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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Recon objective to establish a 'Standing' or 'Listening Patrol'.
  2. Played it 2 days ago against the AI on Iron. I didn't use the Strykers to breach the wall but the trooper's explosives. The trick is use a base of fire till the hospital is silent, the Javelins to take out key equipment. They are expensive about ₤100000 a pop. Once you enter the complex make your way to the roof. it is a lot easier to throw grenades downstairs than up. Yes, wish there were choppers in this game. Congrats on your win, on Iron Red had 5 panicking troops left, before they surrendered. This scenario is a good lesson for MOUT operations. Modern armor fires accurately on the move, same with the Strykers don't stop during a move unless they are back in a hide. Pattons and Centurions still fought with WW 2 tactics and the losses against Saggers ATGM were unacceptable. Good scenario but the map could have been a little bigger. I lost one Stryker 2 Strykers had their armament disabled but the one survivor was enough. I had 6 killed and 11 wounded inside the parameters but room for improvement. Surprised Combat Mission doesn't have 'Claymores' in the game, Russians have their own version, and I would leave them behind inside the building defend the inner buildings from the 3rd floor. Also there are no cellars better stop my rant it is still a good game.
  3. M1A1SA Abrams is the Abrams in the Shock Force 2 Manual which came with the game. The SA stands for Situational Awareness. In the picture he has a beautiful digital screen. The purpose is that they can see whatever any other tank sees in the unit. That is the purpose of digital technology.
  4. Let the troopers decide when to fire their weapons. I never looked back, just look at the AI when you play against it. Despite its silly decisions sometimes marksmanship is sometimes outstanding.
  5. Never expect your troops to respect you if you don't respect the parameters of operations. Soon you will be confronted with Combat Stress. See the terrain, see the enemy. see your own forces. The reason I play on Iron otherwise the game does it for you and you don't learn anything. Recon is ongoing throughout the game.
  6. Thanks for me Hotseat is the ultimate, I don't have a clue about PBEM On Iron against the AI I rarely have a total victory so a long way to go yet. Had a tactical defeat yesterday with 'Edge of Darkness'. Funny enough thoroughly enjoyed that game.
  7. Find a person to play Hotseat is a problem, I found two in the area I live. To play AI is just an apprenticeship. Nothing but respect for the editors, but their efforts at best is a set piece attack or counterattack. To doctor battle plans is a thankless task. Mods look pretty I agree but for me as it comes in the game is good enough. I would even play the game if it only came with NATO symbols.
  8. Battle for Normandy Bundle and Final Blitzkrieg. Since I bought Shock Force 2 I have not touched the others. I am 70 and retired with 10 years active service which ended forty years ago. WW 2 was familiar but modern equipment took some adjustment. Modern armor travels fast terrain permitting firing on the move, the WW 2 Bazooka and Panzerschreck have evolved AT guns are obsolete even the recoilless guns which were still state of the art during the cold war. The Centurion and the M60 were tanks the allies wished for during WW2. In 1972 they became obsolete overnight with the introduction of the Sagger.
  9. The Abrams specially modified is particularly good in breaching operations. Oh Yes, I used Javelins to get rid of Kornet ATGM's. Yes it is an tit for tat game.
  10. In 1302 a battle took place in Flanders. Flemish Infantry vs French knights using heave cavalry, the moment I saw this map, I had a sense of Deja Vu. I would deploy my infantry on the side of the river from which the enemy is coming. They will breakthrough but for heavy cavalry the terrain will be awful near the river. For the French, their attack became a disaster. History books call it today 'De Gulden Sporen Slag'. Battle of the Golden Spurs the Flemish traded the golden spurs of the surviving French knights. The ones who couldn't pay the ransom were struck over the head by a 'Morning Star'. It is a solid stick with a chain from which a spiked ball is attached. The Flemish name is a 'Goedendag' which translates as Good Day Sir (Knight).
  11. Not new at all, I elaborate further. Four man, one is a scout, followed by the fire-team leader and the other two in reserve. They can secure, attack or assault. A section can also be split using the same principle. Platoons three sections or squads. Company three platoons, Battalion three companies. We just call it different secure element with two reserve elements. You have a battle plan everybody understands and carry out. The leader moves with the security element followed by the support. This way maximum firepower can bear on the enemy at the shortest possible time. The leaders knows when the reserve units can advance without getting ambushed. Typically advance to a terrain feature before the objective. From the reserve elements we can for example break off a marksman team for over watch. No scout moves without cover from supporting elements. Kind regards.
  12. Buildings are hard cover in the game and small arms fire at best suppresses only. Buildings have numerous rooms and a defender as in real life modifies a house with sandbags and even trenches. In the game buildings are abstract and there is no detail. Breaching walls is the technique to deal with MOUT situations. Example Binh Ba Vietnam June 1969 The Australian army dealt with urban combat in the following manner. Centurion tanks were the first to give their position away to force the enemy to reveal their positions. They breached the wall of the houses by HE followed by Cannister to deal with the enemy inside. The operation lasted most of the day. The NVA and Vietcong had modified the town and could withdraw and reenter building through their network of tunnels. I found this true in Combat Mission you need a means to breach walls to be effective in Combat Mission. Only infantry? You risk unacceptable losses, Infantry finds the enemy in MOUT combat supporting arms destroys it and finally the infantry seizes the objective, they find a mostly demoralized enemy. The game reflects what a competent enemy does in MOUT operations.
  13. If you give a manual command the sniper misses every time. A sniper makes his own decision just in real life. You place him in a spot with a cover arc, and let the AI call the shot. Snipers are more useful in spotting which they do 90% of the time. Use DOPE Data Of Personal Equipment aka the Snipers Bible Take note when the sniper scores a kill. I found it out with DOPE Position the sniper and let him face in the right direction using a cover arc< I never give him a manual command. Also make sure the sniper has at least a sound contact before you put him in his position. Sound contact is the wrong expression, another unit spots the enemy through the command chain the info passes on. Make sure the sniper has the secondary contact icon.
