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Everything posted by sttp

  1. CMFB is awesome so far. Great job BFC. I just used the scenario editor to go through a bunch of the master maps, and... whoa, they are stunning! Tons of potential there for 3rd party scenario designers.
  2. I'm pretty sure that whether trees are toggled on or off won't make a difference, since it's only the tree visual model that's being turned off with the ALT-T shortcut. For lines of sight, lines of fire, etc., I believe the code always considers them to be "on."
  3. The ban is totally justified. Thank you. Seems like waclaw is always just instigating, so he had this coming for a long time. I couldn't have been as patient with him as Steve has been, that's for sure. So now we can get the thread onto a positive (or at least not-too-negative) track again. Hope to see CMFB soon. Or at least the demo. The maps look amazing!
  4. I'm gonna be bold here and guess that we'll all be finally playing CMFB by late next week. So put me down for having guessed March 25th. (What's the prize for the person who comes closest?!) I could be WAY off, though, as it's my first time here on the forums during a major title release. I'm just sensing that they really want to get this product out the door ASAP. Probably all just wishful thinking on my part. Can't wait to get my hands on Final Blitzkrieg, as the new maps look incredible!
  5. Just so that people know, it is working for some. I checked out just fine about an hour ago. I was using Chrome, and didn't have to clear the cache or anything (even though I had been checking the store for the past few days). So maybe try Chrome? Not sure.
  6. Yep, nothing new in the store, not even a pre-order option as far as I can tell. That's too bad. Still, as much as I feel sorry for us for not getting to finally play CMFB(!!), I'm feeling really bad for Battlefront themselves. All these technical issues, preventing them from releasing a major product that's been ready for almost two months... holy crap that's got to be so incredibly frustrating for them.
  7. Hi everybody. Just wondering if anybody knows the name of the wav file that controls the tank hull MG sound? I mean the the co-driver's MG, not the coaxial. I've tried to isolate and mod this sound, but none of the dozen or so files I've touched seem to actually work to change it. Not sure what's going on, as I've successfully modified so many other sounds. Hopefully I'm missing something really simple. I've been shutting down and restarting the game between each sound test (though, AFAIK, simply reloading the save game should suffice), and my 'z' subfolder is otherwise pretty clean, so... I don't think either of those is the issue? In fact, after unpacking all the default .brz files, I don't even hear a wav file which sounds quite like what I'm hearing from the gun in-game. I don't think it's relevant, but just in case... I'm speaking specifically of the British Shermans in the "Keep of Majella" scenario, from Gustav Line. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
  8. My load time issues went away when I switched from an ATI video card to an Nvidia. Load times had been 3, sometimes 4 minutes for big scenarios, but they're now under one minute 98% of the time. My two video cards' specs were similar. Other people here have mentioned having similar results. I'm not sure why it is the way it is, and I otherwise have no real preference re: ATI vs NVidia, but I think the issue here may have something to do with ATI's shaders.
  9. I'd like to add yet another "thanks" to JonS and to Battlefront. This new Battle Pack seems to have lots of great scenarios in it, and at $10... wow, what a bargain! Hope to see more official Battle Packs in the future.
  10. This doesn't make sense, from a mathematical/statistical point of view. I, like many others here, go over each replay with a very fine-toothed comb, and if something of mine is taking fire, I can almost always get a pretty good idea of where that fire is coming from. And in the several hundred hours of gameplay under my belt, I've never seen a spotting incident quite like this. Plus there are MANY people here with thousands of hours of experience, several of whom have no trouble telling BFC where they think improvement is needed, and these people are also telling you they've never seen anything like this... yet you insist on painting your situation as the norm? Seems kinda off to me. Honestly, and this is not meant as an insult, but it sounds like you've either not played the game much, or else haven't RTFM'd it? That may explain the "something seems off" feeling you say is persistent for you. I do understand your frustration, since we've all had our moments of LoS/LoF-inspired rage, but your incident is definitely an outlier. Frustrating, sure, but very, very rare.
  11. Might I humbly request that you also post the video to YouTube so that those of us who can't tune in 'live' can watch it later? It just seems like Twitch often doesn't keep the videos there for very long. Really looking forward to seeing CMFB in action! Thanks.
  12. I thoroughly enjoyed this DAR, Baneman. Thanks for all the work you put into it, and congratulations on the victory.
  13. Thanks for the very informative DAR, Bil. Your approach and methods of planning gave me lots to think about. I think we all learn quite a bit from these... and of course they make people anticipate the upcoming title even more. As to the details of the battle itself, it seemed like it could've gone either way up to just a couple of turns before the cease fire. I guess there's never any escape from the "fortunes of war."
  14. I'll second what Cobetco said: imgur.com. This kind of situation is basically the reason the site was created in the first place (initially for reddit users, IIRC). I always enjoy seeing CMx2 animated gif's, so thanks.
