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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. Sad but true. Look at the shooting sports. Shooter A hits the Bullseye Shooter B just can't do it. Because shooter A knows how to use the sights. You can't treat everybody equal. If you have LOF the enemy unit will pop-up. I don't know how you can make it simpler than that. Had it today with a Javelin team, that thing has the best sights in the business, when I put Javelin B in exactly the same spot there was no LOS or LOF while the enemy bunker was still in the same position. Don't try to change the game, to suit you.
  2. I found the terrain plays a role plus the position of the unit. Example 'Road to Nijmegen Campaign'. Once their 0.30 Browning MG is deployed it doesn't have a LOS. I didn't realize that the weapon is positioned too low in the Corn Field as the vegetation blocks the LOS. Standing units have a LOS. Once the MG is on the road it solves the problem.
  3. People still don't have a glue of what the game is about. if 'Borg Spotting is your thing there are other games. Look up the meaning of relative spotting, trooper A spots something and trooper B is blissfully unaware. Combat Mission could really use a feature or mode where clicking any unit under your command would shade or color all parts of the map visible to that unit. @landser it is there it can be done with the cover arc tool. Test and experiment is all I can suggest.
  4. Standard of F&R. I edited the screenshot with Affinity Photo.
  5. A combination of the cover-arc and the LOS tool makes it very easy. Eyeballing and you will see the elevated pieces of terrain reveal themselves. Great for setting up HMG's.
  6. They segregated their national servicemen from the professionals. You had McNamara's morons' people were called up who never should have called up. He later admitted the Tonkin Incidence was made up. But you don't know what to believe a trade deal with the Vietnamese depended on it. Vietnam nowadays, just like any other SE Asian country. Comparable with the Philippines the Vietnamese public transport system is actually not bad.
  7. It is very easy to become complacent. I used a Dillon which was capable of reloading 500 cartridges an hour. I cut the chore in 2 stages., before seating the bullet I visually inspected the powder level. Took a little longer as you had to take the crimped and primed brass with powder out of the press manually. With this guy's load I suspect that somehow a primer got mixed with the powder. I don't rule out a practical joker if you could call him that. The rule you do your own reloading and don't use somebody else's reloads.
  8. I start to think that I was not supposed to damage the building. A 155mm shell through the ceiling next door, is not supposed to leave anybody standing. I had 4 killed and 8 wounded, only way to clear the complex you need every satchel charge and Javelin as precision mortars. I was holding back with them as I was expecting some T55's at least. Happy gaming.
  9. Heard so much about the Highland Games, I decided to give it a bash. Little rough they failed me on the checkpoint! "Here is the evidence we took the bleeding checkpoint!"
  10. You need HE before you try anything else. HE, Cannister followed by Infantry.
  11. SF2 Blue vs Red Blue must win by maneuver and Red wins by attrition. Saw a You Tube video as a test, a squad of highly trained US Marines vs a squad of Syrians. Outcome one Syrian running away in panic. The US one wounded and morale ok. However both sides were not capable for future operations. The US squad had only 200 rounds of 5.56 mm left. That is less than a clip each. If a Syrian T55 or a Sagger takes out their Stryker they are left high and dry. Parameters? Storming Norman Schwarzkopf said this: "One Body Bag is one too many!"
  12. I use it for opportunity targets most of the time mortars. HMG HQ is an example. Call a linear target he engages with HMG fire and get fired upon on he will now target his threat with an adjustment and seek cover. He gets out of cover when the shells start dropping on his threat. HMG HQ don't need a radio for calling in support. This tactic could have been preplanned. Have some house rules for this. An FO is in visual contact and would hypothetically relay his support request. The FO is still available to call in heavy artillery.
  13. My tip Artillery on Light and Long. That way you can isolate targets of opportunity as they appear. With bridges isolate the bridge with smoke. Not only this game but in general. Remember some HQ units eg MG's can call in at least mortars. The Mortar Team comes with a radio one echelon up that HQ doesn't have a radio but can still call-in strikes, this is the guy you send up to the KT for observation. The no radio issue has been raised it is just the generic nature of the game.
  14. The German HQ didn't panic I suppose.
  15. Thank you very much for your input. I went to Steam had my credit card details next to my PC and learned it is for free. The other modules are not I suspect. But to create some FB scenarios would be a good start. Will have a look at their maps and how much information they have. Just starting with the game. Kind regards and happy gaming.
  16. It does, your opinion is entirely subjective. You should quote all and not only the words what suits you. You must learn to be objective. Future replies won't be answered. Happy gaming that's why I bought CM.
  17. Unless you sit behind my computer you don't have an idea of what my experience is. It runs smooth enough and I don't have a problem. I am just not into modding. I play on the highest graphical setting just because I can, and it is there. Just last night's screenshot.
  18. Wish you all the best with modding, I am happy with my settings. I don't play CM because of the graphics.
  19. During Set-Up use METTT-C. Buron the Main event. The METTT-C favors the Germans. The C stands for Civilians they have all the cover and concealment. My key weapons are the artillery and HMG's. The trick with HMG's are in this case to deliver effective plunging fire. That's in this case make life impossible for the Germans just behind the hedges. The 3 TTT's stand for Troops at hand, Terrain, Time. Time and Terrain is on the side of the Germans I must use my troops to make METTT-C work in my favor. The attacker must apply all his resources in concert. Plotting the 'Heavy Weapons' HMG's are the hardest but once in place the Vickers is better than the MG42. Plotting the Vickers HMG Tip se the HMG's in concert with mortars the HMG HQ can plot indirect fire. Use Camera Position 1 to confirm where your HMG will strike.
  20. Enhancement means to improve. Best means to the highest degree. If you don't like the graphics, it means modding is for you. I find it a solution to a non-existing problem. If it says 'Best' it means applied to the highest degree.
  21. Just downloaded it from Steam it is free and looks OK. Is it useful to create CM scenarios? It would be great if CM would have something like this.
  22. Sorry to be off topic again. I though the discussion was about graphics.
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