  14. Window+Shift+S works sometimes and sometimes you must do it twice. Like Vacilllator said push the screen button and click past in an editor.
  15. The idea to have the 'Key People' occupying Key Terrain. Key Terrain permits the observation of the objective and area of operations. . From there the leader can bear the fire power of his units upon the enemy.
  16. 'Iron Mode On WEGO' since I start playing on this mode, I never looked back. Each turn is a mini game. The AI! you find a dug in T55 or even a T72 in hull down, they are just camping and won't move with even ranging shells exploding all around them. Or the tanks next to them brew up by aircraft or choppers. Quietly waiting for their turn. Tip Snipers paired with the 81 mm mortar can brew up BMP's just select Armor from the options list. Against a human player you need harassing barrage from a second gun to mask your ranging shots. Human players at least my brother doesn't camp.
  17. Parameters the US has a lot of planes, armor, artillery etc. German tanks should be expensive as there were a few of them around. A GI knew if he lost a battle life would carry on as usual in the US. A German soldier realized his mom, kid brothers and sisters could be in serious danger. The game should reflect this. A German soldier could turn into a fanatic when the sense of despair increases. Combat stress should work differently, combat effectiveness as a rule goes down, but in some instances it could increase. You still can have a very playable game which is more realistic. Loss of a Sherman tank affects the morale of US infantry, it increases the morale of German infantry. The other way out a Panzer 4 comes with a veteran crew a Sherman tank as they have more, more crew will be green.
  18. Buttoned up, in a WW 2 game firing on the move with commander's hatch open and on hunt. In Shock Force 2 Fast Move Buttoned Up. Makes no difference with an Abrams, Leopard or Challenger they have a high probability of a first-round kill. Fast move is also a good defense against Kornet ATGM's
  19. You must understand the editor. The person who makes the scenario how many battle-plans he used for his scenario? Some games are just not suitable I have no experience playing as Syrian whatsoever. I found the AI horrible as an attacker and the Syrian army is not equipped to be an attacker. They will use the Iraqi solution let the high-tech invader enter their territory and burn up their resources inside the cities. Hot-Seat is the most enjoyable way to play this game, next attack as blue against a well-designed scenario. To attack as Syrian would be a suicide mission at best. I would as Syrian not move and let NATO attack. My human opponent plays as Syrian and he usually withdraws his troopers in time. I need to mask my spotting artillery with harassing barrages for example. Against the AI you don't need to do it.
  20. Just agree to disagree I just contributed a method which seems to work in a few games. The sniper's spotting data goes to the company commander and the contact is displayed in time as a sound contact. The company commander liaises with the TAC team assigned for this operation who calls in the airstrike and paint the area for the aircraft to operate. As the sniper maintains his visual at least he confirms the destruction of the target. At least his Laser and PDA makes the communication far more efficient than radio alone. Otherwise, there is no point to be equipped with it. I didn't see a need for a TAC team to give their position away unless necessary. If you know the location of more than 1 vehicle an area is more efficient. Snipers and Javelin teams have better optics than ordinary scouts. Kind regards.
  21. The Army Brings the Cloud to the Battlefield (https_fedtechmagazine.com)
  22. The area of operations is in Combat Mission typically 2km by 2km which is crossed in a matter of seconds. They were static targets and therefore camouflaged. (It takes the boots on the ground several turns to spot it after they had pre operations intelligence. A visual observation is unlikely, I have strong reasons to believe the PDA's of troops on the ground is integrated. I include the Cockpit of an Apache Gunship I imagine the Harrier has similar equipment.
  23. Well, it worked you don't need direct LOS between the spotter and the target if a ground unit with the communication has LOS. I just run out of time so it is a tactical victory. It is like my phone at home and the internet. The manual needs to be updated because the C2 has become the C4. The company spotter could draw the area for the Harriers the Snipers had LOS but didn't plot anything. The Laser and the PDA is best seen as a weapon the algorithm of the computer will take care of it. I don't think the same rules applies as it does with radios. Kind regards I am surprised the computer gave me a Victory at all.
  24. In the game UK Armoured Assault the observer of D Company 4th Scots, Observer of the Sidi Rezegh Bat Artillery (Pardon my spelling) and the 2 D company snipers have the sophisticated Laser Pointers. I would imagine that it makes sense that with their PDA's they connect to the software of the Harrier fighter bombers. The game results suggest this, but the manual doesn't explain it fully. The result of Three dug in T55's brewed up in 2 minutes suggest that the laser pointers played a roll. I use DOPE Data Of Personal Equipment. It is worthwhile that the result of an airstrike can be observed. The D Company Observer spotted one T55 the Sniper who took the position of the scout the other 2. DOPE is what a sniper does when he updates his bible in real life. Against the AI I never played Syrian I imagine as defender is the way to go. It is not a force to attack a technologically superior enemy. I run out of time with the UK Armoured Assault. That makes it a loss.
  25. I found when troopers spot an object and are equipped with laser pointers the aircraft called by the forward TAC controllers who don't have LOS themselves will take out the enemy reliably. It is like Vietnam in this regard you called out airpower and direct napalm or other ordnance. FO rarely had LOS on the enemy, he only got reference by radio, now 50 years later I suppose PDA's etc. are far more efficient. A Harrier Fighter Bomber overshoots the target in a matter of seconds. I don't have experience with PDA's but I imagine the military has its own network. The troopers can key in references on the network in seconds. It appears to work like this in the game.
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