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Everything posted by Artkin

  1. I feel like this would only supplement current AA tech considering its only a direct LOS weapon.
  2. With the scarcity of modern FLIR systems on Russian tanks, I highly doubt they will even see their enemy before being knocked out. Of course I speak for the many tanks which have been left in storage. Thermal scopes have dramatically altered warfare.
  3. The training is only an introduction to the hardships soldiers face. Glad it's fixed.
  4. Perhaps you missed an update? Never had issues with my CM games.
  5. I think what we're interested in is a dynamic fit - weakened - and unfit system which would dynamically change in real time.
  6. Drugs... Germans... lol. I'm unsure about modeling fatigue through restlessness. However, physical fatigue would be a very desirable feature. Granted it sounds difficult to implement due to various reasons. Still, it would help distinguish Battlefront as a "sim" as opposed to other games.
  7. I don't understand the childish downplaying. What is the purpose of this comment? And this? I think you have a great point John. A fatigue feature which affects more than just running speed would come with a very welcome yet drastic change in gameplay.
  8. I used a company of T90AM, and 6 x 2 203mm on maximum duration to attack the large train bridge on the huge dam map. After many, many successful 203mm hits and after exhausting the ammunition of my ten tanks, I was unable to kill the bridge. Can anybody shed some light on this?
  9. Spill the beans! Battlefront's wallet hunger!
  10. That second picture is fantastic Rinaldi. It captures a part of CM we barely see.
  11. No worries. I have a copy of Jane's armor identification guide. Although concise, it does the job!
  12. Thats a beautiful ol' challenger 2. You can tell by its lovely skirt, and rifled gun (Easy to distinguish with the thermal sleeve on the cannon)!
  13. Woops. I'm still young. Not sure why I'm a senior member compared to some dinosaurs on here. I have a lot to learn. LOL
  14. A morass is an understatement. It's a complete mess and I'm clueless to why everyone's throwing their hand in.
  15. I actually just grabbed a copy of SPMBT last month. Fantastic games. It's been a long way since the pentium days!
  16. Lmao if thats true. Of course a few gunships would ruin your day. Funny read nonetheless.
  17. Instructive in what sense? Rolling T72B3 platoons to their death?
  18. Very interesting. Luckily I have free printing here at school.
  19. ***Edited to prevent contributing to the death of another thread***
  20. A very expensive field to cross for sure.
  21. It's pretty ridiculous how often the forum has to be regulated nowadays. It's nearly March... SF2 time !
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