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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. I use Affinity Photo, which is much cheaper than Photoshop and about as good. Video recording any advice how to go about it? The high ground you can observe a lot but once you're spotted, you're history. Got rid of the last dug in T55 in British Mettle.
  2. Sorry I am 70 would like to know what you mean
  3. Following the Euphrates. Avoided MOUT situations. The only reason I suffered casualties is when I entered the HQ building.
  4. Avoiding MOUT operations was the Key to this battle. Troops inside buildings was tricky as we had to preserve the HQ Building of the Syrians. I lost half a squad once I didn't receive return fire, they entered big mistake. Some body bags will go home.
  5. The Panzer IV F had a properly designed 'Tank Gun' Kampfwagenkanone or KwK 40/L43. Not as good as the Pak 40 AT gun in the AT role but better than the 75 mm on the Sherman which was a field gun. The KwK could penetrate the Sherman with no problems inside the ranges you specified. Likewise, the 75 mm on the Sherman could penetrate the Mark IV. The KwK had a flatter trajectory which increased the odds in regards range estimation, also the gun had a better penetration performance, and could engage the Sherman under more unfavorable angles. We need to consider not only armor and the guns also the radio, optics, and the turret rotation. I think 1:1
  6. This is a hobby site not a political discussion forum; my final statement people are presumed innocent till found guilty in a court of law. The army spokesman on the media should follow Senator Lambie's advice, she is an ex-service person too.
  7. They have already been found guilty by the media without their day in court. First no war has been declared like Vietnam, still the government deploys our troops. How can a 4- or 6-men patrol take prisoners without jeopardizing their mission? My opinion don't send them out in the first place. The country is Islamic Australia was deployed because they harbored Bin Laden which the Afghanis were obliged to do according Shariah. Bin Laden was eventually taken care of in Pakistan, mission accomplished! We don't have any more business there. Yes, the present regime will lose against the Taliban you can't win a war there if you follow the Geneva conventions. Yes, the taking of POW's was something they did sometimes in WW 2, now you better have a suicide pill. Our troops have rights and that means to be duly represented in court. Now they want to take away decorations from people who had nothing to do with it and disband the unit altogether. According the Geneva convention you must wear a recognized uniform and don't dress like a peasant if you get caught you may get? You guess it shot. These are just the questions I like to ask, and I could be wrong.
  8. The people who did the research compared neutral Sweden what German Reichsmarks could buy and what a US$ could buy in that country in 1944. Yes, well paid Union Labor is often more efficient the M4 Sherman was produced at 70 % of a German Mark IV. Slave labor is far from efficient. The Mark V Panther was expensive because of the workmanship, the welding of the vehicle in Bovington was done by a craftsman not by a concentration camp inmate. I admire the American industrial might during WW 2. The Americans produced the Sherman and its chassis was used for its TD's and self-propelled artillery too. Today the Germans produce fine cars but not too many pick-up trucks.
  9. Nine Turns, stuck to the basic principles and I don't regard myself as an expert on Armoured Warfare. Actually, a little disappointed with this scenario. Wish everybody a happy 2021.
  10. The pen pushers and other do gooders have their field day. They have their opinion, but don't know the land, the people, or the troops. Already found guilty without their day in court. With international law special forces are a spent force. Locate an SAS patrol(The hard part). Surrender with a platoon and the mission of the patrol is stuffed. According international law the patrol must now feed and defend the enemy troops.Prisoners of war and detainees protected under international humanitarian law - ICRC The fourth 1949 Geneva Convention and Additional Protocol I also provide extensive protection for civilian internees during international armed conflicts. If justified by imperative reasons of security, a party to the conflict may subject civilians to assigned residence or to internment. Therefore, internment is a security measure, and cannot be used as a form of punishment. This means that each interned person must be released as soon as the reasons which necessitated his/her internment no longer exist.
  11. The family cat. It happened just before Christmas 1944 during the 'Honger Winter' (Dutch Spelling). The cat scratched on the door came inside with a beautiful piece of beef (Eye Fillet). The only place he got it from was the German Naval Base. The picture of Santa which became his new name always had a place of honor in our living room. A raid by definition is to destroy or seize something the enemy values. Santa fulfilled this criterion in my opinion.
  12. It was based on what the currencies were worth in Neutral Sweden. US manufacturing was far more efficient and could produce a comparative vehicle a lot cheaper. We are better off asking Battle Front about their formula.
  13. I have the answer probably. A Panzer IV cost 110 Thousand Reichsmarks during WW 2, A Sherman cost $ 50000 on average during WW 2. In buying power The Reichsmark is maybe 80% to 90% of the US$ that is if they converted their money in neutral Sweden for example. It is a theory, but I don't know which formula the game designers used.
  14. Red forces need fanatics. A force of fanatics will increase their 'Combat Factor' with the increase of casualties the thing is you don't know them till the chips are down. They could be randomly generated in the engine.
