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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. The best defense of a jeep is its speed. I put the HQ in the radio jeep and the less stellar of his scouts in the halftrack. His task was finding a good spot for the green FO who comes later as reinforcement (on the far left). The two jeeps driving fast (hunting is too slow). Towards the touch objectives you plotted an arty mission on. In my case they received contacts (the two jeeps found shelter in the shrub on the far right) the HQ adjusted fire of the 105mm on the area of the new contacts. Tip artillery is the key to win this mission, call for light and make your mission long. That way you can exploit targets of opportunity. The infantry, one platoon engaged the enemy contacts (Make sure you do this once the 105's drop on their positions. One platoon advances to the touch objective. The way I tackled it, route to the main objective is via the touch objectives. My armor beat the enemy armor with no problem if you use the formula attack any German AFV with a platoon of allied armor. Never ever duel let them react on a 75 mm Sherman the 76mm Sherman will knock it out. As it is an attack attrition is the way to victory by using combined arms. You have 81 mm halftracks 60 mm mortars with two 105mm priests. Experience is the best teacher. Knowing when to lift a barrage to permit your infantry to close in for an assault. Use the 105 mm Sherman as a fireman if you don't get fire superiority with your infantry. There is some risk of bogging on the right.
  2. Stick to the game and leave personal life's experiences out of it. By definition they are off topic. I was working in health care for more than 25 years that doesn't mean I am more qualified when I comment on buddy aid. There is never a shred of evidence of what a person claims to be on the internet one way or the other as far as the game goes it is irrelevant. Out of real life I do my research and see what is published on a subject. I respect the man in regards of his contributions to designing scenarios. I am not interested in the fact he was a member of the British Army. TBH I get slightly irked by people who find it necessary to quote their past positions. Find a publication and use that as a reference instead. That is what you do when you want to publish something. Myself right now I am a 72 year old pensioner with too much time on his hands. Stuck in Western Australia and not allowed to travel.
  3. The way I dealt with it was as follows. *****Spoilers***** On the left was the approach route for the armor with some infantry to aid spotters. Main infantry pushed on the right. You start with scouts they scouted both approach routes. One Priest with a 105mm is available I called a mission on the three touch objectives. If the scouts HQ encounters contacts he can adjust his delayed fire mission on any target of opportunity. Watch the experience of the spotter who arrives later in the game (he is green). Assign to him the KT on the back. Don't be in a hurry to commit your artillery too soon you need to watch your armor's HE. Happy gaming. PS Take note of your warning orders in the briefing.
  4. Thank you for this suggestion. You can say what you like about me but leave the country where I live alone. The issue was the Australian Army was not capable of Urban Operations. By 1966, when Australian troops moved into Phuoc Tuy Province, the area was controlled by the Viet Cong. The Australians' role involved setting up check points, clearing villages and controlling the transport of food, weapons and medical support to Viet Cong forces as well as their involvement in patrols and combat operations. In the game I take issue of the amount of fire required by a tank to clear a house. (Test it for yourself). During the assault of Binh Ba fortified houses were dealt with firing 2 shots by the 20 pounder tank-gun(equal to the US 90mm) one HE and one Cannister which was sufficient for a squad to secure the building. Happy gaming as I leave this forum with its established pecking order alone for a while. I respect the man and you as a scenario designer but that is where it stops. Customers just can't criticize some aspects of the game. It degenerates to rubbish you personally and the place you live.
  5. Home | Australian War Memorial (awm.gov.au) Right now whatever the US is involved in Australia is too. Goes back to WW1. During WW2 the alliance shifted more to the US under the Labor Prime Minister John Curtin. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were the wars Australia played a supporting of the US. At present relations are at a low with China. During the Vietnam war this country lost 500 men. Long Tan and Binh Ba were major engagements not skirmishes. Not my words but from the Australian historical archives. I take issue if people belittle the army of the country in which I live. Some joker expect me to apologize I rather uninstall my games and be banned before I do that. Other campaigns since WW2 were the Malayan emergency and United Nation missions like in East Timor.
  6. It shouldn't be ridiculous. I think the combat stress level should go back to OK if you treated a wounded successfully.
  7. If I understand everything correctly for H&H we don't have to worry about triggers we may get rid off. I was thinking to modify counter attack at Son in Battle for Normandy. The example is the little footbridge which may very well be a trigger. In that area of the Netherlands the Dommel River is no deeper than 1.5 meters so easily to cross by infantry but not by armor. Substitute the footbridge for a deep-wading crossing should be OK? I found the footbridge a little buggy some infantry just wouldn't cross it. Modify the map change the name and save it in the QB folder. Also I don't like too many units on the map just let them arrive gradually as reinforcements.
  8. The way it started was I showed how house clearing was performed in real life. HE through the wall followed by cannister then a fireteam of three men enters the building. Some character here found it necessary to rubbish the real life units involved. Quoted his affiliation with the Returned Servicemen League. Say no more that organization refused membership of returning units at the time because Vietnam Vets had not been involved with a real war. That was lifted 20 years later. People who still have that attitude of twenty years ago there is only one thing to do for me let them know my disgust and contempt. About me you can say whatever you like don't rubbish people who can't answer from behind your keyboard.
  9. Yep must be the only Covid free area on the globe. But I am not trusting it will stay that way. Worldwide there is another virus it attacks the common sense of the world population. They call the local government commos and God knows what. Our premier was a medico in the Navy and it shows.
  10. Highland Games first mission. I posted the 'Checkpoint' as a bug when the game concluded the Syrians were still in the surrender position but I was not awarded the objective. Even though all Syrians surrendered on the end of the game. Now I realize that according the AI the Checkpoint was still contested. Better in CM 1 you could order the surrendering units to your rear.
  11. On the internet you can be anything and claim to be anything. Better I stop playing this game. It has stopped to be some fun. The reason I came on this forum. The fact he insulted dead veterans says enough about him. Something a poser would do. I don't say he is.
  12. What other people think of me is none of my business. Once I am finished with somebody I am finished. Mister editor and tester feels free to insult anybody he likes anybody else gets banned. BF really knows how to keep its customers.
  13. I found that it is a give away that enemy units are still in proximity. Some scenario designers may use it to lure and trap your units by entering inside a building to be shot to pieces. One of the reasons I stopped playing SF2 think it is gamey and pathetic. Once you know it you play surrendering forces not what I call fun.
  14. If you downloaded the last version of Red Thunder you see the F&R scenarios greyed out. You can activate the scenarios by entering the F&R key you need to purchase. I understand the game comes in one bundle now.
  15. I am not here to sit by idly when people rubbish the Australian armed services. Testers and editors here think they are a law upon themselves. For me he is just somebody to be ignored. I look at my games and when he had something to do with it I won't play it.
  16. I don't think this is realistic. Yes during the game, the game reports the location of the damage. You can also see in the command panel where your vehicle is damaged.
  17. Did you use the 'Installer? I just downloaded the files to my new computer and upon launch exactly the same thing happened some months ago. I fixed it by using the installer. If I remember I correctly the key-number also had to be entered again.
  18. Inside a minute he can cross the average map to deliver messages. The MG is just for fun.
  19. The most ridiculous statement I have seen here ever. Just tell that in an RSL Club here. One thing to do with a keyboard warrior like you ignore.
  20. Here is something for house fighting and the difficulty of maintaining command and control during MOUT operations.
  21. Abandoned AT guns are deemed to be disabled. There should be a split up option for the unit.
  22. I have Windows and I don't have it either. I don't like to do business with Steam which maybe the reason.
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