 1946 (again) on Steam.  I set it to run as 4-12 and installed BAT over it.  Works a treat, with great content from BAT.  I've hardly scratched the surface of their stuff but would highly recommend it.

    Hardware-wise, I tried dusting off my old Saitek X52 Hotas, no problem.  I used my CH Pro rudder pedals, again no problem.  I then got out my TrackIR2 (yes, it's old).  It worked, but not as well as I remember, and it really is a 'must' for Il2. It also lacks 6DOF.  So I was thinking of buying a new TrackIR.

    And then in a thread here that you may have seen, @Aragorn2002 reminded me of Il2 Tank Crew.  I bought it and am having fun with it, but again I really need the TrackIR, which I haven't bought yet (I got CMFI and CMFB instead, both of which are great).

    All of which I can sum up with the words 'time is too short' 😉.  FWIW I have spent today mostly playing FB.

  12. Happy New Year @Falaise, I like your rules my friend.

    I have however already broken 1, I have not applied the sleeping pill in 2, I've broken 3 of course, not sure where 4 went, 5 is a point of contention as 'The Greatest Showman' is currently booming out in the living room.  I am okay with 6 however as I still have thermals on from my earlier dog-walking.

    Despite all of this however, I'm just taking a short break from Final Blitzkrieg, which is a lot of fun (the game, not the break).

  13. 1 minute ago, John1966 said:

    I always find the Germans tend to turn up with the right tools to do the job.

    Felt that way since my Squad Leader days.

    Agreed John, me too.  However they often turn up with not enough of the tools, and that is perhaps a reflection of the econonic and other more strategic factors.

    I almost always play as the Germans by the way if that's a valid option for the scenario (or the subject faction of a campaign).

  14. 15 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    Maybe it wasn't a crater.....Maybe it was a tunnel!  :ph34r:

    On the FB La Gleize map there is a rendition of a railway tunnel, but I assume you can't actually go through it (I went the other way anyway).

    In BN Cats chasing dogs scenario there is a similar 'tunnel' but only as an entry point for US forces.

    Perhaps tunnels used by infantry are possible, like in ASL Stalingrad and other scenarios?  If so, they'll be in Fire and Rubble for sure 😉.

  15. 17 hours ago, Commanderski said:

    I just finished the first mission and it was really good. Nothing too complicated some nice surprises.  I think that the fact that the US forces that seem to magically appear could be due to the fact that it's still dark and snowing with near zero visibility. I like the fact that you have two options at the beginning of each mission.

    You might be right, the infantry seemed to appear in a crater underneath my Tiger, so that's a possibility.  Seems like I mustn't have seen the crater either as I don't normally drive straight over them.

    Anyway, hope I didn't 'spoil' anything for you?  I liked the map a lot...

    I'm currently playing a Final Blitzkrieg QB on the La Gleize map and it has some similarities, particularly in the height variations.

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