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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Yes, with Jimmy Rushing on vocals. I use it in one of my CM Period Music mods.
  2. You can imagine what would have happened if they'd caught Jack the Ripper. "I didn't mean to go into the East End and kill those women your honour. But, London Bridge was bugged, and I just lost it." Exits stage right, tongue in cheek, and humming The Count's version of "London Bridge is falling down".
  3. I've done Jury Service a couple of times in my life. And that has to be the best line of defence I've ever heard. "Your honour, I had no intention of plugging Forgetfully Hopeless in my CM videos ad nauseum, but their bridge bug forced me to do it, even in the missions where there weren't any bridges".
  4. "Scout by Rout" ... Great phrase. And another brilliant episode for us to enjoy.
  5. I expect that John will find it for himself eventually, and hopefully put us out of our misery.
  6. "And now on Radio Four, it's time for Book of the Week"
  7. Given the fact that I'm pretty rubbish at the game, I'm quite happy at the moment replaying old RT campaigns on Engine 3 whilst waiting for a final fix to the bocage gap problem before heading off back to Normandy.
  8. No, I don't think Elvis or anyone else has you marked down as a "hater".
  9. Sorry dan, no I got the Witchfinder thing from a boring old history book about mad puritans who believed in a warped kind of political correctness. In fact I can't walk past a branch of Watchfinder UK without taking the piss out of their TV ad, and saying. "Witchfinder General, murdering innocent women since the 1640's" As for Neil Gaiman I only really know about the brilliant BBC series "Neverwhere".
  10. Do you mean I look that duke from Ghent? I hope not, I hate the monarchy. Although it is a lovely city to drink in. But to answer your question, no I've not been on a diet, I have used this picture of Ollie's dug up head a couple of times before. But, recently some idiots told me how much they hate my content on this forum, so I thought that seeing me dead might make their day.
  11. I tend to just let my troops get on with it themselves. They know what they are doing with their weapons better than I do.
  12. Are you sure about that? I seem to remember that you made an entire series of CM videos where you hurled expletives at both the scenario designers, and BFC. And then adding insult to injury you plugged another game ad nauseum.
  13. I've noticed the behaviour you describe across both allied and axis forces in Final Blitzkrieg, so it is not confined to the Russians I certainly didn't notice the problem of a team, or individuals staying outside of a building until the introduction of Engine 4. Some people had in the past complained about "squads" bunching, or moving in single file. So rather than splitting them into "teams" and avoiding the bunching themselves, they wanted the behaviour changed by BFC, or at least that is how I read it at the time, I maybe wrong on that score. I don't know if the hanging around outside of a building has been addressed in either patch 4.01 or 4.02 as I now confine myself to playing on engine 3.
  14. I was assuming that John was referring to Normandy, and a County regiment. Although you're right SAS is only one syllable.
  15. Me too. Although being a dead puritan I'm not the best judge of humour.
  16. That could open a whole new can of worms. As Martin Luther almost said.
  17. I've just fired up "Meijel Mayhem" to have a look. When the reinforcements show up in one platoon all three squads have only one MG. Whilst in the second platoon two squads are as per yours, whilst the third has both of it's MGs. Whether that is an accurate reflection of how things were in the autumn and winter of 44/45 I don't know. But, at least you know it isn't anything to do with your copy of the game
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