  15. It takes a few computer games to figure out bocage fighting combined with the benefit of hindsight. Yes, specially adapted Shermans and Stuarts did the trick and fortunately the allies had lots of them. Even now we see Bocage as something of an overgrown hedge it took one thousand years to become part of the landscape.
  16. Yes, logistics there is not much difference between a Russian winter and a German winter. The Germans were not particularly good with logistics the actual reason they lost the war. Compared with the Russian Siberian troops which were committed in the counterattack around Moscow the German clothing was inadequate.
  17. The only logic is to keep the game historically adequate. In the last year of the war only 4000 Panzer IV's were built. To reflect this in the game is to make the purchase more expensive.
  18. It is a hospital, corridors, wards theatres, staff amenities etc. The only thing they can do is to increase the combat factor of the defender. I can't recall any trained soldier silly enough to shoot from an open window especially with a high-tech Stryker outside. To defend in CM, hide with a target arc to trigger the trooper. I agree against the AI this scenario is not hard. Once you make it to the roof you're home, your grenades and satchel charges are effective the defender has problems throwing grenades up towards the ceiling. Never be in a hurry to enter buildings, ask my old man spit blood 25 years later from a lung-shot. He passed away 20 years ago. In this game you fight a mathematical model. This 'Hospital' was 6 blocks with no corridors with 3 floors showing. Naturally the shooting from windows is hypothetical only. Even when you can eyeball your target in the game the 'No LOS' sign comes up. This explains it, your troops only can return fire when they are shot at and it is the precise moment you can kill the enemy. if you try to macro manage the game manually you will end up with a lot of frustration. The AI plan obviously is shoot withdraw and return to a different position.
  19. Yes, a mistake in the same category as Hitler's mistake invading Russia without a supply of winter uniforms. See the enemy, see the terrain, and see your troops. More easily said than done.
  20. Out of real life an RPG 7 wounded a Centurion Tank Crew member and he lived with a migraine for the rest of his life. I imagine a Leo II can cope with it after experimenting the modern battle tank fires very accurately on the move. Abrams, Challengers or Leopards if I engage speed on fast from terrain feature to terrain feature. Using tactics from CM games during WW 2 makes you a sitting duck for ATGM's even the dated Saggers.
  21. Playing at present Breaking the Bank on Iron. Progress so so. Selected this mission because it is a MOUT operation. The Syrians have a ring of outposts willing too quickly to surrender. Once your troops move in the building to take their surrender they are ambushed. I have one squad severely affected. You kill 50% of the outpost the others go MIA. The defense factors of buildings in CM is hypothetical. I suppose positioning a sniper with a cover arc suggests he will keyhole towards the objective and makes the likelihood that he will be spotted unlikely unless his luck runs out because he didn't reposition himself. The purpose of Wargaming is too develop a model which works in real life and nothing does it cheaper than a computer. What kills infantry well anything what says boom. Advice from a Waffen SS veteran "The one who shoots first usually lives longer." It works in CM, scout enters the building with a short cover arc. The cover arc is the key it seems, he will look through the right window instead of staring at a wall. He gets a sound contact if there are forces in the house or houses nearby. The remainder of the squad will enter after a 45 second pause so at the next turn you have intelligence of the enemy. It is your call fight or withdraw. Use DOPE in the game. Data Of Personal Equipment aka the Snipers Bible it works with computer games too not only with the Sniper Equipment all the equipment in CM. Happy gaming.
  22. Total victory and I played on Iron, 1st get all the Javelins out of the Strykers use the buildings for hard cover. Achieve fire superiority with the Strykers and get them to support the infantry. Don't stop the Stryker, let the Strykers fire on the move. The key weapons of the Syrians pair them with the Javelins. Don't move in the hospital till you don't take fire. Have your infantry move to the roof. Grenades and explosives are the killers your small arms merely suppress the enemy. It is basics base of fire and breach the perimeter walls. If I see that amount of fire power hide in the inner rooms and booby trap the entrances and have something like claymores to cover the corridors. CM doesn't have claymores funny enough.
  23. Snipers! every sniper is a marksman but not every marksman is a sniper. 90 % of a sniper's task is recon and or spotting. Consider assigning a mortar to him 60 mm -81 mm so he doesn't give his position away. 81 mm can take out BMP's reliably. Dismounting or debussing, see your objective or short-term objective and see the last feature in the terrain which can hide your vehicle. That is the place to dismount your troopers, in Syria a soldier in full battle gear can be quickly affected by the heat. It took me 4 minutes for the sniper to take out the Kornet batteries no way he can do that with his scoped rifle. In the game he has a Laser, PDA besides his rifle. To go mount the APC or IFV give the mount order and you can move the vehicle and the squaddies at the same time. The squaddies will board at the rendezvous point.
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