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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Said yesterday this is the algorithm war. You get fed what you like to read. Russian TV plays what the viewers like to watch. Same applies for us. Must be a different reason they don't attack Russian positions in Russia.
  2. Interesting I am 73 and playing CM since Beyond Overlord. I will qualify soon for my Gold Jubilee.
  3. Yes, nothing is worth your soul, your soul is yours and yours alone. The perception of history is personal and not the version they teach in other countries.
  4. I listened to an Austrian on You Tube and the Leopard maybe used for infantry support and freeing the more valuable Leo2s. He said assault gun mode (Sturmgeschütz) other worths infantry support first battling MBTs second.
  5. Only one NATO country is required to stop the Ukraine from joining, I doubt if not a single NATO member would have promised something like this behind the scenes. The issue is putin wants to decide who is to become a president of an ex Soviet State and not the people who live there.
  6. Till today Cuba has a Communist Government and like Cuba, Ukraine agreed to get rid of their nuclear arsenal. In return Russia with the US agreed to guarantee its national integrity. Now the world can see that guarantees from Russia are not worth the paper it is written on. since the US guaranteed the integrity of the Ukraine as a state it is only decent they give the weapons to defend itself.
  7. Ukraine has the prerogative about their neutrality nobody else. It was decision by a democratic Ukrainian government to apply for NATO and EU membership. Their government decided to defend themselves militarily.
  8. Hundred Thousand is a horrible figure but not as horrific as forty million that's the last time they dealt with a dictator. Putin is the reason God gave members of the human race a middle finger.
  9. German MG34 and MG42 they explain the weapons with amazing detail. Especially the MG34.
  10. Interesting point of view one of his better contributions.
  11. Tyrannies know that their system will eventually be replaced by a democracy. Everything is only temporary.
  12. It is a circle. Tyranny, Democracy, Anarchy Back to Tyranny. In my opinion you discuss the phase of Democracy to Anarchy which is the excuse Tyrannies uses to justify their position and perpetuate their power.
  13. Yes. It was a trading league, nothing wrong with Russian people they are just ruled by would be Tony Sopranos. Just feel sorry for them.
  14. Discuss a lot of armor we use in the game.
  15. The old Hansa League countries. Not many people heard about the Hansa League across the big pond. Easy to see the buildings had the same style. You hit the nail on the head with Poland, they lost their independence for a long time not for nothing. Northern Poland also was a member of the Hansa League. For people who wonder it was an economic alliance something the like EU is today.
  16. C2 is better than other Soviet Units as they share the AFV's radio.
  17. This battle seems to have been fought by Soviet Estonian Forces. Submachine gunner assault. The German K98 is hopelessly outclassed at 100mtrs. At times you get a better picture by turning the Icons off. The Tankovyy Desant is a good unit. Sniper for overwatch and the submachine gunners for the assault. Approach was plotted from ground level. For micromanagement best done on micro terrain Situational awareness is everything. Correct placing of waypoints is the key upon full contact the unit stops advancing at the waypoint and engages.
  18. Armor Arcs I use them to hold fire. The amount of times that my tank was hit by another outside is arc is too numerous. Arcs are useful when you want to turn the turret. But think twice before you use them.
  19. First Screenshot 01:13:03 Second Screenshot 01:13:02. Credit goes to the sniper. Soviet advances over open ground have the key marksmen in position.
  20. Snipers. I found volume of fire determines casualties inflicted or the lack of it. Snipers deliver not much volume, time seems to be a factor. This shot took 2minutes in position among a few other instances of which I didn't make screenshots. I modified my tactics. Put them on hide till a fire fight develops then unhide and use the direction pointer to your intended target. Entered in the log. Time for the shot to break two minutes, method the pointer direction tool only. Direct fire orders I found counterproductive, a bolt rifle just doesn't produce the volume. They are effective for clearing out foxholes.
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