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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Attack on Binh Ba 6-8 June 1969. Cannister was preceded with HE from a Centurion at dwellings which were often fortified. Australian Centurion had the 20-pounder gun there so roughly equal to the US 90mm with the HE shells.
  2. I am puzzled with the claim that CM had poor graphics also that the game is biased against Soviet troops. By 1944 their forces are tank based in the game the only units with radios on a sufficient scale. I found and suspect a lot of players use their PC as their C2. My experiences make me think that a unit must have contacts to make area fire effective and in case of full contact let the TacAI do their work. The game lets you replay and gives the opportunity to capture screenshots for the family photo-album.
  3. Combined arms, time and coordinate your three assets. Infantry, artillery, and armor. Check your C2 so that the units share their contacts. @Scipio Yes you can plot LOF without LOS. As the grenade is the only weapon the TacAI will let you use the grenade. Always a good practice to throw a grenade over a wall. High casualty rates could be the cause of being too careful. Recon, Probe, Attack, Assault.
  4. My patrol had a Panzerfaust and the pointman was the one carrying it. @Artkin that's why there is a plan in regards patrolling. Have listening patrols with shorts arcs of fire. This squad was one and they broke cover. My first platoon is responsible for the security and recon. I am reluctant to publish spoilers. @Vergeltungswaffe yes, they are your avatar a revenge weapon in this case in regards the pointman.
  5. This YT video shows exactly how LOS and LOF works in CM. He doesn't plot any LOF but let the TacAI do it. The moment he gets LOF the Churchill just pops up out of nowhere. I play the game like that too. If you move a unit make sure another unit is on overwatch. Tidbit #90: Month by Month - YouTube
  6. AI Snipers incredibly brave but incredibly silly. Spoilers Russian Snipers come in pairs. German Halftrack on Overwatch. Sniper goes down. Even on Iron the game gives the player plenty of Intel. The scouting party carefully breaks cover. However, the pointman is wounded by a sniper. The halftrack still on overwatch fires. 2nd Sniper is also KIA. Post Scriptum the pointman also carried a 'Panzerfaust' not the wisest move but nothing a player can do about it.
  7. I installed GTMF had a look at it and got rid of it. The reason? I would uninstall Combat Mission too if it was RTS only. @Josey Wales has an excellent video about this subject.
  8. We don't know what is generic and what is not in this game. Results are calculated with a roll of the dice and not what we see. I send HE to suppress because a 120 mm mortars shell is supposed to go through a roof and explode inside a house. But more often than not the infantry must finish the job.
  9. Use scouts for finding LOS or LOF not just two men but a platoon or company for the bigger battles.
  10. I find POV sufficient and when there is LOS the enemy unit pops up and if there is LOF you get shot at. This is realism I never seen anybody plotting a 'Way-Point' in real life. But for example, Camera Position 9 could be replaced by a topographic map.
  11. I don't believe any country in 1914 was capable of combined arms. The reason they got stuck in the trenches, by 1917 they were capable of the "rolling barrage" when the Canadians took Vimy Ridge it meant the required synchronization was at last achieved. Plus, the innovation of the tank played a role. Germany had their stormtroopers the pioneers of modern infantry tactics. But by WW2 the planning was of the last war except German armor had a 3 men turret and a radio.
  12. Gun Powder myths Das Herrenvolk lost both world wars because they were that good. You believed the fairy tales of Eric Von Manstein after world war 2 you took it hook line and sinker. Can't blame the man he looked out for himself after world war 2. The marksmanship of the British is down for the record. I live with the fact that the likes of Putin are not at the least interested of sharing his methods with CM wargamers. The West can take a leave out of their book, want to know tactical know how? Enroll at Sandhurst or WestPoint as a foreign student and bob is your uncle. Information for International Cadets | United States Military Academy West Point "An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep" That's why they got beat in 1914. But it doesn't matter as long as you win the last battle.
  13. Private Wilson makes first contact moving out the Hurtgen Forest. Try to make a comic book with this battle.
  14. Easy to say we need a professional army to train and be competitive with the private sector is completely different story. The USSR collapsed economically as its expenditure was not sustainable. Dear editors you do a terrific job and after all the oldest war game is chess and both forces are balanced. We have a high-tech game here and it is marvelous.
  15. They were capable of the 'Mad Minute'. Here is the record The first Mad Minute record was set by Sergeant Major Jesse Wallingford in 1908, scoring 36 hits on a 48-inch target at 300 yards. It's something people with a semi auto rifle would have trouble with. I am sure you would agree that to empty a magazine of an M16 at 300 yards on the upper torso inside a minute is even nowadays ok. In 1914 experts could do it nowadays a decently trained rifle man should be able to do it. That is 2 seconds per shot. By 1915 infantry tactics were a numbers game.
  16. You go back to WW1 the British started with the best professional army on the continent but no experience. A year later green troops were the replacements. I think the same would have happened with the Soviets in the hypothetical WW3 scenario.
  17. In RT artillery apart from mortars and light field-guns are subject to set piece protocols. The same with their air force not even their regimental FO can call off an air attack. Personally, I think it is a little over the top. If friendly casualties is acquired by their air force, shooting a prearranged flare should be possible. Artillery should be looked at in future modules. For the Brits, a rolling barrage could already be plotted in 1917 to give an example. The air force is treated by the Western Allies as flying artillery, in Normandy strategic bombers often got it wrong. To correct myself I see only fighter bombers in the scenarios.
  18. Russian tanks were often not painted at all at least not in the beginning of the war. Never read or they continued this practice later. Better look at some late war photographs.
  19. Thank you for clarifying this. I came to my conclusion in a battle of FB in which a player complained it was useless to play as defender as the AI stopped attacking after a few turns. I have personally only played with the editor and never designed a scenario for others to play. I concluded at the time the reason the allied AII didn't attack was that the scenario editor didn't give the attacker enough 'battle plans'. I found the game enjoyable myself as allied attacker but had not much substance as a German defender as indeed the AI didn't do much after a few turns. Thanks for your attention.
  20. Change the name of a scenario map and save it in the QB folder. @Scipio
  21. "Best played as" means the scenario has less 'Battle Plans' for the forces recommended for the human player. That's what my understanding is.
  22. Area fire against a sound contact. Had a scenario one unit had a full contact an LMG just a sound contact in a building. Playing on Iron, Because I had a full contact I could observe what happened inside the building. There was no kill of the suppressive fire, I suspect the enemy unit just went to a lower floor. 15 seconds was enough for this effect. Just keep a log of every worthwhile AAR it pays off if there is a pattern.
  23. Thanks for doing the test. I am a little sloppy to find out little details like that. My troops appear to go through the floor instead
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