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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Try North West Australia. During the 80's the US and Australia held some war games there. My scenario would be a Chines Trojan Horse Operation. Their 250000 tons bulk carriers have been disguised as troop transports. They take over 5 major ports and the offshore natural gas platforms. See how to get it back, the fastest method Imo would be a US Stryker Brigade. M3 Abrams are somewhere in Southern Australia and takes time. The Strykers travel like motorcars, they can cross the continent in three days. Chinese government blames a rogue element of their armed forces but don't lift a finger. Farfetched but it is after all a wargame.
  2. Not how it started. Capital started as Capitlālis a person's wealth depended on the head of cattle a person owned. People over the centuries found different ways to make capital. But the name stuck, it will go the same way with stock and shares. There comes a moment it doesn't work anymore. They will come up with something else. The way we pay for this game a lot of KBs goes out of our bank account to buy 5 GBs of a wargaming App. This would be pure science fiction in 1940-1945 when they were doing it for real.
  3. While I am here anybody knows how a WW2 Soviet HQ like platoon and company out of C2 (no radio) manages to call in an off-map mortar mission? I don't buy the Sim Sala Bin hypothetical field telephone. It takes him 9 minutes so ample time to get to a unit with a radio. It is how I play it hypothetically he get assigned a mortar preplanned and gets the necessary communication means. One mortar/ HQ Unit and Hypothetically they can communicate using the mortar of the off-map artillery network. A more precise manual would be more than welcome. We wrote our own but PBEM players usually have different opinions.
  4. Remake them would have me as a customer. Battles and scenarios CM2 doesn't have.
  5. Exactly the reason I don't answer. Like to know my opinion? Which is less than flattering PM is made for that purpose.
  6. Really? I still can't use bridges as they are in the games I have. Stug III in BN goes over the railroad instead of under the railroad bridge where I put my waypoints. The scenario is in the manual of how to design a scenario. He made his point I won't post on this thread anymore.
  7. Correct, I joined this forum to be a better player. Ukraine is a tragedy not at the present for my recreation.
  8. Good to see the US Airforce still knows how to pop balloons. Something they did in WW1 too.
  9. That is the sort of thing I like to do as a customer, I rewrote the manual just about. If I write my honest opinion about some troll I get threatened to get banned. Well it runs like water off the backside of a duck. I just will boycot this thread is I think the wisest I can do.
  10. You can wait a long time for any BPs for BS that is my prediction BF will have the last word. We don't discuss anything else nowadays. Like somebody pointed out all what the algorithms produces on your computer is 1% of what actually takes place. Your social media feeds you what you like to see so that they get more likes. Now I can guess why Russian TV looks ridiculous our media looks ridiculous in their eyes.
  11. We have a thread posting about other stuff it is getting so bad that anything else to do with the game is becoming irrelevant. I joined this forum to become a better player. All I see How Hot.......... Frankly this war should end not hoping it to last so that we can expand BS.
  12. This forum hardly ever discusses nowadays a game or suggestions on how to play it better. Talking about off topic, the tragedy what of what is happening in the Ukraine stops the BS Game from expanding. I think this thread has run its cause; it has nothing to do with the present BS Game. My opinion this thread is off topic as far as the Battle Front games go.
  13. People like you are getting people like me banned from writing what we think about you. They are welcome Battlefront is just not important enough. All what they will achieve is losing a 73-year-old who has been a customer for 23 years. All what this forum achieves is for me having the urge at times to clean my computer of their games. They permit clowns on this forum who don't even know how to play the game. No suggestions as usual or nothing what makes sense just let us not speak of any useful contributions. Pierce Morgan I don't like the man but he is a journalist with the educational credentials. Just write facts and you don't have a problem with me.
  14. One thing putin and the Ukrainians agree on. Both don't care how many Russians die in the Ukraine. It is not much but the start of a possible dialog.
  15. Correct if the man says 2+2=4 and your favourite popstar says otherwise the man unfortunately is right.
  16. There is no Topographic Map or a Road Map I know my hot keys. My suggestion is on a Topographic Map you set cross country way points and on a Road Map the engine would plot travel using roads only. R raises the camera F brings the camera down. You have also 9 camera setting none shows elevation like you see in the scenario editor. I must go there to draw a topo graphic map by painting by numbers in my photo editing program. With campaigns I can't do it.
  17. Graphic Camera 1 Good, 2-4 functional see just about the same as on the news. Camera 5-9 like to see replaced by a roadmap and topographic map. Graphics don't need much of an improvement at all.
  18. He has the credentials and that is one of the things they are fighting for. Freedom of the press whether we disagree or not. The interviewee definitely was out of order, he gave as a glimpse what the persons putin approves of are like.
  19. I am not a fan of Piers Morgan but against this stooge from the Kremlin I took his side. I also believe a settlement like Korea could be the outcome whether we like it or not. The objectives St, Petersburg, Moscow, Volgograd? I can't see it happening. That is what a humiliated Russia will look like.
  20. That's what you're up against. Journalists can't ask rational questions. Well, if he lived in Australia the Russian would be advised to take language classes, I had to turn on the subtitles.
  21. Correct, using scouts for pathfinding is something what could happen in real life.
  22. I blasted a hole big enough for a Churchill but the blast area was on a forest tile. You need to study the tiles for your map analysis.
  23. That's for me one of the purposes for the two men scout team. Place a way point near the bocage and a way point on the other side. The engine finds a way to get through. You can do it on slow the worse thing what can happen is your scouts will be exhausted. Lots of times you can spot rabbit or murder holes, I suspect the designer uses them for ambushes or triggerpoints.
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