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Everything posted by chuckdyke

  1. German boilermaker apprentice and his teacher on his knees examines his first creation up to the window. See or everything is done to his required standards. If he sees one ray of sunlight his glasses slide to the tip of his nose and his eyes glares deep into the soul of his apprentice. These people are incapable of mass production by their very nature.
  2. Looking at my military map generator there is enough stuff to make some games.
  3. One way point instead of multiple. You stick with your method and I stick with mine.
  4. Uranium depleted sabot on a lovely green tree. Another argument for the green movement.
  5. True it was hard for a 75 mm to knock a Panther tank out. The King Tiger a very good tank but not very reliable.
  6. Quick works the best with the tank on hunt. If you want the infantry to lead you move the tank on slow. You can always pause. Play with it experience is the best practice.
  7. Kesselslacht Cauldron Battle. On smaller scale works very good in combat mission. Surround the objective is the name of the game.
  8. I understand what the grunt sees on the ground the VUDT sees it inside the IFV. With the fast firing mini cannon it is a different ball game. With a build in GPS and Robotics it can do anything at lightning speed. I can only guess the possibilities with modern computers.
  9. Here is the website with some useful books. Just by a quick search they came up with this one. No hassles. PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free.
  10. It belongs to the Panther Tank family. Same with the Stug III from the Panzer III, Stug IV from the Panzer IV. 5 good capable systems enough in my book. One type belonged to the artillery but really they always integrated well.
  11. I don't think that Soviet Armoured Infantry stayed on their tanks till shot to pieces as some robotic zombies. I made some movements so they keep their formations with their armor. Give them a move order so that they embark their tank but give the tank a move order first. . They will on foot follow the tank till the tank's last waypoint. The engine generates automatically an extra waypoint so that the unit will embark the tank. If you don't want the unit to embark just backspace the last waypoint. The unit will take position near the tank. Cons The Soviet Desant Infantry keeps formation with the their tank, C2 when embarked they have access to the radio (Superior C2) Not as vulnerable getting from A to B.
  12. Anything they couldn't mass produce. That leaves us with only the Panther of which they could have made a heavier version like they did on the allied side with the Jumbo Sherman.
  13. Yes the odds are definitely against you when coming face to face against the AI or TacAI. My very first experience was in Battle for Normandy a Mark IV against an M8 Scout Car! Made me wonder why the Americans made the M4 Shermans? Back to the days of Beyond Overlord Stuarts could knock out a King Tiger tank. Things are improving lol
  14. There could be a mathematical model which calculates the likelihood to be spotted. Already in an elevated position and we don't know how many units spotted the commander.
  15. West Australia is still isolated from the rest of the World. May make an entry in the Guinnes Book of Records. 730 days playing Combat Mission.
  16. If the British Army had been in Bastogne. We would visit now the 'Bugger Off' museum.
  17. Thanks, I won't even let a Sherman or for that matter any tank cross a danger zone with mounted infantry, let alone a truck with a squad of mounted infantrymen. If you let them dismount and then give them mount order they will remount the transport later at the last waypoint. The Shermans in this case where it is save. At least if they get shot at now not all of them get killed.
  18. That is dedication and you do all of us a tremendous service.
  19. I like a dedicated Signal Unit in the game. Who can extend the range of horizontal communication between HQ units. To have an Infantry Battalion HQ who is required to be inside four action squares or closer to be able to communicate with the armoured battalion is a tat ridiculous especially in the modern games. In modern warfare with the unconventionals they can establish by some whizzkid communication between units or the Syrian units who lack communications all together.
  20. At least the T34/76 early models give the commander's chest good protection.
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