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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Is an "information blackout" what Steve and the boys in the band would call a "vacation"?
  2. I remember seeing "Die Brucke" on Aunty when I was quite young, so maybe the late 70's. It made a strong impression at the time. I'd love to see it again.
  3. Does he make vids? Is the Pope a Catholic? Joking aside, our colonial friend's output is probably the best if you want a great balance of action, and informative commentary.
  4. Don't worry most people up here have trouble with continental places names too. And I'm really enjoying your Aachen series at the mo.
  5. If I wanna watch tank battles, I'll watch the "Gog and Magog" or "Colossal Crack" videos made by that bloke from our Penal Colony down in the Antipodes. Now what was his name?
  6. It is hard to judge by just a trailer. But, it does have the air of a whitewash written all over it. And I can imagine the neo-morons queuing around the block to watch it. Even if serious movie journalists tear it to shreds. I'm also baffled as to why anyone would post it on on this thread, as it has nowt to do with BFC or it's games.
  7. I've been following this series. Overall, it is pretty good. A nice blend of overview and close-up camera work. And for the most part the commentary gives the viewer a good idea of the player's tactics. On the downside, some episodes are blighted by childish expletives.
  8. I have to say that I don't recall seeing a Panzerfaust being used against infantry in the time that I've been playing the game. But, I have to agree with womble, they way Rifle Grenades get wasted is a tad annoying to put it mildly in case any younger forum members are reading this. They rarely seem to hit anything, either falling well short, or flying over the top of any enemy troops. Having said that, I do think that the erratic behaviour of our men gives the game a human touch.
  9. Sometimes I can't help but think that Bullet's men do things just to piss him off. He does seem to cop more than his fair share of erratic behaviour.
  10. One of the beauties of CMx2 is that we all have our own favourites. Personally I didn't particularly enjoy Fortress Italy. But that is because I'm even worse fighting my way up a mountain, than I am on the flat, NOT due to any fault of the game itself.
  11. Is there any chance that you could edit the title of this thread. Do we really want our troops dressed as female pigs? I know that you people down in the antipodean colonies are a bit strange. But surely, not that strange!
  12. @ ironcross13 .. It is always good to have new fans of the game. Especially ones who contribute to the forum like yourself. As a new player one of the best ways to learn more about the way it makes use of realistic tactics is to check out the "Armchair General" videos on youtube if you haven't already seen them. There are also a lot of good videos that are specific to Red Thunder itself on there.
  13. @ Pchandler43 ... Hey! How come your version of the game has got Bob the Builder in it, and mine hasn't? I'm going to write a stiff letter of complaint.
  14. OK, If you're new my apologies I should have said "Welcome aboard". Because BFC are a small company catering to a limited sized market they don't release a set number of titles per year. And they don't tend to go in for releasing them for the Christmas market (or at any other specific time of the year) unlike some of the big boys. To the best of my knowledge there are plans to take the Eastern, Western and Italian Fronts up to the end of the war. Although no release date has been set as yet. And for some of us slower players there is more than enough content to keep us going for ages.
  15. I find your omission of my use of "(relatively)", whether deliberate or not, somewhat baffling. I think my views on the game's scale match those expressed by BFC on Page 16 of the Beyond Overlord manual. Where the difference between CM and previous "click fest" games is discussed. Therefore your assumption that I don't enjoy long, or larger battles is wide of the mark, as I regard all of them as being (relatively) small scale. In the meantime I stand by my comment that the game handles WW2 minefields accurately. As for CMBS, if I want to know how it handles minefields I will use the Black Sea Forum NOT the Final Blitzkrieg one
  16. Just to clarify.. It is Red Thunder not "Storm". As for time frame I go by the rule, "Whenever it arrives it will have been worth the wait."
  17. I have to agree with niall. CM, whether x1 or x2 has always been about (relatively) small scale engagements. The kind of massive minefields that required hours of detection and/or clearance is outside of it's remit. I think the way the game handles "nuisance value" small minefields is spot on. Our troops stumble into them, the sappers/engineers/pioneers "Mark" them, then we carefully move through them. Sounds spot on for WW2 small unit actions.
  18. Very good point from MikeyD. Some mods are "title specific" and will normally be indicated as such on CMMODS/greenasjade. You will even find mods that are Campaign specific. Really the best thing to do is to create folders on your comp for each title. In my case I have folders that I call ... CMBN Mod House, CMRT Mod House etc etc I download mods into these folders then pick the ones that are most suitable for a particular Battle or Campaign. Also,designers are now creating more "Mod tags" that work perfectly for the scenarios that they are posting for us to play. We all have our own favourites, it is just a question of trial and error to find the ones that suit you best.
  19. And it would be nice to think that some "Tommies" had 78's of the sides that he and The Hot Club had cut for Decca in London in 1938 and 1939.
  20. Some mods will work fine across the various titles. Mod's designers tend to put a comment in the description if a mod is suitable for more than one version of the game, it will quite often be the last line.
  21. Despite his popularity, Glenn couldn't really swing hard. I'd prefer to send my men into the Hurtgen and Ardenne with Basie's "Jumping at the Woodside" blaring from their radios.
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