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Everything posted by user1000

  1. Well. Mr Faulkner missed, and you know what happened after that..
  2. Guys tracers would be every other shot or every couple of shots at least, these are not tracers. Regular shells. I think they did it so you can see where shots are coming from, in a game aspect
  3. I'm sorry but I agree with OP. It's a HEAT weapon and the soldier hits the other soldier like it's laser designated. HEAT not HE. Extremely low kill rating if it lands near you, same with panzershrek. molten metal stream / concussion vs explode on impact like HE does. Plus to hit anything moving at that range let alone a tank would be extremely difficult with this weapon.
  4. If the shells are not on the map already, you can of course make your own craters, using a big HE gun on your side to do it.
  5. Troops won't always use a shell hole for cover, but you can make them. Move your troop over a shell hole with any move commands. When they are inside it hit backspace. This cancels the move command and forces them to stop inside the shell. From there you can deploy your weapons with some pretty nice cover. It works great for small teams of men, all sorts of MG teams, mortars, snipers, AT teams or small teams that you have split like scouts.
  6. Imagine being the guy, someone behind front lines who has to answer all the calls from the troops in the field. How would they have to order it so everyone gets their turn at having support? Was it total chaos? Interesting, so many thing it could be. A.) Maybe the spotter can't see the through the fog to tell where the spotting round is but can just hear the explosion? Why would you risk the lives of your troops doing this? Maybe going slower instead of immediate in bad weather? C.)Sometimes I notice if there is more than 1 barrage going on the spotter can't distinguish the spotting round he called in from someone else strike. (too much going on) B.) It could have been an enemy ai strike on me, which i doubt since I was in fox holes. C.) This is out there, but if the artillery firing is getting calls from other off map troops for support (if this is in the game even) depending on if they can only fire at one target at a time. If it was a shared communication I can see how the firing could get thrown way off and mistakes can be made.
  7. On a foggy or misty day, while calling in an 81mm mortar barrage on enemy troops under some trees. I had a green area marked ahead of me for a barrage, a couple of spotting rounds are way off and finally 1 lands so far off, that he likes (WAY BEHIND WHERE IT IS SUPPOSE TO LAND) he radio okays it in. The barrage resulted in taking 12 friendly soldiers KIA because mortars landed right on top of the spotter just about. So why did he ok the spotting round behind him as an on target for the rest of the barrage intended for the area in front of him? Also spotting round he ok'd and where the barrage took place was way off.
  8. Is it me or does anyone notice the new camera view where you hold the mouse down and float around the screen when game is paused? Don't remember that in 3.12. Just noticed works in live game too.
  9. big ups to battlefront on the 4.0, I think this was the best patch!
  10. I also noticed low skill troops have a better chance vs command troops in a firefight. command troops would always win it in the past.
  11. To start off with I do not have fin blitzkrieg yet. I was skeptical at upgrading my 3.12 install to 4.0, after having troubles with quick battles for almost a year For CMBN I have all the modules and the one that fixed the problem, which fixed the qb crashes but still left out m8 scott was getting the vehicle pack. After receiving all modules now for CMBN I have updated to 4.0. Right off the bat I noticed new things added to quick battle screen I have had no crashes so far with quick battles all vehicles seem to be there to choose from, including my m8 and priests. Various other bug fixes did happen. So what did I notice? 4.0 of CMBN now has some stuff that is also in final blitzkrieg such as tracers and ui ground conditions! The first things I noticed was a huge improvement on vehicle and troop ai, troops can go through heavy brush etc. Tanks can find better way to a spot with the movement command including going through brush. I also noticed to fire and tracer graphics. machine gunners in the hull of tanks (radio men) now fire more often it seems. Seems like trees stop HE more. Did I notice any bugs still? I did officially report (even provided screenshot) the sherman m4a3 105mm early bug when in open up command sticks out too far and it is still there. As far as I can tell this is a pretty solid game now.
  12. Interesting. I wonder if Germans were shooting smoke shells at them to exploit open tops?
  13. Found an article about m-36s armored tops being used as a field modification This is from the US 628th Tank destroyer history Enemy artillery employment in the Hurtgen-Bergstein area was the heaviest encountered. The artillery fire was such as to confine tank crews to their tanks for hours at a time and air bursts and shrapnel caused many casualties to the men in the open M-36 turrets. One Co. "C" M-36 hit a mine in the vicinity of Bergstein, on 6 Dec. 1944 and the crew climbed into another M-36 for protection. Shortly afterwards, however this other M-36 Glider Landing Field, East Of Wessel with both crews aboard received a direct hit in the open turret with a white phosphorous shell. As the result of this experience, plans were immediately started to build an armored turret top for all T. D. vehicle. This modification for all M36 Tank Destroyer vehicles was finally completed in January, 1945, and proved invaluable in combat on a number of subsequent occasions. At one time Company "C' had only one M-36 out of twelve operational either due to being destroyed, knocked out by mines, or lacking crews. However, largely because of the untiring and aggresive efforts of the men in the Company, and the efforts of the Company and Battalion Motor Maintenance crew, recovery and repairs were completed so that seven M-36's were operational the next day.
  14. So if they did fix it, why was it not mentioned in the fixes readme, that makes no sense. What happens if a purchase 4.0 without the vehicle pack? It's the only module I don't have for cmbn
  15. I don't have it, waiting for someone to test it.
  16. LOL. The reproduction of the hard game crash when using us armor in quick battles, has been discussed by many people including myself, for almost a year now.
  17. anyone know if 4.0 fixed the us armor quick battle crashing bug?
  18. yes please someone address on said fixed bugs
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