  15. Uh... I'm not seeing how the Battle Pack can be considered a "community made mod"?? A member of the community is the one who made the product's scenarios, yes, but I think that's true of most maps in any of the CMx2 titles. If you take a look at the Designer's Notes in the various missions, you'll see that those missions are often made by community members who are also doubling as beta testers, researchers, and scenario authors. So I think that the Battle Pack's status as an "official" BFC product simply means that its campaign and scenarios have passed through the proper channels and meet the same high standards as those found in the other titles. Looking at it that way, $10 is a bargain, at least in my opinion. I plan to snatch it up the first day it's offered.
  16. 1) For some reason that just doesn't sound correct to me? If it were just a matter of the game engine being "poorly optimized," wouldn't it be "poorly optimized" for everyone? 2) The OP said "the game runs fluently with over 30 FPS and I still get a major input lag." So you and the OP are talking about different issues, apparently. I haven't heard many people complain about framerates in general, so it's probably something with your system.
  17. Thank you. What a nice little gift from BFC. And Merry Christmas to everybody.
  18. I think you're fine, Repsol. I'll admit, my eyes did get big a couple of times while reading your reply in the main thread, but you're covered. It's fine, IMO. Baneman's post from yesterday afternoon makes it apparent that he is indeed aware of 5 pieces of heavy armor up ahead.
  19. Whoa.... That is quite possibly the "prettiest" CMx2 screenshot I've ever seen. I can almost see those Budweiser Christmastime Clydesdales up in front of Bil's jeep.... Minus the icons and the red text, it could indeed be a postcard to any gamer!
  20. Wow, you're right.. With all the talk of "Big Kitty" and the two Panthers, !, for one, had completely forgotten about that AA halftrack. And those things can put a real hurtin' on some of the lighter armor. I guess I'll have to go back over Baneman's thread to see what his approach is with that thing. In general, seems like Baneman is in good shape. Just hope he doesn't get too impatient... and hence careless. (I do that all the time.) One of my concerns for him has always been the lack of shreks & fausts in his infantry units. (I think he only has two?) Sure, with as much infantry as he has, some of 'em will be able to flow through any small cracks in the defense, but... if those troops can't take out any of Bill's armor "by hand," from the flanks, it seems like their movement across the map will still be very, very restricted. And Bil still has, what, TEN big guns left? Should be very interesting!!
  21. Wow. People are viewing this thread as just a couple of paying customers asking for more features? What I'm seeing from those two borders on outright misrepresentation of what's in this particular game, and what improvements have been made to the engine and to other games in the past. These 2 gentlemen should be extremely thankful, in my opinion, that they're even allowed to still post here. They're now outright lying about the company's products, on that company's own forums. This can't possibly end well....
  22. Couldn't agree more. Have you seen some of these new CMFB maps? Gorgeous. That steady, incremental improvement in map quality from title to title is not something a company could put on the box as a "new feature," but it's there. A very real improvement, that has very many man-hours behind it. Plus, we get streams... a new and different type of battle environment... in a historical context that has always excited many customers... lots of new vehicles... lots of new formations... and more. Anyone who posts here has significant interest in the CMx2 games, obviously, and has probably spent more hours than he'd care to admit inside of BFC's battlefields. I know I have. A quick, back-of-napkin calculation shows me that I've paid maybe a nickel per hour to play these 3 titles plus their modules. What else can a person do for a nickel an hour? For what these games cost, is it not an absolute bargain for most anyone who'd even care enough to spend time around here? Many people don't agree with that type of analysis, but... I guess we'll all vote with our wallets?
  23. Exactly. Also, the fact that it's "typical in computer gaming land" does not mean that the customer is somehow victim to a bunch of greedy developers just trying to make a fast buck. I have no doubt that, no matter how much we want this game to improve, the guys behind these titles want that even more. I can't imagine that software developers would even come together to produce such a niche game unless their hearts were truly in it. I used to develop commercial software, and am now remembering why I had to quit doing that. Seemed like it was never enough for the customers, no matter what we did. So incredibly deflating. Especially when the criticisms were right before release, after we'd just spent months working our asses off. I guess that many people just don't realize how much work goes into software improvements that many customers may only view as "little things."
  24. Even the jump up from version 2 to version 3 wasn't that long ago, right? A little over a year? BFC has done engine upgrades and tweaking outside of major game releases, and then applied those upgrades back to games that had been released several years prior. So, maybe a little unfair to knock them for not doing enough? What new nationality would people expect them to include in a new base game? The Romanians? The French? (A new game called "Battle of France, 1940" doesn't seem like it'd be that appealing....) As to sound, I'm pretty sure there are tons of sound mods floating around out there? I, personally, wouldn't expect those to be revised until the next generation of games. I'm certainly not bashing the OP or anyone else here. They're just giving their opinions, I know, which is fair enough. So I'm simply offering one more. I don't mean this in a sarcastic way, at all, but maybe the thing for people to do is vote with their wallets?
  25. Seems like it'll be a very interesting DAR. I'm looking forward to it.
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