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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. How do you blow up bridges in game? Otherwise I would like to see it in the new Engine 5.
  2. @AngrySwan I experienced the same but not as bad. Before I play the game I restart my computer. I read somewhere that just shutting down the computer and start up again is not doing the same. I also check for updates manually more often. For two days now I have not experienced crash to desktop.
  3. Great tip, I am not great following YT videos on the subject. I look for good quality PDF instructions and feel BF falls short compared of how to play the game.
  4. There is enough material there to fill a conference. "Why People Do Things" Kept you busy during the pandemic.
  5. @Drifter Man did some interesting tests. The spotting ability of AFV's improve dramatically when a buttoned tank has passengers. Passengers on a unbuttoned tank don't appear to have an influence. My own games I tend to have a scouting unit on the engine deck.
  6. Ok I say something very serious: Patton Movie I was off topic and better to stay on topic the M60 made its debut but I could be wrong or it could have been the M48 with the new cupola. We were not nitpicking in those days. M60 almost looked like a Pzr IV it had tracks and return idlers what else do they want? Left or right on which cheek do I press my tongue?
  7. M47 looked good in the Battle of the Bulge the Chaffees brewed up right left and centre. No arguments please the movie was put together with military advisers.
  8. If you want your post to be noticed make a selection of the contributor's post you like to discuss. That way I get notified. Kind regards
  9. This guy has some good tutorials about editing. Just don't fall asleep/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHeG6E4ADDwXcB5RzkFSixA
  10. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Y5U7EYn4HO9dCSJsQH0Pg
  11. Just subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9egpHJiRis89uHkeyJiEug
  12. Read the Game Engine 4 manual and do some tests. On the higher settings units appear as generic contacts but not as fully identified contacts. I never tested it as such but feel more effort is needed during the contact phase to generate contacts on the battle field. What I found is a big help replay the BN Devon Basic Training Tutorial on Iron and make one squad red and 2 squads blue. Hide your Red Force and see what it takes for Blue to spot them. You will see in the open to spot infantry inside a building on hide is impossible. Hiding infantry inside a building spots infantry in the open. Unit inside the farmhouse make full contact. The scouts and the squad don't make contact with units inside the building. They remember when blue force was still in their proximity. I found this a good way to test spotting in various situations.
  13. For spotting you also need to look at the experience of your units. Veterans for example spot better than a conscript. Combat stress levels also play a role. Infantry spot better than armor for example. Sometimes I think the game mechanics suck sometimes. Example a sniper unit spots a pillbox but the FO next to him ends up with a tentative contact only while both have binoculars and laser designator.
  14. Yes and on Iron you need to spot your own units too. It is the reason I play on Iron.
  15. I am interested in an improved version. So far it has dissuaded me to play PBEM. If other games become available do we need a Slitherene Account to make use of it?
  16. Also that they include every game. I hope it is not only for the Cold War fans.
  17. To avoid confusion I bought a Windows computer. I transferred all the files but upon launching there were no scenarios or campaigns. I just forgot what I did after some expletives but it involved the installer. Thanks for your attention.
  18. Mission: Understand the 'Mission'. Enemy: the V key to get the enemy's point of view. Troops: See which is + which is - they both have their uses. Support elements Artillery and Armour. Veteran and above I think spot better. Terrain: Check eye level where the dead ground is. The less obvious the better. Walls, trees. bushes , buildings is what the enemy is using as references. Time: Use it properly or you lose it. Civilians: Find military targets. It pays to use your ammunition where you have not only full icon contact but fresh tentative contacts too.
  19. Check the tile it is on. This needs to be tested or the tree is the culprit or the tile. I find infantry scouts spot AFV's and the like but not other infantry. I think this sucks, an 81 mm mortar should go through rooftiles and explode inside a building.
  20. Here is my public apology for doubting your integrity. As a scenario designer I always admired your contributions. I fully understand if you choose not to accept my apology. Regards  

    1. Sgt.Squarehead
    2. Combatintman


      Accepted - thanks.

    3. chuckdyke


      Thank you. from now on I only discuss combat mission. Kind regards

  21. It has to do with beekeeping if you find the translation. Joking apart. I have a little book called Infantry Training. Chapter IV section 19 General. Battles are won by the successful cooperation of all arms. Armour and artillery can't seize and hold ground, but depend on infantry to do so. Infantry will often be unable to reach is objectives without assistance from artillery, armor or engineers. It is the basic rule I use.
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